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Dense apartment building use case for HEW

Dense apartment building use case for HEW. Authors:. Date: May 14, 2013. May 2013. Abstract. Use case: Dense Apartment building Simulation results Input to 5 criteria Appendix. Mobile video drives mobile data traffic. Video is dominant application Netflix in HD currently uses 7Mbps*

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Dense apartment building use case for HEW

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  1. Dense apartment building use case for HEW Authors: Date: May 14, 2013 Klaus Doppler, Nokia

  2. May 2013 Abstract • Use case: Dense Apartment building • Simulation results • Input to 5 criteria • Appendix Klaus Doppler, Nokia

  3. Mobile video drives mobile data traffic • Video is dominant application • Netflix in HD currently uses 7Mbps* • Video is moving towards 4k (4x1080p) and 8k (16x1080p) • Increasing shareof TVs with Wi-Fi support** * https://support.netflix.com/en/node/8731 ** 4 out of 10 top selling TVs on Amazon.com April 22, 2013 Klaus Doppler, Nokia

  4. Dense apartment building Pre-Conditions Each apartment has Wi-Fi network deployed to access internet and cloud services. In each apartment up to 3 users stream concurrently video content from the network and up to 50% of the networks are active. At the same time each of the active Wi-Fi networks is used by 2 users for web browsing Environment Building with 100 apartments. One AP in each apartment of 10mx10m randomly positioned. 5 STA per AP randomly positioned in the apartment. Applications Cloud based applications supporting video streaming with 8k resolution. Video requirements are: ~112Mbps per STA (16x1080P), delay is < 200ms, 1.0E-3 PER. The application is able to buffer up to 2s of the content to avoid interruptions of the service, allowing relaxed delay requirements Web browsing requirements for Social Networking are: ~20Mbps, PER 1e-3, delay<50ms, 1.0E-3 PER 150 active video users and 100 active web browsing users in the building with an aggregate data rate requirement of 18.8Gbps in the building. The service requirements should be met for 98% of the users in the building. Traffic Conditions Strong interference from overlapping networks (neighboring apartments, and outdoor Wi-Fi network). Multiple video display are operational simultaneously. Use Case User starts cloud video service on a fixed or mobile device with 8k display. The cloud service streams the video in 8k format. Klaus Doppler, Nokia

  5. Scenario • Indoor environment • Multi-floor building (100 apartments) • 5 floors • 2x10 rooms in each floor • Room size:10m x 10m x 3m • 1-100 AP in the middle of the room • 2 STA/AP • Randomly placed in the same room as AP • Constant Bit Rate traffic both DL and UL • 10Mbps/10Mbps • AP TxP 23dBm, STA TxP 16dBm • One 20MHz channel @ 5GHz Klaus Doppler, Nokia

  6. Evaluation criteria • Average user throughput • Averaged over all STA in building • 5 Percentile of User Throughput Cumulative Distribution Function • 95% of STA in building have a higher throughput Klaus Doppler, Nokia

  7. Results 10Mpbs/10Mbps Average User Throughput (Mbps) 5 percentile of user throughput CDF • Throughput drops fast if #active BSS higher than 10 • Lowest 5% of users get less than 1Mbps if #active BSS higher than 17 20Mbps 20Mbps Klaus Doppler, Nokia

  8. Input for 5 criteria • HEW shall achieve 2-3 times the average BSS throughput compared to 802.11ac in a multi-floor building with dense deployment of Wi-Fi networks • HEW shall increase 4-10 times the 5 percentile of the user throughput Cumulative Distribution Function compared to 802.11ac in a multi-floor building with a dense deployment of Wi-Fi networks Klaus Doppler, Nokia

  9. Appendix Simulation scenario details Klaus Doppler, Nokia

  10. Network topology and device locations • Multi-floor building • 5 floors • 2x10 room in each floor • Room size:10m x 10m x 3m • AP locations (assuming n APs): • Randomly select n rooms in the building • Place an AP in the middle of each selected room • Re-randomize for each simulation run • STA locations: • In each room that has an AP, place two STAs in random xy-locations (uniform distribution) at 1.5m above floor level May 2013 Klaus Doppler, Nokia

  11. Pathloss model Pathloss between antenna i and antenna j is calculated with the following formula*: where d is the xy-distance in meters and break point distance dBPis 5m. If i and j are on different floors, we further add floor attenuation factor according to the table below.** Note1: Distances below dBP considered LOS, above NLOS. Note2: Steeper slope after dBP includes the effect of indoor walls and no other wall attenuation factors are added. * V. Erceg and et. al., TGn Channel Models, IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs Std. IEEE 802.11-03/940r4, May 2004 ** S. Y. Seidel and T. S. Rappaport, “914 MHz path loss prediction models for wireless communications in multifloored buildings,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 40, no.2, pp. 207-217, Feb. 1992. (used in .11ah) May 2013 Klaus Doppler, Nokia

  12. Misc parameters and settings • RTS/CTS: off • TxP • AP 23dBm • STA 16 dBm • Block Acknowledgement: Enabled • Link Adaptation: enabled • CW • AP max 511 • AP min 31 • STA max 1023 • STA min 63 • Access class Best Effort • AIFSN • AP 6 • STA 6 • System: IEEE 802.11n • Bandwidth: 20MHz • Carrier frequency: 5GHz • Traffic model • Constant Bit Rate both uplink and downlink 10Mbps/user • Generate a packet of 1000 bytes once every 0.8ms • Antenna configuration • 2x2 • Aggregation • MPDU: max 20 • MSDU: max 2 May 2013 Klaus Doppler, Nokia

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