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Instructions. Short Progress Report of the Regions.
Instructions Short Progress Report of the Regions • The aim of the Baltic EcoRegion Project is achieve sustainable regional development through Integrated Sustainability Management. Each participating region should have analysed the local/regional situation, set at least one measurable target and implemented at least one measure to reach the target. • Please present the progress your region has made up to now in fulfilling these tasks. Simply replace the text in brackets [abc] on the following slides with your own content.Add/delete if 3 points are too few/many. • Please send your presentation back to pamela.muehlmann@iclei.org BEFORE the training workshop in Asker, i.e. by Friday 22 May! • Please be prepared to present your report at the meeting in Asker in no more than 3-5 minutes.THANK YOU! • PS. In case you have trouble reporting progress in exactly the form requested, please address it openly. Explain shortly what barriers you have faced and what alternative strategies you have followed to successfully conclude the EcoRegion project in your region.
City of Riga Short Progress Report
Which priority issues did you identify in your Region? Analysis of the local/regional situation • To develop Riga Environment Programme 2011-2017Expiration of Riga Environment strategy 2000-2010, change of regulations, requirements. • To develop Riga Air Quality Programme 2011- 2015To fulfil requirements set by the cabinet of ministry of Latvia and the European Commission of particulate matter PM10 daily excess reduction and to avoid infringement of air pollution.
Which target(s) have you set for your region, based on the analysis? Setting targets for City of Riga • To identify quality hindrance of environment in defined areas Essential aspect to improve environmental quality, living standards in Riga and positively affect urban development in future. • To set environmental objectives and tasks for city of RigaDemonstrates areas and tasks, which should be developed in a prioritized way • To develop sustainable implementation plan linked with relevant long-term strategiesEnsures common goal achievement in all levels • To set accessible policy tools and management resources Introduces various changes and achieves the set objectives on the planning level
Setting targets for City of Riga Which target(s) have you set for your region, based on the analysis? • Monitoring and indicators of Riga Environment programme Secures control and assessment of the performance thereof on a regular basis • Concentration of PM10 and PM 2.5.The concentration of PM10 and PM 2.5. affected by extraordinary meteorological events • Concentration of nitrogen Oxides (NO2) Annual concentration is to be considered almost constant 24.09.2014 4
Which (pilot) measure(s) have you implemented to achieve the target(s)? Implementing measures • Assessed summary of the implementation of Riga Environment strategy 2000-2010 and analysed current situationQuantitative and qualitative analysis of current situation in defined areas of programme • Set environmental objectives and tasksDuring elaboration of the Riga Environment programme the tasks shall be prioritised, specified in order to identify key priorities till 2017 • Set accessible policy tools and management resourcesDuring elaboration of the Riga Environment programme the existing environmental policy and management tools shall be identified
Implementing measures Which (pilot) measure(s) have you implemented to achieve the target(s)? • Monitoring and indicators of Riga Environment programmeDuring elaboration of the Riga Environment programme the indicators shall be identified • Concentration of PM10and PM 2.5. Optimization of transport flow, unburden transport load, is in compliance with Riga mobility plan • Concentration of Nitrogen Oxides (NO2)Diversity of heavy traffic from the main roads, is in compliance with Riga mobility plan and continue increase of efficiency 24.09.2014 6
How are your EcoRegion activities going to be perpetuated in the future? Establishing a Cyclical Management • Sustainable structural unitIs in general responsible for the implementation of the Programme and daily cooperation/ coordination between the various structural units • The Action Plan for 3-year periodEach action shall be provided with the following information:- expected result;- responsible body and, where possible, particular person;- duration, deadline;- volume and source of funding;- next steps;- reference to international and/ or national documents
County board of Kronoberg Short Progress Report
Which priority issues did you identify in your Region? Analysis of the local/regional situation • Reduced Climate ImpactAvoiding the risk of dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system • A Non-Toxic Environment Occurrence of man-made or extracted substances in the environment must not represent a threat to human health or biological diversity. • A Rich Diversity of Plant and Animal Life Biological diversity must be preserved and used sustainably for the benefit of present and future generations.
Which target(s) have you set for your region, based on the analysis? Setting targets for your Region • Renewable energy sources50 % of the total use of energy in the county comes from renewable sources by 2010. • PCBAll of the buildings in the county contaminated with PCB have been inventoried and decontaminated by 2010. • Biodiversity The level of hard dead wood in the forests is 40% higher 2010 (in comparison with 1990).
Which (pilot) measure(s) have you implemented to achieve the target(s)? Implementing measures • Climate contractsCompanies and larger organisations are invited to sign voluntary agreements, containing climate measures. • Joint PCB-projectCooperation between the municipalities and the county board, developing letters, levels and seminars to raise awareness on PCB. • Regional action programsThe county board develops action programs for certain especially threatened species.
How are your EcoRegion activities going to be perpetuated in the future? Establishing a Cyclical Management • Reduced Climate ImpactCompanies will be given the chance to sign contracts. • SD on the local level A questionnaire will be sent to the municipalities in the county, to investigate if and how they work strategically with SD. • SD indicators The county board has developed a set of SD indicators and are preparing a report to finalize this work.
Växjö Municipality Short Progress Report
Which priority issues did you identify in your Region? Analysis of the local/regional situation • To become fossil fuel freeA guiding ambition from the politicians since 1996 • To create a dense city but still preserve green areasLess transport need in a dense city, still important to develop and preserve parks, nature areas etc • A leading “green city”Create an interest for the city’s environmental work/actions, the city attracts visitors, new companies, increased export
The environmental program, revised April 2010, targets in three target areas; • Consumption and waste, nature conservation, climate • Overall targets with no time frame and targets up to 2015 • Targets for the geographical area and the municipality organisation Setting targets for your Region • Example no 1: We shall manage parks and nature in such a way that biological diversity and good accessibility is promoted Followed up by municipal park and nature land/inhabitant and municipal park and land as a proportion of built up land • Fossil CO2 emissions reduced by 55%/inhabitant by 2015 (comp 1993) and fossil fuel free by 2030Followed up by reduced fossil CO2 emissions per inhabitant • Fossil CO2 emissions from municipal administration transport reduced by 30% by 2015Followed up by reduced fossil CO2 emissions from munic. trans
Which (pilot) measure(s) have you implemented to achieve the target(s)? Implementing measures • In the General plan the conflict dense city – preserve green areas is stressedThe topic is much more debated in spatial planning process • Coordinated goods transportAll goods to the municipality are delivered to one consolidation centre • The municipality will invest much more in public transport and bicycling project 2012, 2013 (new lanes, maintenance, changed behavior)Politicians have been motivated by our targets, demand from citizens, benchmarking
How are your EcoRegion activities going to be perpetuated in the future? Establishing a Cyclical Management • By using ecoBUDGETThe environmental targets are integrated in the financial budget process • By using a new developed management system for all municipal areasMakes all departments work interdepartmental, sustainability issues will be more recognized among all departments
Lahti Region Environmental Service Short Progress Report
Which priority issues did you identify in your Region? Analysis of the local/regional situation • Governance towards sustainability • Promotion of participation and community building • Responsible life-style choices • Promotion of citizens' well-being • Our living environment
Examples from our sustainability programme 2011 Setting targets for your Region • Lahti city as an organization reduces its environmental impacts and increases environmental awareness of its personnelCity should set an example, implementation through Green Office certification (WWF) • Lahti city will build a basis for increasing youth’s possibilities to participate in decision-makingSetting up a youth group that participates in developing city’s youth services
Environmental aspects will be taken into consideration in 50 % of procurement services purchases • Preventing social exclusion of youth Carrying out Icehearts operational model • Increasing the share of travels made with public transportation with 50 % (2011-2017) and with 100 % (until 2025) Increasing the share of transportation funding
Which (pilot) measure(s) have you implemented to achieve the target(s)? Implementing measures • Study: Possibilities of founding a Biosphere Reserve as a promoter of sustainable development in the region of Vesijärvi-SalpausselkäCo-operation on biosphere reserve planning for Päijänne-Vesijärvi area
How are your EcoRegion activities going to be perpetuated in the future? Establishing a Cyclical Management • Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities (RFSC)For reporting and implementation monitoring • Within our environmental policy and climate programme • As part of new projects • e.g. KYMPPI – tools for environmental service chains: concretise target into actions
Ludwigslust County (Germany) Short Progress Report
Which priority issues did you identify in your Region? Analysis of the local/regional situation • Development of quality of lifeAnalyse main challenges for the county(e.g. demographic change, public trans-port, lack of qualified employees) andfind solutions to make it more attractivefor own population and new residents.
Which target(s) have you set for your region, based on the analysis? Setting targets for your Region • Project ideas born during 2 local stakeholder workshops: • Preserving public and private services in rural areasobstacle for local supply: often falls below viability borders due to change in retail sector and buying habits • „House of the regions“ in Hamburg marketing of regional products and rural tourism to a broader public • Sustainable housing / (bio-) energy villagesgeneration of regional value added chain + becoming independent from external resources
Which (pilot) measure(s) have you implemented to achieve the target(s)? Implementing measures • New village center Mecklenburg-VorpommernFurther development and stabilisation of „Brunower Bauernmarkt“ to a center of thelocal supply plus extension of further services(e.g. healthcare).
How are your EcoRegion activities going to be perpetuated in the future? Establishing a Cyclical Management • Federal state strategy “New village center M-V”If project in 4 pilot villages will be successful, a strategy forM-V will be implemented from 2013. • Main obstacleThe county might merge with neighboring county in Sept. 2011, a new common strategy on rural development has to be defined.
Soltau-Fallingbostel County Short Progress Report
Analysis of the local/regional situation Which priority issues did you identify in your Region? Needed: 1. First Measures and Survey of Damages 2. Strategies and Personnel Management 3. Salvage Logging and Work Safety 4. Timber Storage * 4.1 Wet Storage 5. Forest Protection 6. Timber Transportation 7. Regeneration and Afforestation 8. Subsidies and Public Relations Forest Inventory on stand basis Site inventory (soil, water) 24.09.2014 ECOREGION
Setting targets for your Region • Site mapping Soltau FOASite inventory on 23.000 ha (appr 960.000 €)soil types - water supply - nutrient supply, GIS-Based • Updating forest inventories Soltau & Walsrode FOAField inventory on 43.000 ha (appr 860.000 €)species – age – storeys – quality – basic planning 1 decade 24.09.2014 ECOREGION
Implementing measures • Applied for financial support schemes, co-financed by State, Federal Republic and EU • site assessment only national means, but approved by COM • Stand inventory co-financed from EAFRDNow up to FOA Leaders to set up projects and apply for support!! 24.09.2014 ECOREGION
Establishing a Cyclical Management • Forest Inventory:Regular updating after 1 decade • Site assessmentTo be updated if major changes e.g. water regime after appr 40ys 24.09.2014 ECOREGION 33
Tallinn Short Progress Report
Analysis of the local/regional situation • 1. Decreasing of carbon footprintThe decreasing of CO2 and other GHG emission is outlined by implementing of comprehensive measures of energy saving and conversion to renewable sources of energy. • 2. Renovation of building stock • Despite of the significance of the EPBD and the newly implemented building energycertification practice, the national programmes for the energy auditing of buildings,as well as the renovation of apartment buildings and public buildings provide morevisible results for the improvement of the energy efficiency of buildings. • 3. Transition to sustainable transportSustainability of city transport is intended to improve by development of public transport schemas and purchase of environmental friendly vehicles, building of lanes for bicycles and using bio-fuels.
Setting targets for Tallinn 1. Decreasing CO2 emissionComparing to year 2007 in year 2020 the emission of CO2 will be 20% less and production of energy by RES 20% more. 2. Energy savingImplementation of energy saving measures (mostly in housing sector) 20% the consumption of energy will decrease. 3. Increasing the usage of bio-fuels According to EU directives and Tallinn Development Plan 2006-2021 have to be the share of bio-fuels and green electricityin transport 10% to year 2020. By optimal planning of city transport system the consumption of transport fuels decreasing 5-10% .
Implementing measures 1. Environmental friendly renovation of building stock and using RESRenovation of social house (Kauge str 4) by using solar collectors and heat pump.Building of smart energy house (Juurdeveo str). 2. Energy saving measuresSupport for the energy certification of buildings is provided by the City ofTallinn. The grant for an energy certificate is 96 €. The instrument waslaunched in 2009, and probably more than 2,500 buildings have benefittedfrom it.Energy certificates andaudits for schools and kindergartens.2-3% energy saving per year. Over 2,000 buildings have renovated already and average energy saving 25% per house is presumed. 3. Increasing the efficiency of public transport and usage of bicyclesNew efficient trams will be purchased. The charging stations for electrical cars will be built during 2011-2012 (up to 50 electric cars is hoped to take into use to 2012).
Major renovation of an apartment building in Tallinn: before and after
Social Centre in Kauge str with solar collectors and heat pump New efficient trams
Number of certificates issued for existing buildings As of February 2010, approximately 2,500 energy certificates have been issued approx. 80% of these in Tallinn
Establishing a Cyclical Management 1. Energy planningBoard of energy commissioners at city government is coordinating and confirm all essential objectives and activities. 2. Energy management on each level of administrationThe capacity building of city government specialists and raising awareness of inhabitants. Organizing of energy saving days. 3. Involving of stakeholdersBy the PPP schemes the companies renovate school houses. NGOs and organizations involve in carrying out energy saving days.
Wieck Municipality Short Progress Report
How are your EcoRegion activities going to be perpetuated in the future? Establishing a Cyclical Management • Wieck municipality has only 1 employee (in tourism office, semi-independent)>>> no formal Cyclical Management anticipated • Instead: “Biomodelldorf” – Ecological model village>>> FILL IT WITH LIFE!
Which priority issues did you identify in your Region? Analysis of the local/regional situation • Ecological model villageFew activities so far >>> WE CAN DO BETTER! • Currently installed:- National Park info exhibition- Organic product market once a week in summer
Which target(s) have you set for your region, based on the analysis? Setting targets for your Region • Ecological model villageFew activities so far >>> WE CAN DO BETTER! • Currently installed:- National Park info exhibition- Organic product market once a week in summer • Looking to develop:- Largely improved National Park info center- Focused marketing of regional & organic products- Ecological transformation: Nature conservation & sustainability- Nature tourism
Which (pilot) measure(s) have you implemented to achieve the target(s)? Implementing measures • Currently being developed:- Cinema for environmental education (marine focus) adjacent to National Park exhibition- Local marketing of regional & organic products (“Ländlich Fein”) • Still to come (but started):- Redesigned National Park info center- Large-scale dike breaching- Associated tourism development (birding etc.: Grey Cranes)- Tourist tickets for attractive & economic public transportation- Sustainability as a prerequisite in municipal planning- Targeted marketing using label AND ideas of the ecological model village • … in cooperation with external partners (e.g. Baltic Green Belt, Parks & Benefits)
And a first look on how it‘s going to change ...... a design concept Further Information: Jörg Schmiedel js@blu-js.de +49-381-2015758 www.erholungsort-wieck-darss.de
Region Zealand Short Progress Report as of May 2011
Which priority issues did you identify in your Region? • Local Agenda 21 Strategy 2012-2015 and • Business Development Strategy 2011-2014 Analysis of the local/regional situation • SustainabIe Business DevelopmentGreen economy is a key priority - Aim: become one of the leading Green Regions in Europe • Climate changeRegional Climate Strategy (Adaptation + Mitigation + innovation) Aim: become a leading Climate Region in Europe • Nature Protection and use of nature; nature parks, recreational routes, tourism development • Awareness raising and citizen involvementPrecondition for the change processes