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GFP. 1.0 kb. 0.4 kb. 35S. sGFP. pUC18 (total 4.1 kb). AtNCED-GFP. 1.8 kb. nos-T. 35S. AtNCED3. sGFP. pUC18 (total 5.9 kb). AAO3-GFP. 4.3 kb. 35S. AAO3. sGFP. pBS KS (total 8.7 kb). Supplementary Fig. S1. Schematic presentation of 35S promoter::GFP-fusion constructs.
GFP 1.0 kb 0.4 kb 35S sGFP pUC18 (total 4.1 kb) AtNCED-GFP 1.8 kb nos-T 35S AtNCED3 sGFP pUC18 (total 5.9 kb) AAO3-GFP 4.3 kb 35S AAO3 sGFP pBS KS (total 8.7 kb) Supplementary Fig. S1. Schematic presentation of 35S promoter::GFP-fusion constructs. For generation of the control construct the 35S::sGFP-nos terminator cassette was inserted into pUC18 vector (upper scheme), thereby generating a construct of 4.1 kb. Likewise, the 35S::AtNCED3-sGFP cassette with the nos terminator (nos-T) was cloned into pUC18, yielding a construct of 5.9 kb (middle scheme). In contrast, the 35S::AAO3-sGFP cassette with the nos terminator was cloned into pBluescript KS (pBS KS) whereby a construct of 8.7 kb was generated. nos-T nos-T
4500 3cm 4000 6cm 3500 9cm 3000 12cm 2500 Transformed guard cells/leaf 2000 1500 1000 500 0 650 900 1100 Helium pressure (psi) Supplementary Fig. S2. Efficiency of transformation in the guard cells of broad bean leaves. 35S::GFP construct was introduced into the leaves of broad beanplaced upside down on agar platesusing a particle gun. To check the efficiency of the transformation rate in the guard cells, we conducted the experiment under the conditions of 650 to 1100 PSI and 3 to 12 cm distance between the gun and sample. After 24 h of bombardment, the number of guard cells that had GFP fluorescence was analysed by fluorescence microscopy. The combination of 650 PSI and 9 cm yielded the best result and was therefore chosen for all experiments.
An (Aperture of non-transformed guard cell) = a/c At (Aperture of transformed guard cell) = b/c a( ) : half aperture of non-transgenic cell side b( ) : half aperture of transformed cell side c( ) : length of stomatal pore . b a c Supplementary Fig. S3. Measurement of half aperture sizes for non-transformed and transformed sides of a guard cell of broad bean. Half aperture width of the non-transformed cell side was represented by a (dotted line). Half aperture width of the transformed cell side was represented by b (broken line). Length of stomatal pore was represented by c (solid line). Stomatal aperture of the non-transformed guard cell (An) was calculated by a/c. Stomatal aperture of the transformed guard cell (At) was calculated by b/c.