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CAHA: science planning , international agreements and strategic planning for the next decade

CAHA: science planning , international agreements and strategic planning for the next decade. Madrid, 22-23, 2012 David Barrado. The sky at Calar Alto. 3.5m, 2.2m ( & 1.23m, Schmidt) OAN 1.5m INTA 0.5m GAW (cherenkov telescopes). 0.170 mag/airmass. 0.80 arcsec.

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CAHA: science planning , international agreements and strategic planning for the next decade

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  1. CAHA: scienceplanning, internationalagreements and strategicplanningforthenextdecade Madrid, 22-23, 2012 David Barrado

  2. The sky at Calar Alto • 3.5m, 2.2m (& 1.23m, Schmidt) • OAN 1.5m • INTA 0.5m • GAW (cherenkov telescopes) 0.170 mag/airmass 0.80 arcsec

  3. The sky at Calar Alto Hours observed • Useful: • 2010: 2023 hr • 2011: 2300 hr Clear nights Clear: at least 6 observing hours of clear or mostly clear sky • Photometric: • 2010: 58 n • 2011: 106 n • Clear: • 2010: 150 n • 2011: 193 n Fraction of useful time: ~70% (~40% of the nights are 100% useful) Analysis published in refereed journals (Sanchez et al. 2007, 2008)

  4. Light Pollution • July 2007.- The regional government of Andalusia (Junta de Andalucía) approved an environmental lawthat includes a chapter on light pollution. • August 2010.- Ancillary regulation - The law foresees creating an Office for the Protection of Night Sky against Light Pollution, and Calar Alto has secured its participation in this official institution. - CAHAas a reference and as a place to be protected. • September 2010.- CAHA is named as member of the network for Clima Change (monitoring) • September 2011.- Meeting with towns to implement regulations • October 2011.- Meeting with Diputación de Almería (province) • Feb 14.- Map of pollution by Junta de Andalucía

  5. Light pollution: the local environment

  6. Calar Alto Archive

  7. Evolution of a systeminitiated in 2008. • Reliable and robust hardware and software. • Secureaccess and data storage. • Highly modular and scalable hardware and software. CAHA Archive Capturing and classifyingimages Archive hardware Publishing images

  8. The gates to the data CAHA Spanish Virtual Observatory

  9. Telescopes & instruments: from 2012 to 2014 OPTICAL Near-infrared OPTICAL Near-Infrared (moonless nights) (shiny nights) (moonless nights) (shiny nights) 2012 2014 3.5m .- PMASOmega2000 PMAS Carmenes TWIN OmegaCass (TWIN) (PANIC) LAICA MOSCA 2.2m.-CAFOS MAGIC CAFÉPANIC BUSCA PANIC (2012) (CAFOS) CAFÉ (2011) 1.23m.-New CCD camera ????? As many changes as requested - Two changes per month (every 15 days, from dark nights to bright and back) - 1.23m and 2.2m.- Minimum support and neutral cost Recomendación de Astronet

  10. CAFE First light on June 2011 Operative

  11. CAFE • Echelle Spectrograph: Design based on FOCES. • Designed to be used in the 2.2m. • Very stable (no movable parts) • Resolution: 62000 ± 5000 (from blue to red). • Wavelength Range: 3960 – 9500 A. • Sensitivity: SNR~30 for a point-like source of V~14.5 magnitudes in a single integration of 2700s. • 2 times more sensitive than FOCES at its best resolution!!!

  12. CAFE: some spectra

  13. Nueva instrumentación: PANIC (2012)

  14. Nueva instrumentación: Carmenes (2014) • Objetivo: búsqueda y caracterización de exotierras alrededor de • estrellas frías • Técnica: Velocidad radial • Hardware: Espectrógrafo en los rangos ópticos (Heidelberg) e IR (IAA, Granada)

  15. CALA ALTO: 2012-2018+ 3.5m 2.2m 1.23m 6.5m Califa, Legacy (extragalactic) PMAS Image Long-term Camera Spectroscopy CAFÉ+CAFOS IR Cartography PANIC 2012-2013 ¿Gaia Legacy? 2014-2018 Instrument? MONSUL pathfinder? ExoEarths Carmenes 2014-2018 Gaia Spectroscopic cartrography HEXA+multiobjet 2018+ JWST & ELT ¿? Carmenes

  16. Why HEXA? • Two decades of large photometric surveys: SDSS, 2MASS, WISE), there is a need of massive spectroscopy. This is the CAHA niche. • The combination of both (photometric and spectroscopic) sets of data will allow the • solution of open key problems like the assembly and evolution of galaxies, the BAOs, and stellar archeoastronomy, among others. • Extragalactic science: a) Of better spectral resolution (e.g. search for supermassive blackholes), b) with a larger spatial coverage (e.g. IFUs to resolve properties of nearby objects, as it is the case of CALIFA - an ongoing legacy project in CAHA - or MaNGA), c) deep enough to observe low surface brightness galaxies (to ensure completeness of galaxy samples at low luminosities). • Stellar case will be dominated by the results of the GAIA mission (one billion stars down to magnitude V 20, but radial velocities and chemical abundances only for restricted subsamples). Under these conditions, a massive acquisition of spectroscopic data is essential to take profit of the enormous GAIA potential. Gaia-ESO • "Astronet infrastructure road map" and "Science Vision for European Astronomy" reports (e.g. SV B7 at http://www.astronet-eu.org/).

  17. HEXA: 6.5m telescope for spectroscopic mapping • Base-line: • Aperture 6.5m • FOV 1.5 deg • 500 multiplexing • High-spectralresolution (R>20,000, optimal 50,000) • Sciencewith HEXA: someexamples • a) Gaiafollow-up: properties and evolution of stars and stellarassociations • b) Plato: characterization of exoplanets • c) Extragalactic: post-CALIFA • d) Cosmology: post-ALHAMBRA • e) Cosmology: darkenergy and acusticbarionicoscilations

  18. Requirements Summary Aperture: 6.5m diameter Output F# number = 3.6. (for the prime focus solution F#2.5 was used) Plate scale for 2M and 3M: 8.84 arcsec/mm (focal length 23.4m, F#3.6). Plate scale for 1M: 12.2 arcsec/mm (focal length 16.25 m, F#2.5) FOV: 1º to 2º Ø (diameter) Image quality: seeing limited Spectral range: narrow band filters 100 Å in the whole wavelength range : 380 Å -11000 Å Optimized for fibers: Telecentric system and flat focal plane

  19. HEXA, 6.5m for massive spectroscopy Very stable patforms

  20. 2017: HEXA at CAHA 2015/16, civil work 2017/18, commissioning 2018, normal observations

  21. Chronogram 2018

  22. The telescope: phasing and milestones OK

  23. CALA ALTO: 2012-2018+ 3.5m 2.2m 1.23m 6.5m Califa, Legacy (extragalactic) PMAS Image Long-term Camera Spectroscopy CAFÉ+CAFOS IR Cartography PANIC 2012-2013 ¿Gaia Legacy? 2014-2018 Instrument? MONSUL pathfinder? Legacy Programs? ExoEarths Carmenes 2014-2018 Gaia Spectroscopic cartrography HEXA+multiobjet 2018+ Gaia JWST & ELT ¿? Carmenes

  24. Project Board (PB) Project Office (PO) Project Assesment Panel (PAP) Project Director (PD) HEXA: management structure Head Admin (HA) Teles. Project Manager (TPM) Instr. Project Manager (IPM) Project Scientist (PS) Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) System Engineer (SE) Project Controler (PC) Civil Work (CW) Telescope & Dome (TD) Optics (Op) Control System (CS) Instrumentation (In)

  25. Conceptual design and viability study MICINN/AC2010 • HEXA/TEC/001 Market Analysis for the construction of a 6.5m telescope at CAHA • Observatory • HEXA/TEC/002 HEXA: Trade-off analysis for an optical concept of the telescope • HEXA/TEC/003 HEXA: Project Management Plan • HEXA/TEC/004 HEXA: System Engineering Plan • HEXA/TEC/006HEXA: Fiber Positioner System Conceptual Design • HEXA/TEC/007HEXA: Fiber System Conceptual Design

  26. Presupuesto 56 Meuro + contingencia FEDER: 2013, ejecutable hasta final 2015

  27. Initial instrumental concepts Multifiber spectrograph (Flames/MEGARA): HECATE, M. García Vargas Multislit: Magellan/IMACS Near-IR: 3.5m/MICS Slitless: GEA (based on Gaia), D Galadí Wide Field IFU: MONSUL, J. Igleias Everything is open: science drives the instruments (and the telescope)

  28. Efficiency

  29. Goals • Introduce HEXA and theinstrumentconcepts • Scientific cases and thescietificrequirementsleadingtotechnicalrequirements and specificinstrumentations • Scientificteams • Kick-off forpreliminarydesign

  30. CAFE • International Consortium leaded by CAHA (PI: S.F. Sánchez), with the collaboration of: • Observatory of Munich University (Dr. F. Grupp). • Gottingen Unisersity (Dr. S. Drezzler). • Total Budget: 350k Euros: • 80% of the Budget paid with money from the MICINN (ICTS-2008-32 and ICTS-2009-24), and the Junta da Andalucía (PWM-08-306 through IAA). • 20% of the Budget paid by Gottingen University. • Design provided by the Obs. Munich University.

  31. CAFE: Development. • Developedbetween 2008 and 2011. • FirstLight: May 2011. Commisionedalong the summer of 2011. • Improvements with respect to FOCES: • Termalized and vibrationprovedlocation. • MinimumMotorized and Mobile systems: (1) Fixedsetupbut (2) muchmorestable! • New fibersystem: increase of efficiency. • New CCD: increase of efficiency. • New electronicsystem: Reliability. • Fullyautomatized Pipeline (Beta version).

  32. CAFÉ: integration process

  33. "HEXA: a machine for spectroscopic cartography”Granada, February 20-22, 2012 Welcome and Opening THE TELESCOPE AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCEPTS (I) THE OPPORTUNITY: BIG SCIENCE (I) HEXA SCIENCE THE TELESCOPE AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCEPTS OPERATIONS, SYNERGIES, AND NEXT STEPS SOC WORKSHOP  D. Barrado (CAHA), M. Fernández (IAA, CSIC) J. Aceituno (CAHA), J. Iglesias (IAA, CSIC), U. Thiele (CAHA), S. Sánchez (CAHA), S. Pedraz (CAHA), D. Galadí (CAHA), M. Mas-Hesse (CAB, INTA-CSIC), A. Gil de Paz (UCM) L.M. Sarro (UNED) R. Bachiller (OAN) G. Yepes (UAM) I. Negueruela (U. Alicante) C. Figuras (U. Barcelona) LOC M. Fernández, J. Iglesias, D. Galadí, B. Ascaso, R. Duffard J. C. Suárez

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