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Selective waste collection in the schools

Selective waste collection in the schools. Prepared by: Mókus örs. 1. part The problem. European Union: 1995 -1998: +15 % North-Hungary is falled behind The decisive role of waste storage. Uninformedness In the schools lots of waste is accumulated

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Selective waste collection in the schools

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Selective waste collection in the schools Prepared by: Mókus örs

  2. 1. partThe problem

  3. European Union: 1995 -1998: +15 % • North-Hungary is falled behind • The decisive role of waste storage

  4. Uninformedness • In the schools lots of waste is accumulated • There is any awareness of importance of selective waste collection

  5. 2. partInformations

  6. The composition of the waste in our school

  7. Recycling of 1 ton of paper • Prevents the emissions of 2.5 tons of carbon dioxide into the armosphere • Saves 17 trees • Save as much energy what is sufficient to heat an avarage home for six months • Exempt more than 2 cubic meters of landfill space

  8. 3. partProposed solution

  9. Regular paper collection • It does not require big efforts

  10. Share of tasks • Involve the workers • Parameters of the collected waste

  11. 4. partAction plan

  12. To shape aesthetic refuse • Designation of the tasks on the conference of teachers • Presentations

  13. Öko-Pannon Kht.: • Subsidy, apllications • Demonstrations

  14. Thanks for your attention!!

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