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Extending Your Reach: A Master Class

Camille Catlett Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute . Extending Your Reach: A Master Class. Resources, Tools, and Strategies for Supporting Each Child’s Full Participation and Inclusion in Early Education Settings. Shifting Paradigms. Shifting Paradigms. Parts of a whole.

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Extending Your Reach: A Master Class

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  1. Camille Catlett Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute Extending Your Reach: A Master Class Resources, Tools, and Strategies for Supporting Each Child’s Full Participation and Inclusion in Early Education Settings

  2. Shifting Paradigms

  3. Shifting Paradigms

  4. Parts of a whole

  5. Basics - DAP

  6. Basics – Recommended Practices

  7. Use DEC Recommended Practices to . . • Promote discussion of intentional teaching practices • Guide observation • Promote reflection • Build rubrics

  8. CONNECT Resource Library

  9. Crosswalks Toolbox http://fpg.unc.edu/~crosswalks

  10. Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center

  11. SpecialQuest Multimedia Training Library

  12. Fred Rogers Center Early Learning Environment • Curriculum Toolkit

  13. Fred Rogers Center ELE

  14. Fred Rogers Center ELE

  15. National Center on Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness

  16. National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning National Center for Quality Teaching and Learning

  17. 15-Minute In-Services

  18. The Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework

  19. The Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework

  20. http://nichcy.org/

  21. Landing Pads A sampling of evidence and resources, related to each feature, to support your learning and professional development needs Find them online at http://npdci.fpg.unc.edu/resources/quality-inclusive-practices-resources-and-landing-pads NPDCI

  22. 8 EBP Landing Pads Available NPDCI

  23. Early Childhood Inclusion: A Joint Position Statement of DEC and NAEYC

  24. Definition Early childhood inclusion embodies the values, policies, and practices that support the right of every infant and young child and his or her family, regardless of ability, to participate in a broad range of activities and contexts as full members of families, communities, and society. The desired results of inclusive experiences for children with and without disabilities and their families include a sense of belonging and membership, positive social relationships and friendships, and development and learning to reach their full potential. The defining features of inclusion that can be used to identify high quality early childhood programs and services are access, participation, and supports.

  25. Additional Resources

  26. Defining Features Access Access – means providing a wide range of activities and environments for every child by removing physical barriers and offering multiple ways to promote learning and development.

  27. Evidence-Based Practices that Support ACCESS • Universal Design (UD)/Universal Design for Learning (UDL) • Assistive Technology (AT)

  28. EBP: Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning UD and UDL mean the removal of physical and structural barriers (UD) and the provision of multiple and varied formats for instruction and learning (UDL).

  29. Three key concepts

  30. Three key concepts

  31. Multiple Means of Representation Various formats: kinesthetic Visual auditory

  32. What can it look like?

  33. UDL: Multiple Means of Engagement Attention curiosity motivation Interests preferences personal style

  34. What can it look like?

  35. UDL: Multiple Means of Expression Typing/texting

  36. What can it look like? • Children get to choose the method/form in which they express or demonstrate their understanding (that matches the teacher’s learning goal) • There ample opportunities, materials, or guidance to support children in expressing themselves in multiple ways • There are many different things children produce, and/or a variety of observable, evaluative child actions (differentiated product)

  37. Read About It

  38. See for Yourself

  39. Find It Online

  40. Meet Sophia • 3 years old • Lives with parents , who arrived this fall from Colombia to take faculty positions at a local university • Cognitive, motor, and social-emotional skills are age-appropriate • Speaks and understands Spanish • Has a few English labels; rarely initiates or engages in social conversation with her English-speaking classmates • Often seems very quiet or withdrawn • Loves: housekeeping area, listening to • audiotape of Spanish songs her mother • sent in

  41. Supporting Sophia with UDL • How might you use • multiple means of representation (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) • multiple means of engagement (interests, preferences, curiosity, motivation) • multiple means of expression (speaking, pointing, singing, drawing, gestures) • to support Sophia and children like her?

  42. Defining Features Participation Participation – means using a range of instructional approaches to promote engagement in play and learning activities, and a sense of belonging for every child.

  43. Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) that Support PARTICIPATION • Embedded Instruction and Other Naturalistic Interventions • Scaffolding Strategies • Tiered Models of Instruction/Intervention

  44. Defining Features [Systemic] Supports Supports– refer to broader aspects of the system such as professional development, incentives for inclusion, and opportunities for communication and collaboration among families and professionals to assure high quality inclusion.

  45. Engage Families Help Their Children to Succeed • Higher preschool performance and promotion to next grade • More positive engagement with peers, adults, and learning • Buffers negative impact of poverty on academic and behavioral outcomes

  46. Families can become lifelong partners or lifelong bystanders based on how you engage them in the process of supporting their child.

  47. Landing Pads http://scriptnc.fpg.unc.edu/resource-search SCRIPT-NC Supporting Change and Reform in Preservice Teaching in North Carolina

  48. SCRIPT-NC Landing Pads

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