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Methodology workshop focused on technology for identifying marine habitats Trine Bekkby

Methodology workshop focused on technology for identifying marine habitats Trine Bekkby Workshop at NIVA, Oslo, May 29-30 2007. Presenting Norwegian Institute for Water Research. District offices and daughter companies. Daughter companies:. NIVA group: 250 employees. District offices:

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Methodology workshop focused on technology for identifying marine habitats Trine Bekkby

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  1. Methodology workshop focused on technology for identifying marine habitats Trine Bekkby Workshop at NIVA, Oslo, May 29-30 2007

  2. PresentingNorwegian Institute for Water Research

  3. District offices and daughter companies Daughter companies: NIVA group: 250 employees District offices: - Trondheim- Hamar - Bergen - Grimstad Trondheim Min office Solbergstrand Marine Research Station

  4. Research (basic and applied) Technical services Development Knowledge communication Monitoring Counciling Categories of work

  5. Most important areas of research • Water resource management • Taxonomy and biodiversity • Physiology and ecotoxology • Physical processes and modelling • Geochemistry • Cleaning and transport of drinking and bilge water • Water chemistry and chemical analyses

  6. Experience from more than 70 countries…

  7. PresentingOslo Centre for Interdisciplinary Environmental and Social Research

  8. Area: 14 000 m2 Employees: 500 Cost: 270 mill. kr Started: April 2005 Inhabited: Oct. 2006 CIENS partners: ►NIBR ►NINA ►NILU ►NIVA ►TØI ►UiO ►met.no ►CICERO + NVE Tandbergbygget på Brekke

  9. Heat from the ground covers 90% of the cooling and 60% of the heating The biggest solar panel in Norway

  10. PresentingICZM&P in Norway

  11. ICZM&P in Norway - Background • Norway has complex terrain, with high mountains, deep fjords and a large archipelago. Hence, large marine areas are found within the baseline • We have many rivers and large freshwater runoffs to the ocean, hence a large interaction across the coast line • We have many water types, outer exposed coast, archipelago and inner sheltered areas. • Because of all this, the habitats are many and complex and biodiversity often high

  12. ICZM&P in Norway – Management and planning • Norway is obliged to the Water Framework directive WFD (because we are in the EEC), which includes large marine areas (since we have such a large archipelago) • We are not obliged to the Habitat Directive and Natura 2000 (because we are not in the EU) • We do not have any MPAs (marine protected areas), only suggestions under discussion • We have Ramsar areas (for bird protection), landscape protection areas, national parks etc., but no true marine protection. • We have management plans for selected areas (e.g. the Barents Sea), area defined as being of extra value regarding biodiversity • To fulfil the requirement of the WFD, we have suggested areas and stations for reference monitoring (i.e. they are relatively pristine) and areas and stations for trend monitoring (with pressures, not pristine)

  13. Legal borders of Norway • Coastal areas (1 nm outside the base line) • Territorial waters (12 nm outside the base line) • Exclusive economic zone (200 nm outside the base line, with exceptions)

  14. ICZM&P in Norway – Management and planning • Water types according to the WDF work

  15. ICZM&P in Norway – Management and planning • Reference areas according to the WFD • Trend monitoring areas according to the WFD • Areas of particularly interest when it comes to biodiversity • Suggestions for MPA

  16. ICZM&P in Norway – ”All” collected data

  17. Reference and trend monitoring stations (WFD) suggested

  18. Presentingdifferent projects

  19. Presentation of selected projects • “MarModell” - finding criteria for habitat modelling • “CoastScenes” - modelling effects of scenarios • “Dynamod” – developing models for the Skagerrak area • Sugar kelp modelling – in the Skagerrak area • “NorGIS” - modelling habitats at the Nordic level • “MarNatur” - The national program for mapping and modelling of marine habitats. • “Balance” • Others

  20. Presentation of selected projects • “MarModell” - finding criteria for habitat modelling • “CoastScenes” - modelling effects of scenarios • “Dynamod” – developing models for the Skagerrak area • Sugar kelp modelling – in the Skagerrak area • “NorGIS” - modelling habitats at the Nordic level • “MarNatur” - The national program for mapping and modelling of marine habitats. • “Balance” • Others

  21. The aim of ”MarModell” • Study the relationship between environmentla factors and the distribution and abundance of marine coastal habitats • Develop methodology for habitat modelling • Study the effects of scale • The link geology-biology crucial

  22. Predictors and responses • Bathymetry and terrain (depth, slope, curvature) • Wave exposure at different scales • Tidal current (together with UiO) • Light exposure • Light % • Presence/absence • Coverage

  23. Input models Field work Statistical model building, analyses, model selection Data

  24. Presentation of selected projects • “MarModell” - finding criteria for habitat modelling • “CoastScenes” - modelling effects of scenarios • “Dynamod” – developing models for the Skagerrak area • Sugar kelp modelling – in the Skagerrak area • “NorGIS” - modelling habitats at the Nordic level • “MarNatur” - The national program for mapping and modelling of marine habitats. • “Balance” • Others

  25. The aim of ”Coast-scenes” • Study the relationship between environmentla factors and the distribution and abundance of marine coastal habitats – develop model • Define the natural conditions of the area at the site of a fish farm, compare with the existing conditions • Analyse/model the effect of scenarios for human acticity development

  26. Presentation of selected projects • “MarModell” - finding criteria for habitat modelling • “CoastScenes” - modelling effects of scenarios • “Dynamod” – developing models for the Skagerrak area • Sugar kelp modelling – in the Skagerrak area • “NorGIS” - modelling habitats at the Nordic level • “MarNatur” - The national program for mapping and modelling of marine habitats. • “Balance” • Others

  27. The aim of ”Dynamod” • Develop methodology for modelling of marine substrate and habitats, both rocky and soft seabed • Developing base models, i.e. light models • Comparing wave exposure models • Developing current models • Separating rocks from soft sediment • Separating different soft sediment classes • Modelling ecological status? • Modelling rocky shore macroalgaes

  28. Presentation of selected projects • “MarModell” - finding criteria for habitat modelling • “CoastScenes” - modelling effects of scenarios • “Dynamod” – developing models for the Skagerrak area • Sugar kelp modelling – in the Skagerrak area • “NorGIS” - modelling habitats at the Nordic level • “MarNatur” - The national program for mapping and modelling of marine habitats. • “Balance” • Others

  29. Presentation of selected projects • “MarModell” - finding criteria for habitat modelling • “CoastScenes” - modelling effects of scenarios • “Dynamod” – developing models for the Skagerrak area • Sugar kelp modelling – in the Skagerrak area • “NorGIS” - modelling habitats at the Nordic level • “MarNatur” - The national program for mapping and modelling of marine habitats. • “Balance” • Others

  30. Presentingequipment and methods for sampling

  31. Equipment and methods for sampling (sample design, equipment, sampling) • Sample design • Preliminary model as basis for selecting stations • We need to cover the range of predictor (depth, slope, terrain, wave exposure, currents etc.) • Stations are randomly selected within the study area

  32. Equipment and methods for sampling (sample design, equipment, sampling) • Equipment in the field • ROV • Pico-ROV (small portable camera, may be operated by hand) • Singlebeam echosounder for recording of depth in the field, • used together with pico-ROV • Multibeam echosounder, used at selected locations • Sediment profile Image (SPI) camera for sediment penetration • depth and ecological status • Grab (sediment samples) • FerryBox (recording equipment on ferries) • Divers

  33. Equipment and methods for sampling (sample design, equipment, sampling) • Recorded in the field • Usually we use small boats and record • Depth (from the echosounder) • Substrate (visually), presence/absence and coverage • Habitat presence and absence • Habitat coverage • If larger boats, then some of the following are recorded • Substrate classified based on multibeam on selected locations • Penetration depth (using SPI) • Redox depth (from SPI or other equipment) • Grain size (from grab) • Species composition (from grab of sediment or diving on rocky substrate) • Environmental state (from SPI pictures)

  34. Field work

  35. Similarities and differencesNorway - Poland

  36. Similarities and differences compared with Polish conditions • Poland is in the EU and is obliged to both the Water Framework and the Habitat Directive. Norway is not in the EU and is only obliged to the EFD (because we are in the EEC) • Norway and Poland has different bathymetry and topography, the terrain variability is less in Poland than in Norway • The exposure levels are higher and more variable in Norway than in Poland • The number of habitats differ between the two countries • The pressures are different (?). In Norway, the pressures are mainly fishing, fish farms, kelp harvesting, waterfall regulations and, in some areas, changing of habitats for recreational purposes. In Poland: ? • More?

  37. Presentingthe modelling approach in more detail

  38. The basic idea Terrain structures and environmental factors determines the distribution of marine habitats But what kind and how? And how to make good predictions?

  39. Modelling in more detail – the Norwegian approach (geophysical factors, substrate & habitat • Geophysical base models • Depth model (25 m resolution for the whole of Norway, better in selected areas), includes some land data to ensure good models in the coastal zone • Wave exposure model (25 m resolution for the whole of Norway, 10 m in selected areas) • Terrain models for selected areas (e.g. slope, curvature, basins, tops) • Current circulation models for selected areas • Light percentage models for selected areas (% of surface light reaching the seabed, depends on secchi depth) • Light exposure models (an index based on optimal slope and aspect)

  40. Modelled wave exposure Isæus (2004)

  41. Depth

  42. Slope

  43. Curvature

  44. Modelled current

  45. Light - % of surface level

  46. Light – related to optimal slope and aspect

  47. Modelling in more detail – the Norwegian approach (geophysical factors, substrate & habitat • Substrate • Binomial models separating rocks from sediment based on slope and curvature • Probability model separating rocks from sediment • Probability model separating sand from softer sediment (based on data on penetration depth)

  48. Seabed substrate

  49. Binomial seabed substrate modelling

  50. Probability seabed substrate modelling

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