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Regen Earth, LLC. REGEN EARTH has a mission to develop successful and sustainable agriculture worldwide. REGEN Earth offers the highest quality products and techniques that leads to a 23% - 40% increase in crop yield.
Regen Earth, LLC • REGEN EARTH has a mission to develop successful and sustainable agriculture worldwide. • REGEN Earth offers the highest quality products and techniques that leads to a 23% - 40% increase in crop yield. • REGEN Earth agricultural products are natural and organic and brings life to the soil. Over time, the product quantities needed will be decreased as the soil becomes healthy. • REGEN Earth agricultural products reduce insect infestation and increase plant drought resistance. • REGEN EARTH products can condition the soil for the planting of new crops for further economical and nutritional benefits. • REGEN EARTH can provide the technical consultation to assist governments and organizations to develop fertilizer industries. • REGEN EARTH products are available now.
Introduction to EKB Plant Foliage and Root Stimulators EKB (Ecklonia Kelp Biostimulant) is an organic biostimulant, concentrated from the freshly harvested brown kelp Ecklonia maxima. The naturally occurring biostimulants, mainly auxin- and cytokinin-like compounds, are present in a special ratio which stimulates plant growth. The auxins are transferred down to the roots and stimulate cell division and growth and causes the plant to produce the cytokinin necessary to get back into balance. The Cytokinins then move in the opposite direction to the leaves to initiate above ground growth as shown to the right with tomatoes. EKB stimulates plant growth. It is not a fertilizer and should be used in conjunction with a balanced fertilizer program. Again, to the right is shown the benefit using the EKB.
Regen Earth, LLC EKB Based Products • The RE♦Start is an Ecklonia Kelp Biostimulant, kelp concentrate, and is used to build massive root structures. Its purpose is to build root mass. This alone can generate 10-30%% increase in crop yield. The importance of RE♦Start is that every plant needs roots in order to feed its fruit. RE♦Start provides the massive root structure for this feeding. In other words, the bigger the size of the roots structure, the bigger the plant and fruit. • The RE♦New is a fish and kelp emulsion at a combination ratio of 80% fish and 20% kelp. This comes in a concentrated form and brings micro-bacteria activity to the soil. It also provides an “N” or Nitrogen component which is needed for further plant development. Simply put, enhanced plant growth is obtained by RE♦Start causing the increased root structure and RE♦New providing the food for the plant to absorb through the micro-bacteria breaking down organic matter. • The RE♦Build is a humic acid-EKB combination in a concentrated form. Its purpose is to provide nutrients to the plant and to increase the fruit value. In other words, it makes the fruit more nutritious and consequently, more profitable and healthier.The humic acid from RE♦Build has several functions. It improves the ability of the plant to absorb more nutrients, it frees up nutrients in the soil making the nutrients available for plant absorption and it stimulates micro-bacteria activity and growth.
Regen Earth EKB Product Applied to Young Apple Trees • Young apple trees, treated with 5 ml Regen Earth product EKB (RE♦Start, Ecklonia Kelp Biostimulant) soil application vs. untreated trees as a control. The increased growth is shown in the treated trees.
Regen Earth EKB Product Applied to Tomato Roots Application of Regen Earth product EKB (RE♦Start, Ecklonia Kelp Biostimulant) to Tomato roots. Samples: A. No Application B. 1 foliar applications (1:500) C. 2 foliar applications (1:500) D. 3 foliar applications (1:500) E. 4 foliar applications (1:500) F. 5 foliar applications (1:500) G. 1 foliar application (1:200)
Comparison Crops with Regen Earth EKB and Common Synthetic Chemical Fertilizer • In Mexico, the REGEN EARTH EKB (Ecklonia Kelp Biostimulant) products were applied to a sorghum crop, Figure #1 on next slide. The EKB application produced a sorghum crop with uniform tall stocks and 2 ½ harvests. The 2 ½ harvests consisted of the first harvest of mature sorghum, but the sorghum kept growing. Then a second harvest of mature sorghum was made from the same crop. The sorghum crop still kept growing and third harvest was made of the sorghum which was 50% the size of mature sorghum. • The sorghum crop, Figure #2 on next slide, was treated with a synthetic chemical fertilizer producing a crop with varying height of the stocks and only 1 harvest of mature sorghum. • The REGEN EARTH products produced visibly better results in plant height and the number of harvests.
Comparison Crops with Regen Earth EKB and Common Synthetic Chemical Fertilizer
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test FarmThe Sorghum on 8/3/09 and 12 weeks after planting Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test FarmHarvested Field Beans on 8/12/09 • With ApplicationNo Application
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test FarmHarvested Field Beans as of 8/13/09 • Harvest #1: 100% increase yield with Regen Earth Products • Harvest #2: 21% increase yield with Regen Earth Products • Harvest #3: 48% increase yield with Regen Earth Products • Harvest #4: 23% increase yield with Regen Earth Products
REGEN EARTH EKB Product Used in S. Africa • TOMATOES • 20 Liters per Hector Application • 30 Tons Average Yield • 1.02% Risk Required to Cover Product Costs • 13% Average Yield Increase • 1174% Return on Investment
Summary • Regen Earth has the ability to provide high quality natural and organic plant stimulant products and the expertise to make effective use of the products. The products are safe to handle and are environmentally friendly. • The EKB products when used in combination through a system that Regen Earth provides can create a 23-40% increase in crops yield. • The application of the EKB products will also benefit the plants by helping them to be more insect and drought resistant. • The EKB products are organic, concentrated and are made by concentrating the auxin- and cytokinin-like compounds from harvested brown kelp Ecklonia maxima, the best kelp in the world. These auxin- and cytokinin-like compounds have been shown in lab and field trials to cause rapid plant cell division. • The EKB and the naturally occurring biostimulants causes plant growth with larger root structures, increased crop yields, possibly more than 1 harvest per crop and a longer growing season. • The EKB is economical as compared to common chemical fertilizers. Also, chemical fertilizers are hazard to handle and are not often available. • The use of EKB products as applied to high value crops will generate a good return on the investment. • REGEN EARTH products are available now.