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The Self-Regulated Strategy Development PLAN WRITE Method to Teach Prewriting CI 804 Wichita State University May 3, 2012. By Terri Buchanan. Outline of Presentation -Literature Review -Research Question -Methodology -Pretest Essay -Posttest Essay -Results -Conclusions -Discussion
The Self-Regulated Strategy Development PLAN WRITE Method to Teach PrewritingCI 804 Wichita State UniversityMay 3, 2012 By Terri Buchanan
Outline of Presentation -Literature Review -Research Question -Methodology -Pretest Essay -Posttest Essay -Results -Conclusions -Discussion -References
Writing Proficiency -standardized testing show a need for writing instruction to be a priority -significant gaps between sub groups -racial groups -socio-economic groups -private/public schools -influx of immigrants in recent years and ELL students into the mainstream classrooms, teaching strategies must be altered to meet their needs -students expected to create complex writings Literature Review
Common Core Standards -students must be able to write across curriculum -research suggest that students and teachers benefit by writing in all content areas -it creates critical thinking -becomes self-learners -responsible for their own learning -make connections Literature Review
Process Writing -step-by-step process that is taught, places an emphasis on the recursive process used by master writers -students work through stages: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing -teachers become responsive to the students' needs during the process Literature Review
Background Music and Learning Disabilities -background music may be a strategy to help improve the writing ability of students with learning disabilities -students with learning disabilities are increasingly being served in the regular classroom, writing strategies that will accommodate and benefit all students must be used Literature Review
Summarizing -valuable lifetime writing skills -beneficial in all curricular areas -direct instruction model is effective -students being guided through each step, whole and small group-feedback is essential Literature Review
Concept Mapping -prewriting strategy to help improve writing -hand-drawn concept mapping -computer generated concept mapping -students feel more confidence in their writing -improves reading comprehension and summarization Literature Review
Self-Regulated Strategy Development -taught through explicit and recursive instruction -designed to help students master independent and higher level thinking -memorize mnemonic strategy during prewriting stage -background knowledge, discussion Literature Review
Research Question: Will using SRSD approach PLAN WRITE, along with teacher-led instruction , during prewriting improve overall quality of writing?
Methodology Participants -Suburban middle school English class -23 students -12 male, 11 female -83% caucasian, 17% minority -3 gifted IEP students, 3 ISIP students
Teaching Strategy Self-Regulated Strategy Development PLAN WRITE Prewriting Strategy
Pretest Expository Essay How Can Students Improve Their Grades and Give Reasons Explaining Why You Think These Actions are Important
Guidelines • Prewriting Strategies • -webbing, brainstorming, braindump • -Intro paragraph, 3 topic paragraphs with supporting details, closing paragraph • -Peer and teacher conferencing
Research Based Strategy Self-Regulated Strategy Development PLAN WRITE
Guidelines -Introduced Mnemonic PLAN WRITE and began memorizing -Discussed importance of prewriting and planning when writing -Discussed each step of mnemonic PLAN WRITE -Used practice prompt The Next Ten Years of My Life and began planning an essay together and modeled the PLAN WRITE method
Key Points Paragraphs: Topic Sentences and Supporting Details
Posttest Essay Prompt: Think About Things a True Friend Does and Give Reasons Explaining Why You Think These are Important.
Results: SRSD PLAN WRITE Method
Results: Gain Scores
Conclusions: -Writing should be a priority in our classrooms -Writing can easily be connected to all areas of the curriculum -A strategy should be implemented in which students are guided through the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading, publishing in a recursive nature such as SRSD
Discussion: -Most students made gains on posttest essay -Better overall grammar and organization of papers even though it may not be reflected in scores -Four male and one female student dropped in posttest essay scores, possibly due to a biased prompt -Strategy works well with both regular and special ed students
References: Bean, T. W., & Steenwyk, F. L. (1984). The effect of three forms of summarization instruction on sixth graders' summary writing and comprehension.Journal of Literacy Research, 16(4), 297-306. doi:10.1080/ 10862968409547523 Chang, K.-E., Sung, Y.-T., & Chen, I.-D. (2002, Fall). The effect of concept mapping to enhance text comprehension and summarization. Journal of Experimental Education, 71(1), 5-23. De La Paz, S., & Graham, S. (2002). Explicitly teaching strategies, skills, and knowledge: Writing Instruction in middle school classrooms. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94(4), 687-698. Legutko, R. S., & Trissler, T. T. (2012, January). The effects of background music on learning disabled elementary school students' performance in writing. Current Issues in Education, 15(1). Lucas, J. (1993, January). Teaching writing emphasis swings to process, writing as tool for learning. Curriculum Update.
Mason, L. H., Kubina, R. M., Jr., Valasa, L. L., & Cramer, A. M. (2010, • February). Evaluating Effective writing instruction for adolescent students • in an emotional and behavioral support setting. Behavioral Disorders, 35(2),140-156. • Reynolds, G. A., & Perin, D. (2009, May). A comparison of text structure and • self-regulated writing strategies for composing from sources by middle • school students. Reading Psychology, 30(30), 265-300. • Sturm, J. M., & Joan, R.-E. L. (2002, May). Effects of hand-drawn and • computer-generated concept mapping on the expository writing of middle • school students with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities: Research • & Practice, 17(2), 124-139. • The nation's report card writing 2007. (2008, April). Retrieved from National • Center For EducationStatistics website: http://nces.ed.gov/ • nationsreportcard/pdf/main2007/2008468.pdf • Tomlinson, C. A. (1999). The differentiated classroom: Responding to the needs • of all learners. Retrieved from http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/ • 199040.aspx • Urquhart, V. (2005). Introduction. In Teaching writing in the content areas. • Alexandria, VA:Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. references continued