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Codex Alimentarius Commission adopts guidance on managing low-level presence of biotech products to ensure food safety and minimize trade disruptions. Organic food companies strategize to promote non-GMO products. EU prohibits GE organisms in organic agriculture. USDA refines organic standards.
Codex Alimentarius Commission adopts guidance on low-level presence of products of biotechnology, recognizing that low-level presence will occur but can be managed to ensure food safety and minimize trade disruptions. SOURCE: http://www.codexalimentarius.net/download/report/698/al3101Ae_web.pdf
A consortium of U.S. organic food company players are developing a strategy to “get millions of people choosing non-GMO products then the food companies will see GM as a liability and remove them from their products” Jeffrey Smith, spokesperson for OCA SOURCE: http://uk.reuters.com/article/environmentNews/idUKN0750723920080307
Use of GE organisms in organic agriculture prohibited in EU Limit in organic products of 0.9% accidental presence of GE SOURCE: http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/07/807&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en
USDA refines “95% organic” to include 38 non-organic ingredients, like hops for organic beer and food coloring for organic macaroni and cheese SOURCE: Capital Press, June 15, 2007
USDA considering compensation for farmers impacted by gene flow from engineered crops SOURCE: “USDA weighs biotech compensation plan”, Capital Press, November November 17, 2011 http://www.capitalpress.com/content/mp-biotech-compensation-111811
“Oregon governor to propose legislation to facilitate coexistence” SOURCE: “Coexistence possible for all crops”, Capital Press, 2/2/15. http://www.capitalpress.com/Opinion/Editorials/20150116/coexistence-possible-for-all-crops