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This project models interactions between developer and system actors to monitor progress using the SIS framework. Focus is on message types and system effects in DevOps automation.

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  1. Modeling Effective Communications in an DevOps Environment using the SIS TestbedAmanda Crawford Fall 2017 Operations Developer This project will model a scenario between a developer actor and system actors to effectively monitor and communicate a developers task completion progress using the SIS framework. This work is inspired by “Modern DevOps: Optimizing Software Development Through Effective System Interactions”. In this project, we will focus on the potential interactions and message types between the components and the effects of the interactions using the SIS framework. The system will begin with an task assigned to the developer and will combine DevOps automation technologies, serving as components, to simulate the interaction between the developer and system actors. The purpose of the system will be to output the progress of a user to centralized management tool that is used within a DevOps team. References Cois, C.A., Connell, A., & Yankel, J. (2014). Modern DevOps: Optimizing software development through effective system interactions. IPCC.

  2. DevOps SIS Communication System • A web interface that allows a user to design and simulate an effective DevOps SIS communication mock scenario. • The system will use a mock representation of a selected subset of each actor’s functionalities. • The process of this system will begin by the users selecting the actors of the system. Then the user will be able to define the interactions using messages. Finally, the user will be able to simulate this system.

  3. Progress: DevOps SIS Communication System Design • Web Interface to build and simulate a mock scenario using HTML5, CSS3, Angular2, and ES6. • Will be built to be extendible • Process • Select actors (components) • Select predefined messages for each actor • Simulate system

  4. Progress: Actors • The screen for the actors registration has been completed. • A user will need to define the following actors: • Source Control System • Communication Tool • Human (Development and Operations Member)

  5. Next Steps • Interactions will need to be implemented using database. The database has already been built. • For each actors, a set of messages will be created to define the relationships in the system. • Example: • Source Control Actor = GIT • Messages Available: Send Branch Merge Status, Send Branch{ID} Merge Status, Get Branch History • Communication Actor = Text • Messages Available: Send Text, Create Text, Reply To Text • Human Actor = Development Lead • Messages Available: Receive Text By Type • Simulation will need to be implemented such that an observed communication process can be observed based on the user’s specifications from the Actors and Interaction process step.

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