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Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” Russian ITER Domestic Agency. ITER PROJECT – STEP TO ENERGY OF FUTURE. Institution “Project Center ITER” is responsible for Russian in-kind contribution to the ITER Organization. Building 3, Kurchatov sq. 1, 123182 Moscow , Russian Federation
Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” Russian ITER Domestic Agency ITER PROJECT – STEP TO ENERGY OF FUTURE Institution “Project Center ITER” is responsible for Russian in-kind contribution to the ITER Organization Building 3, Kurchatov sq. 1, 123182 Moscow, Russian Federation www.iterrf.ru INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
ITER Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor • Major plasma radius: 6.2 m • Plasma volume: 840 m3 • Plasma current: 15 MA • Plasma density: 1020м-3 • Plasma temp.: 20 keV or200 Mio deg. • Thermonuclear power: 500 MW ITER –world first international experimental thermonuclear reactor ITER –hugest international scientific and technical project of today ITER –important step into energy of future INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Tokamak Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru In the core of ITER there lies TOKAMAK device (TOroidal Camera Magnetic Coil), concept of which was proposed by distinguished Russian scientists academicians I. Tamm and A. Sakharov in 1950s and later on developed by academicians L. Artsimovich, M. Leontovich and B. Kadomtsev Scheme of classic TOKAMAK 1 5 3 2 4 1. Poloidal field coils 2. Vacuum vessel 3. Inductor 4. Plasma 5. Toroidal field coils 1 INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Thermonuclear fusion Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru Fusion of Deuterium (D) and Tritium (T) nucleiis the most feasible thermonuclear reaction D–Tmixture should be heated up to 100 млн. С° (5 times as much as t° in the core of the Sun) D–Tgas transforms into totally ionized plasma D+ andT+ react with formation of a neutron and Helium nucleus(α-particle) Released energy is equal to17,6 MeV for a single reaction act Fusion reaction scheme INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Tritium production Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru Deuterium is contained in water, and the technology of its extraction from water is well developed. Quantity of Tritium on the Earth is very small, but it can be gained via neutron to Lithium (Li) reaction Both Lithium isotopes Li6(7,5%) and Li7(92,5%) generate Tritium in reactions: Li7 + n = He4 + T + n – 2,47 MeV, Li6 + n = He4 + T + 4,8 MeV. INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
International ITER Organization Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru ITER Project participants are: EURATOM, China, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United States of America The Agreement came into forceOctober 24, 2007 Agreement on the Establishment of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project was signed by the representatives of seven participating Parties in the Elysee Palace (Paris, France) November 21, 2006 ITER Headquarters completed and inaugurated in Cadarache (France) January 17, 2013 Site preparation for ITER construction has been completed INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Russian contribution Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru Superconducting cable for Poloidal and Toroidal Field coils Upper ports of ITER vacuum vessel First wall components and connectors for ITER blanket Poloidal Field coil High Heat Flux Testing of divertor components Dome for divertor cassettes 170 GHz Gyrotrons Switching Network, Fast Discharge Units, DC Busbar & Instrumentation Nine Diagnostic systems for plasma properties measurement Port plug Test facility Russia’s contribution to the ITER Project amounts to ~10% of ITER construction cost and manifests itself in procurement of unique high-technology equipment INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Russian ITER DA Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru ITER Domestic Agency key functions 1. Organization and quality control of ITER systems design and manufacturing within the framework of RF responsibility. 2. Organization of procurement and commissioning on ITER facility of the systems produced in Russia. 3. Preparation, conclusion and maintenance of agreements on manufacturing and procurement, external contracts and internal agreements. 4. Creation of databases of intellectual property and thermonuclear technologies, developed within the framework of ITER Project, and organization of access to the similar partners’ databases. 5. Organization of informational networks, remote participation in experiments and videoconferences. 6. Providing cooperation with ITER Organization and international cooperation with the partners. Under the RF Government decree of January 26 2011 Institution “Procect Center ITER is appointed ITER Domestic Agency (DA) for guaranteeing Russian in-kind contribution to the ITER Organization INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Key contractors Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru State Corporation for Atomic Energy “Rosatom” (State Client) IoffePhysico-Tecnhnical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” (Russian ITER DA till 2011) Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences State Research Center of the Russian Federation Troitsk Institute for Innovative and Thermonuclear Research Federal State Unitary Enterprise “The D.V. Efremov Institute of the Electrophysical Apparatus” Open Joint-Stock Company “A.A. Bochvar High-Tech Research and Development Institute of Inorganic Materials” Open Joint-Stock Company “N.A. Dollezhall Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering” INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Systems Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru Diagnostic system for hydrogen lines spectroscopy The H-alpha Spectroscopy system is intended, first of all, for the measurements of time behavior, space distribution, and spectral shape of the visible hydrogen Balmer lines Poloidal field coil for the ITER magnet system Together with other poloidal field coils the PF1 is located around the ITER toroidal field magnets to provide the plasma control by the magnetic field Port plug test facility Test facilities for equatorial and upper port plugs (PPTF) are being developed for carrying out of preliminary heat, vacuum and functional tests of port plugs prior to their installation on tokamak INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Systems Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru Upper ports for ITER vacuum vessel The VV ports are intended for installation of the plasma diagnostics and heating equipment, vacuum pumping equipment and provide access into the vessel during facility operation. The ports, as the vacuum vessel on the whole, are the first ITER safety barrier classified as the equipment operating with radioactive materials under pressure Gamma-ray spectroscopy system for ITER plasma diagnostics The aim of this diagnostics is to measure distribution and dynamics of high energy ions in the poloidal cross-section of reactor. Controlling the high energy ion dynamics is one of the main objectives of ITER plasma diagnostics Equipment for ECR heating and current drive Within the framework of the ITER project, Russia is, among other elements, to manufacture and deliver the components for ECR heating and current drive, specifically, the 170 GHz/1 MW gyrotron INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Systems Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru Divertor Dome and First wall components The divertor and first wall are the first barriers for the hot plasma in a fusion reactor. The first wall immediately faces the plasma and protects the ITER systems against high heat fluxes. The Dome/Liner faces the plasma and protects the ITER systems against heat and corpuscular fluxes Lenpa and Henpa neutral particles analysers LENPA and HENPA neutral particle analyzers – Neutral particle analysis (NPA) – is one of the main parts of ITER diagnostic system. NPA diagnostics is based on absolute measurement and energy analysis of charge-exchange neutral particles emitted by plasma ITER neutron diagnostics Neutron diagnostics, developed and procured by Russia within the framework of joint implementation of the ITER project, is one of the key diagnostic systems, which enables by direct measurements to demonstrate achievement of thermonuclear fusion on a reactor scale INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Systems Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru ITER HFS reflectometry HFS reflectometry diagnostics – one of the important parts of ITER diagnostic system. The diagnostics is based on the physical principle of electromagnetic wave reflection from plasma Superconductors for ITER magnet system Superconducting conductors are designed to be used for the fabrication of the windings of the coils of the ITER Magnet System and are essentially the unique cable product that contains more than 1000 unit superconducting strands, each of them containing more than 10 thousand superconducting extremely tiny (2-6 mkm) filaments Switching devices for ITER power supply systems Due to the successful results of the many years’ work of Russian scientists and engineers on developing the switching devices, the RF Team has been assigned with procurement of all the components for coil energy discharge systems based on high-current switches INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Systems Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru Charge exchange recombination spectroscopy diagnostics With the help of CXRS such major parameters of plasma as the ion temperature profile, poloidal and toroidal rotation velocity profile, and also concentration and distribution of light impurity inside a plasma column are measured Laser-induced fluorescence Laser-Induced Fluorescence is designed for Helium and extrinsic impurities parameters measurement in divertor. The system can also be applied for evaluation of electronic temperature in divertor Thomson scattering for ITER divertor The destination of Thomson scattering in the divertor is measurements of electron temperature and density spatial distribution in the most problem domain of ITER – divertor, which is the main region in fusion devices for plasma-wall-interactions Blanket connectors Russian Federation is responsible for manufacturing and procurement of mechanical supports and electrical connectors for ITER blanket. These are aimed at keeping blanket modules from moving in radial, poloidal and toroidal directions INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Procurement Arrangements Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru • Since that moment, nine more Procurement Arrangements have been signed by the Russian ITER DA: • ITER Upper ports • Divertor systems • Superconducting cable for PF coils • Switching network • Poloidal Field Coil(PF1) • Port plug test facility • Reflectometry diagnostics • Lenpa and Henpa neutral particles analysers • Equipment for ECR heating and current drive The first equipment Procurement Arrangement (superconductor) was signed between RRC “Kurchatov Institute” and the ITER Organization February 12, 2008 INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
ITER cooperation Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru Institution “Project Center ITER” regularly hosts high-level international meetings involving specialists from the ITER Organization and Domestic Agencies of the Project’s participants ITER Organization Director General professor Osamu Motojima visits Russian ITER Domestic Agency, December 2012 Coordination Meeting of the ITER Organization representatives and Domestic Agencies representatives in Kurchatov Institute, September 8-10,2008 Planning & Scheduling Meeting involving the IO and ITER DAs representatives took place in Kurchatov Institute in June 2009 INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Russian superconductor Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru In October 2010 representatives of the ITER Russian Domestic Agency together with their European colleges completed successful testing of the full-scale Nb-Ti conductor for the ITER poloidal field coils – PF1&6. Testing was conducted at the SULTAN facility in the Paul Sherer (PSI, Switzerland) Preliminary processing of experimental results, and result analysis performed by the employees of the ITER International Organization, Russian ITER Domestic Agency, and ISPTT of RRC “KI” allow stating that the conductor parameters significantly exceed the requirements of the ITER Organization INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
NbTi cable shipment Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru Late in August 2011, after manufacturing of 760m TF Conductor Copper Dummy has been completed by the Russian suppliers, four PF Copper and one Superconducting Nb-Ti Cable Dummies were shipped to Europe from JSC VNIIKP. The above Dummies are intended to develop the Poloidal Field Coils PF1&6 manufacturing technology: first of all, to work out the process of conductor manufacturing (pulling cable in huge jacket and compaction of conductor), and secondly for simulation of the double pancake winding. INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Nb3Sn superconductor Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru In August 2011, RF-DA’s Conductor Supplier JSC VNIIKP has finished manufacturing of 760m TF Conductor Copper Dummy. Manufacturing of 760m TF Conductor Copper Dummy is definitely a significant step ahead showing that time and efforts came to fine results. This Unit Length is the first one of those used for qualification of conductors’ manufacturing process which includes qualification of most important process like cabling, welding of Jacket, cable pull-through assembled jacket length, compaction and spooling of the conductor FirstNb3Sn superconductor Nb3Sn jacketing in HEPI(Protvino) INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Gyrotrons manufacturing Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru Russian suppliers continue R&D on development of 170 GHz / 1MW gyrotron for ITER, which is among the key elements of the future machine. The works are conducted by the Institute of Applied Physics and the “GYCOM” Ltd.” Test of the gyrotron complex at 1,05 MW / 500 sec. and 0,9 MW / 1000 sec. regimes have been successfully carried out at the Kurchatov Institute test facility. The obtained test results match the IO requirements completely INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru Practical training Seven young fusion researches and engineers from Russia arrived at the ITER Headquarters in France in January 2012. Over the next 45 days they will work closely with engineers and scientists on site.The State Corporation “Rosatom” initiative was fully supported by the IO Director General professor Osamu Motojima."Any ideas to simplify the design are more than welcome", ITER Director-General Osamu Motojima said with a jovial smile as he welcomed the new co-workers. "With this scientific exchange we hope to set a precedence which will be followed by other Domestic Agencies", Motojima continued , adding that "By fostering young generations in the field of fusion science and technology we will ultimately turn ITER into Center of Excellence. That is my goal." INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
TF conductor Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru End of February, on the territory of High Energy Physics Institute in Protvino this cable was pulled through a stainless steel jacket (assembled there as well). Insertion stage was followed by compaction and spooling of the conductor (meaning that such became the cable pulled through the steel jacket) in four meter in diameter solenoid OJSC “VNIIKP” located in Podolsk, Moscow region, started cabling of the 760-meter niobium-three-tin cable for the ITER magnet system toroidal coils, January 17, 2012. This is the first regular equipment unit within Russian responsibilities that will be manufactured and procured to the ITER Organization. October 09, 2012, two qualified unit lengths of toroidal field conductors for the ITER magnetic system were shipped from Kurchatov Institute to the customs office for the further transportation to Europe. These were the copper dummy and the 100-m qualification conductor. This was Russia’s first procurement of the toroidal field coils conductor INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Collaboration goes on Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru During his Moscow visit in March 2012 IO Director General professor Osamu Motojima met the Russian ITER Council members, heads of Russian organizations and enterprises participating in manufacturing of the ITER systems, and employees of the RF DA. At the same meeting Prof. Motojima and Director of the Institution “Project Center ITER” (RF DA) signed the ninth Procurement Arrangement The traditional International Conductor meeting took part in Moscow September 10-13, 2012. The regular meeting was attended by the International ITER Organization representatives, experts from the ITER Domestic Agencies of EU, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russia and USA, as well as specialists of the suppliers INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
Obligations fulfilled Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru In September 2012 regular SULTAN test of Russian TF Conductor based on bronze route strands was performed by CRPP-EPFL. Testing of TFRF4 is a very important milestone achieving which we complete pre-production phase of TF Conductors procurement and proceed to the final production stage. At the same time it opens the way to start shipping of real Conductors to Coil manufacturer for producing coils for ITER Tokamak First testing of plasma-facing components of the ITER outer divertor target full-scale prototype started at the Efremov Institute (St Petersburg, Russia) late October 2012. This will be the first (of several dozens) test series, results of which will make it possible to adjust manufacturing technology of these ITER components INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR
1 2 3 Exercise of construction technologies of similar fusion facilities, preparation of research and engineering staff Powerful impulse for development of the national program of thermonuclear research and a number of high-technology industries Full access to the technologies and developments of the ITER Project Importance Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER” www.iterrf.ru Benefits from participation in the ITER Project INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR