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INTRODUCTION TO MATLAB. Introduction. What is Matlab? MAT rix LAB oratory.
Introduction • What is Matlab? MATrix LABoratory. • MATLAB is a numerical computing environment and programming language (initially written in C). MATLAB allows easy matrix manipulation, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs in other languages. • MATLAB makes mathematical operations withvectors y matrices. As a particular case, it can also work with scalar numbers, both reals and complexes. • It has packages with specialized functions.
Basic elements of Matlab’s desktop • Command Windows: Where all commands and programs are run. Write the command or program name and hit Enter. • Command History: Shows the last commands run on the Command Windows. A command can be recovered clicking twice • Current directory: Shows the directory where work will be done. • Workspace: To see the variables in use and their dimensions (if working with matrices) • Help (can also be called from within the comand windows) • Matlab Editor: All Matlab files must end in the .m extension.
Basic elements of Matlab’s desktop Current directory Command Windows Command History
Matlab editor • There can not be empty spaces in the name of the Matlab files • Use “main_” for the name of the main programs, for example: main_curvature • Write “;” at the end of a line If you don’t want that the intermediate calculus is written in the window while the program is running • Write “%” at the beginning of a line to write a comment in the program • Write “…” at the end of a line if you are writing a very long statement and you want to continue in the next line
Matlab editor Debugger Set/Clear breakingpoint: Sets or clears a break point in the line the cursor is placed. Clear all breakingpoints: Deletes all breaking points. Step: Executes the current line of the program. Step in: Executes the current line of the program, if the line calls to a function, steps into the function. Step out: Returns from a function you stepped in to its calling function without executing the remaining lines individually. Continue: Continues executing code until the next breaking point Quit debugging: Stops the debugger
Variable Basics >> 16 + 24 ans = 40 >> product = 16 * 23.24 product = 371.84 >> product = 16 *555.24; >> product product = 8883.8 no declarations needed mixed data types semi-colon suppresses output of the calculation’s result Intro MATLAB
Variable Basics >> clear >> product = 2 * 3^3; >> comp_sum = (2 + 3i) + (2 - 3i); >> show_i = i^2; >> save three_things >> clear >> load three_things >> who Your variables are: comp_sum product show_i >> product product = 54 >> show_i show_i = -1 clearremoves all variables; clear x y removes only x and y complex numbers (ior j) require no special handling save/loadare used to retain/restore workspace variables use home to clear screen and put cursor at the top of the screen Intro MATLAB
Numbers and operations Basic Arithmetic Operations: • Addition: +, Substraction - • Multiplication: *, Division: / • Power: ^ • Priority Order: Power, division and multiplication, and lastly addition and substraction. Use () to change the priority. • Example: main_number_operations.m. Try the Debugger
Numbers and operations Matlab Functions: • exp(x), log(x) (base e), log2(x) (base 2), log10(x) (base 10), sqrt(x) • Trigonometric functions: sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), asin(x), acos(x), atan(x), atan2(x) (entre –pi y pi) • Hyperbolic functions: sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x), asinh(x), acosh(x), atanh(x) • Other functions: abs(x) (absolute value), int(x) (integer part ), round(x) (rounds to the closest integer), sign(x) (sign function) • Functions for complex numbers: real(z) (real part), imag(z) (imaginary part), abs(z) (modulus), angle(z) (angle), conj(z) (conjugated) Example: main_number_operations.m
Vectors and matrices Defining vectors: • Row vectors; elements separated by spaces or comas >> v =[2 3 4] • Column vectors: elements separated by semicolon (;) >> w =[2;3;4;7;9;8] • Length of a vector w: length(w) • Generating row vectors: • Specifying the increment h between the elements v=a:h:b • Specifying the dimension n: linspace(a,b,n) (by default n=100) • Elements logarithmically spaced logspace(a,b,n) (n points logarithmically spaced between 10a y 10b. By default n=50) Example: main_matrix_operations.m
Vectors and matrices Defining matrices: • It’s not needed to define their size before hand (a size can be defined and changed afterwards). • Matrices aredefined by rows; the elements of one row are separated by spaces or comas. Rows are separated by semicolon (;). » M=[3 4 5; 6 7 8; 1 -1 0] • Empty matrix: M=[ ]; • Information about an element: M(1,3), a row M(2,:), a column M(:,3). • Changing the value of an element: M(2,3)=1; • Deleting a column: M(:,1)=[ ], a row: M(2,:)=[ ]; • Example: main_matrix_operations.m
Durer’s Matrix: Creation » durer1N2row = [16 3 2 13; 5 10 11 8]; » durer3row = [9 6 7 12]; » durer4row = [4 15 14 1]; » durerBy4 = [durer1N2row;durer3row;durer4row]; » durerBy4 durerBy4 = 16 3 2 13 5 10 11 8 9 6 7 12 4 15 14 1 Intro MATLAB
Easier Way... durerBy4 = 16 3 2 13 5 10 11 8 9 6 7 12 4 15 14 1 » durerBy4r2 = [16 3 2 13; 5 10 11 8; 9 6 7 12; 4 15 14 1] durerBy4r2 = 16 3 2 13 5 10 11 8 9 6 7 12 4 15 14 1 Intro MATLAB
Set Functions Arrays are ordered sets: >> a = [1 2 3 4 5] a = 1 2 3 4 5 >> b = [3 4 5 6 7] b = 3 4 5 6 7 >> isequal(a,b) ans = 0 >> ismember(a,b) ans = 0 0 1 1 1 returns true (1) if arrays are the same size and have the same values returns 1 where a is in b and 0 otherwise Intro MATLAB
>> durer = [16 3 2 13; 5 10 11 8; 9 6 7 12; 4 15 14 1] durer = 16 3 2 13 5 10 11 8 9 6 7 12 4 15 14 1 >> % durer's matrix is "magic" in that all rows, columns, >> % and main diagonals sum to the same number >> column_sum = sum(durer) % MATLAB operates column-wise column_sum = 34 34 34 34 Matrix Operations MATLAB also has magic(N) (N > 2) function Intro MATLAB
Dot Operator Example >> A = [1 5 6; 11 9 8; 2 34 78] A = 1 5 6 11 9 8 2 34 78 >> B = [16 4 23; 8 123 86; 67 259 5] B = 16 4 23 8 123 86 67 259 5 Intro MATLAB
Vectors and matrices Defining matrices: • Generating de matrices: • Generating a matrix full of zeros, zeros(n,m) • Generating a matrix full of ones, ones(n,m) • Initializing an identity matrix eye(n,m) • Generating a matrix with random elements rand(n,m) • Adding matrices: [X Y] columns, [X; Y] rows Example: main_matrix_operations.m
Operations with vectors and matrices Operating vectors and matrices with scalars: v: vector, k: scalar: • v+k addition • v-k sustraction • v*k product • v/k divides each element of v by k • k./v divides k by each element of v • v.^k powers each element of v to the k-power • k.^v powers k to each element of v Example: main_matrix_operations.m
Operations with vectors and matrices Operating vectors and matrices • + addition • – subtraction • * matrix product • .* product element by element • ^ power • .^ power element by element • \ left-division • / right-division • ./ y .\ right and left division element by element • Transposed matrix:B=A’ (in complex numbers, it returns the conjugated transposed, to get only the trasposed: B=A.’) Example: main_matrix_operations.m
Functions for vectors and matrices • sum(v) adds the elements of a vector • prod(v) product of the elements of a vector • dot(v,w) vectors dot product • cross(v,w) cross product • mean(v) (gives the average) • diff(v) (vector whose elements are the differenceof the elements of v) • [y,k]=max(v) maximum value of the elements of a vector (k gives the position), min(v) (minimum value). The maximum value of a matrix M is obtained with max(max(M)) and the minimum with min(min(v)) • Some of these operations applied to matrices, give the result by columns.
Functions for vectors and matrices • [n,m]=size(M) gives the number of rows and columns • Inverted matrix:B=inv(M), rank: rank(M) • diag(M): gives the diagonal of a matrix. sum(diag(M)) sums the elements of the diagonal of M. diag(M,k) gives the k-th diagonal. • norm(M) norm of a matrix (maximum value of the absolute values of the elements of M) • flipud(M) reorders the matrix, making it symmetrical over an horizontal axis. fliplr(M) ) reorders the matrix, making it symmetrical over a vertical axis. • [V, landa]=eig(M) gives a diagonal matrix landa with the eigen values, and another V whose columns are the eigenvectors of M Example: main_matrix_operations.m
Data input and output • Saving to files and recovering data: • save –matfile_name matrix1_name, matrix2_name • load –mat file_name matrix1_name, matrix2_name • save file_name matrix1_name –ascii (saves 8 figures after the decimal point) • save file_name matrix1_name –ascii –double (saves 16 figures after the decimal point) Example: main_matrix_operations.m
Matlab Files • Program files: Scripts They are builtwith a series of commands. Themainfilewillbenamedmain_name.m • Function files Tocreateyourownfunctions. They are calledfromwithinthe scripts. • Thefirst line isexecutable and startswiththewordfunction as showed: function [output_arg1, output_arg2]=function_name(input_arg1, input_arg2, …, parameters) • Thefilemustbesaved as function_name.m • Example: main_plot_sine.m. Use “Step in” in Debuggertoenterthisfunction
Vectorization Example* >> type slow.m tic; x=0.1; for k=1:199901 y(k)=besselj(3,x) + log(x); x=x+0.001; end toc; >> slow Elapsed time is 17.092999 seconds. *times measured on this laptop >> type fast.m tic; x=0.1:0.001:200; y=besselj(3,x) + log(x); toc; >> fast Elapsed time is 0.551970 seconds. Roughly 31 times faster without use of for loop Intro MATLAB
Easy 2-D Graphics >> x = [0: pi/100: pi]; % [start: increment: end] >> y = sin(x); >> plot(x,y), title('Simple Plot') Intro MATLAB
Adding Another Curve >> z = cos(x); >> plot(x,y,'g.',x,z,'b-.'),title('More complicated') Line color, style, marker type, all within single quotes; type >> doc LineSpec for all available line properties Intro MATLAB
m-file Editor Window You can save and run the file/function/script in one step by clicking here Tip: semi-colons suppress printing, commas (and semi-colons) allow multiple commands on one line, and 3 dots (…) allow continuation of lines without execution Intro MATLAB
function [a b c] = myfun(x, y) b = x * y; a = 100; c = x.^2; >> myfun(2,3) % called with zero outputs ans = 100 >> u = myfun(2,3) % called with one output u = 100 >> [u v w] = myfun(2,3) % called with all outputs u = 100 v = 6 w = 4 Functions – First Example Write these two lines to a file myfun.mand save it on MATLAB’s path Any return value which is not stored in an output variable is simply discarded Intro MATLAB
Programming Loops for k=n1:incre:n2 end for k=vector_column end while end Example: main_loops
for Loop >> for i = 2:5 for j = 3:6 a(i,j) = (i + j)^2 end end >> a a = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 36 49 64 0 0 36 49 64 81 0 0 49 64 81 100 0 0 64 81 100 121 Intro MATLAB
while Loop >> b = 4; a = 2.1; count = 0; >> while b - a > 0.01 a = a + 0.001; count = count + 1; end >> count count = 1891 Intro MATLAB
Programming Conditional control structures Logical operators: >, <, >=,<=,== (equal) | (or), &(and) ~ (no), ~= (not equal) Example: main_conditional if elseif else end if else end if end
if/elseif/else Statement >> A = 2; B = 3; >> if A > B 'A is bigger' elseif A < B 'B is bigger' elseif A == B 'A equals B' else error('Something odd is happening') end ans = B is bigger Intro MATLAB
Programming Structures of control condicionated: switch switch is similar to a sequence of if...elseif • switch_expresion=case_expr3 %example • switchswitch_expresion • casecase_expr1, • actions1 • case{case_expr2, case_expr3,case_expr4,...} • actions2 • otherwise, % option by default • actions3 • end Example: main_conditional
switchStatement >> n = 8 n = 8 >> switch(rem(n,3)) case 0 m = 'no remainder' case 1 m = ‘the remainder is one' case 2 m = ‘the remainder is two' otherwise error('not possible') end m = the remainder is two Intro MATLAB