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Relief Driver Certification. COURSE OBJECTIVES. Provide students with the ability to safely and effectively operate fire apparatus under various emergency and non-emergency situations.
COURSE OBJECTIVES • Provide students with the ability to safely and effectively operate fire apparatus under various emergency and non-emergency situations. • Ensure that students are fully competent with the handling of apparatus as well as possessing the skills necessary to operate under numerous fireground situations. • Provide thorough knowledge of apparatus.
LEGAL ASPECTS • Georgia State Traffic Code • Local Speed Limits and/or Zones • Departmental Operating Guidelines
Georgia State Traffic Code • We are subject to all traffic codes unless an exemption applies • Exemptions only apply when operating on an emergency • Regardless, you can still be held civilly or criminally liable for your actions if an accidents occurs and property damage, injury, or loss of life results
Georgia State Traffic Code The State Traffic Code gives us many exemptions during an emergency response. No speed limits are imposed by the code so how do we determine our actions? The code does not relieve us of the duty to drive with “due regard” for the safety of all persons.
DUE REGARD Due regard is a reasonably careful person, performing similar duties under similar circumstances, that would act in the same manner as you.
The Driver Of An Authorized Emergency Vehicle May: • Park or Stand, irrespective of the provisions of the chapter • Proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but ONLY after slowing down as may be necessary for safe operation “YOU MUST STOP IN GWINNETT!!!!!” • Exceed the maximum speed limits so long as he/she does not endanger life or property
Disregard regulations governing direction of movement or turning in specified direction
Always drive within your capabilities as an emergency vehicle operator while considering the limitations of the apparatus with due regard for the safety of others. What constitutes due regard?
Due Regard • Was enough notice of approach given before a collision was inevitable? • Was the notice appropriate? • Were all warning devices being used? • Were they used in an appropriate manner? • Could everyone see and hear you? • Did you exercise the required caution?
In 2005 a total of 15,885 accidents involving fire apparatus were reported nationwide. • These accidents resulted in 1,120 firefighter injuries. • 23 firefighters lost their lives in these accidents. • 26 innocent citizens lost their lives in these accidents as well.
Legal Aspects If you are involved in an accident and charges are brought against you, will you be given legal representation by the County?
Officer and Employee Defense and Indemnification Plan This plan establishes the terms and conditions under which Gwinnett County shall undertake to defend all specified civil, criminal, or quasi-criminal actions brought against supervisors, employees, administrators, or any appointed or elected officers, arising out of the performance of their official duties.
Section 8 – Exclusion, grounds for refusal of defense and termination of coverage The County may refuse to provide for the defense of a claim or proceeding brought against any plan member if the County Attorney determines that the claim or proceeding against the plan member arises out of such plan member’s intentional or knowing violation of a written policy of the Commission, a Department of the County Government, and/or the County Administrator, where applicable.
Vehicle Operations SOPs111.000-Emergency Response All Department vehicles and apparatus will be operated with consideration for traffic conditions, weather, and type of thoroughfare or roadway, and all other existing conditions that may affect safe vehicle operations. Vehicle speed shall be dependent upon these factors as well as the limitations of the apparatus and abilities of the operator with due regard for safety as top priority.
When responding Code 1 to an emergency, the following restrictions will apply: • The driver/operator will use both audible and visual emergency warning devices, including lights and sirens. • The vehicle/apparatus will be brought to a complete stop at all red traffic lights and stop signs.
The posted speed limit will be observed when entering an intersection with a green light visible. • The vehicle will slow to a speed of not more than five (5) miles per hour when entering an intersection controlled by a yield right-of-way sign only.
At no time will the operator proceed through an intersection until he/she has looked in all directions and determined that it is safe to proceed. While proceeding through the intersection, both the operator and the officer (where applicable) shall be on the alert for approaching or turning vehicles, other emergency vehicles, pedestrians, and any other hazard that could compromise safety.
The vehicle will be brought to a complete stop at all intersections that are visibly obstructed in any manner – i.e. buildings, other vehicles, trees, or shrubbery, etc. • Overtaking another vehicle moving in the same direction should be done with extreme caution. This should be accomplished by passing the upcoming vehicle on the left whenever possible.
Extreme caution will be exercised when traveling in the opposite traffic flow lanes. • The vehicle will be brought to a complete stop at all unguarded railroad crossings to ensure a safe crossing can be made. The operator will obey crossing signals at all times and the vehicle will not be driven around crossing gates under any circumstances.
The posted, reduced speed limits for school zones will be observed during hours of operation. • Operators will bring the vehicle to a complete stop whenever encountering a stopped school bus with flashing warning lights and will not proceed until it is confirmed safe to do so;
…. it will be considered safe to proceed once the bus driver has ceased operating the flashing lights or should the bus driver signal it is safe to proceed. • A distance of 300-500 feet should be maintained between emergency vehicles if responding together along the same route. In congested areas or when encountering heavy traffic, this minimum distance may be impossible to maintain.
…Always maintain adequate distance to avoid rear-end collisions. • Always maintain an operating space in front of the vehicle that is at least equal to the minimum travel distance necessary to stop the vehicle without contacting another object.
The vehicle/apparatus will follow the safest most expeditious route whenever possible. Also, it is important to be aware that unnecessary route of travel through congested or heavily populated areas, such as subdivisions, should be avoided whenever possible.
The location and response route of emergency vehicles will be updated via radio communications any time there is a possibility that emergency vehicles routes could intersect during an emergency response. The proceeding guidelines, along with adequate training and experience of the vehicle operator, will ensure a safe response to the scene of any emergency.
DEFENSIVEDRIVING Defensive driving means doing everything reasonably possible to avoid being involved in a preventable accident, regardless of what the law is, what the other driver does, or adverse weather conditions. A preventable accident is one in which the driver fails to take reasonable precautions and/or evasive actions to avoid the accident.
Defensive driving requires continual exercise of good judgment and good driving habits with an awareness that all drivers cannot be relied upon to drive properly and safely.
ELEMENTS OF DEFENSIVE DRIVING • KNOWLEDGE - The operator must know the rules of the road, be aware of the proper procedures for passing, yielding the right-of-way, and other maneuvers. In addition, they must know their own limitations, the vehicle’s limitations, and limitations imposed by the environment such as traffic and weather conditions.
ALERTNESS – The emergency vehicle operator must develop his/her powers of observation to be fully aware of what is happening. The driver must be alert to potential hazards, and to changing weather and driving conditions.
VISION – A driver should “aim high” by raising his/her field of vision to at least one-quarter mile ahead to observe potential hazards. As speed increases, visual acuity, peripheral vision, and depth perception all deteriorate. • JUDGMENT – The emergency vehicle operator must know what to do and when to do it……every time!!!!
STAY CALM – It is critically important that the emergency vehicle operator remain calm and drive in a safe manner. Reckless driving, even in response to an emergency, is never acceptable. The driver who drives in an aggressive manner, failing to observe safety precautions, is a menace to other vehicles, pedestrians, and other firefighters in the vehicle.
SKILL – The emergency vehicle operator must have a good basic knowledge of how to handle the vehicle. Skill is the result of proper training plus practice. Remember – if you try to drive like a veteran, you may not be around long enough to be a veteran.
Defensive Driving Techniques Anticipating Other Driver’s Reactions Always anticipate what other drivers will do but never assume they will react in the appropriate manner. Just the sound of a siren may cause some people to panic and pull into your path or stop in front of you. Always negotiate intersections in a very cautious manner.
Light & Sirens Just because you know all your lights are on and the sirens are in use, do not assume everyone can see and hear you. Many accidents have been caused by over-reliance on warning devices. Expect the unexpected!!!!
Defensive Driving Control Factors • Aim high in steering – Find a safe path well ahead of you. The faster you are going, the further ahead you MUST look down the roadway. Too many vehicle operators drive by only observing a few hundred feet ahead of the apparatus.
Defensive Driving Control Factors • Get the big picture / Stay back and see it all – Our traffic congestion gets worse almost every day. Never push your position by forgetting to adjust your speed based upon traffic and weather conditions. Anticipate stops and turns by analyzing traffic conditions well ahead of you.
Defensive Driving Control Factors • Keep your eyes moving – Always scan your mirrors and observe what is going on all around your apparatus. Focusing only on the area in front of the apparatus could be a very deadly mistake.
Defensive Driving Control Factors • Leave your self a way “out” – By always being prepared for the unexpected, there is less of a chance the need will arise for a last resort maneuver such as evasive steering or emergency braking. Either can make for a VERY bad day.
Defensive Driving Control Factors • Make sure others can see and hear you – Use ALL your warning devices. They have been placed on the apparatus for a purpose. A siren will do you no good if it isn’t used properly.
VISUAL LEAD-TIME Visual lead-time is directly proportional to the speed you are traveling and the amount of time required to stop the vehicle. The faster you are traveling, the further you should be scanning the roadway due to the additional distance needed to stop. If visibility is poor, slow your speed to compensate.
Braking and Reaction Time/Distance The average reaction time for an unimpaired driver is approximately ¾ of a second. At 45 miles per hour, you would travel an additional 50 feet before the braking maneuver begins. At 60 miles per hour, this distance increases to 66 feet. Remember, this distance is traveled before your foot can move to the brake pedal.