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Variations of land water storage over the last half century

Variations of land water storage over the last half century. K. Laval, T. Ngo-duc, J. Polcher University PM Curie Paris/Lab Meteor Dyn /IPSL. Land Water Balance. Variation of land water in Land Surface Models : -Precipitation (highly variable) -Melting of Snow and Ice

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Variations of land water storage over the last half century

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  1. Variations of land water storage over the last half century K. Laval, T. Ngo-duc, J. Polcher University PM Curie Paris/Lab Meteor Dyn /IPSL IUFRO_2005

  2. Land Water Balance Variation of land water in Land Surface Models: -Precipitation (highly variable) -Melting of Snow and Ice -Evapotranspiration -Total Runoff Runoff yields river discharge Y to the surface water Network:integration over a basin IUFRO_2005

  3. Outline • Construction of 53-year atmospheric data to force LSM Models • Results on river discharges (Mekong): Seasonal and interannual variations • Preliminary results on water storage (Grace Mission): Influence of inundated and irrigated areas IUFRO_2005

  4. The ORCHIDEE land surface model of IPSLSECHIBA : surface energy and water balances (land and soil)STOMATE : surface biochemical processesLPJ :evolution of the vegetation and the carbon budget • Only Sechiba is used in the simulations. • Inclusion of a routing scheme, which routes water to oceans through a cascade of linear reservoirs. • Ducoudre,N, K. Laval and A. Perrier, 1993: a new set of hydrological exchanges at the land atmosphere interface. J. of Climate,6248-273. IUFRO_2005

  5. Forced simulation over 53 years • Construction of 53-y forcing data and integrations of Land Surface Model • Validation of river discharges IUFRO_2005

  6. Construction of NCC data NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 6h; 1°.875; 1948-present Interpolation to the grid 1°×1°, differences in elevation between the grids were taken into account NCEP CRU (Climate Research Unit)precipitation 0.5°×0.5°, 1901-2000 NPRE CRU (Climate Research Unit) temperature 0.5°×0.5°, 1901-2000 NCRU Radiation: SRB (Surface Radiation Budget) NCC (NCEP/NCAR Corrected by CRU) 6-hourly, 1°x1°, 1948-2000 http://dods.lmd.jussieu.fr/cgi-bin/nph-dods/Dods/NCC/ (~40GB) Ngo-duc, T., J. Polcher and K. Laval (JGR, 2005)

  7. Validation The river discharge of the world's 10 biggest rivers Station Obidos 55.51°W, 1.95°S • Observed discharge • GRDC (Global Runoff Data Center) • Data at UCAR (the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research)

  8. OBS NCC • quality of the NCC forcing data is improved compared to NCEP/NCAR • high flow in simulated mean seasonal signal is too early NCEP/NCAR NCC OBS • the interannual signal is well described by the NCC experiment NCEP/NCAR Amazon River Discharge IUFRO_2005

  9. Seasonal signal of Mekong discharge at Pakse IUFRO_2005

  10. Annual Discharge simulated at Pakse IUFRO_2005

  11. Taylor diagram: NCEP and NCC 1. Amazon 2. Congo 3. Orinoco 4. Changjiang 5. Brahmaputra 6. Mississippi 7. Yenisey 8. Parana 9. Lena 10. Mekong Precipitation: most important improvement Temperature: significant effect only at high latitudes Radiation: improves discharge amplitudes IUFRO_2005

  12. IUFRO_2005

  13. From Frappart et al submitted GJI. IUFRO_2005

  14. Irrigated and Inundated areas IUFRO_2005

  15. > 0.3 mm day-1 > 0.2 mm day-1 IUFRO_2005

  16. Simulated Soil Moisture by Orchidee IUFRO_2005

  17. Mekong discharge at the mouth of the river 18500 16600 IUFRO_2005

  18. GRACE Mission (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment • GRACE, twin satellites launched in March 2002, measure the Earth's gravity field with unprecedented accuracy. This produces estimates of changes in water storage for given terrestrial regions. IUFRO_2005

  19. Water storage variationas simulated by 2 versions of Orchidee (with and without routine scheme ) and evaluated by Grace Mission (o). The routine scheme improves the simulated water storage IUFRO_2005

  20. Conclusions • Orchidee is able to reproduce seasonal and interannual changes of continental water reservoirs. • NCC data set was found reliable. • The influence of inundated and irrigated areas seems substantial for the water budget of Mekong basin. • Estimations from GRACE seem to confirm the role of ground water. IUFRO_2005

  21. IUFRO_2005

  22. GRACE ORCHIDEE with routing ORCHIDEE without routing Seasonal variations of continental water April/May – November 2002 The routing scheme improves the signals over tropical basins

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