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COMPANY PROFILE. PT. ADMAX JASA BERSAMA. Background Vision, Mission, Values Organization Chart Tower Division - Site Acquisition (SITAC) - Civil, Mechanical, Electrical (CME) - Project List. Table of Contents. Daftar Isi. Latar Belakang Visi , Misi , Nilai
Background • Vision, Mission, Values • Organization Chart • Tower Division - Site Acquisition (SITAC) - Civil, Mechanical, Electrical (CME) - Project List Tableof Contents DaftarIsi • LatarBelakang • Visi, Misi, Nilai • StrukturOrganisasi • Divisi Tower - Site Acquisition (SITAC) - Civil, Mechanical, Electrical (CME) - DaftarProyek
PT. AdmaxJasaBersama is a private company founded in 1998 At the beginning, PT. AdmaxJasaBersama engaged in the business sectors as well as mechanical and electrical construction services And this business is maintained until today. Over time, this time PT. AdmaxJasaBersama now has 2 (two) divisions which is, Tower Telecommunication Division and Infrastructure Division. Where both divisions are working on an ongoing basis and co-exist with each other. Armed with experience, expertise and reputation of the business sector with a scope of work includes marketing, analysis, design, and installation of the national standards we bring myself to doing business in the BTS and Infrastructure contractors in particular to capture the market opportunity is still wide open. We are a nation that has a commitment to be a part as well as develop and promote the nation state through the construction services sector, although the scope is still small, but we believe the achievement of a broader scope in great need of the process. Currently we are doing is doing and do the best for all our business partners. Background LatarBelakang PT. AdmaxJasaBersamadidirikanpadatahun 1998 Padaawalnya, PT. AdmaxJasaBersamabergerakdibidangjasaservismekanikaldanelektrikal. Dan tetapberjalansampaidengansaatini. Seiringberjalannyawaktu, saatini PT. AdmaxJasaBersamamemiliki 2 (dua) divisi, yakniDivisi Tower Telekomunikasi dandivisiInfrastruktur. Dimanakeduadivisitersebutbekerjasecaraberkesinambungandansalingmengisisatudengan yang lainnya. Berbekal pengalaman, keahlian dan reputasidibidang usahatersebut dengan cakupan pekerjaan meliputi pemasaran, analisa, perancangan, dan installasisecara standard nasional kami memberanikan diri untuk terjun dalam dunia usaha dibidang kontraktorkhususnya BTS daninfrastruktur guna menangkap peluangpasaryangmasih sangat terbuka lebar. Kami adalah anak bangsa yang memiliki komitmen turut berperan serta membangun dan memajukan bangsa negara melalui sektor jasa konstruksi meski pada scope yang masih kecil, namun kami meyakini pencapaian pada scope yang lebih luas sangat memerlukan proses. Saatini yang kamilakukanadalahberbuatdanberbuat yang terbaikbagiseluruh partner usahakami
Develop a nuanced Technology Products to have the benefit, effective, efficient, and the High Value Added. • Efficient and Effective in all forms of working patterns to have a competitive value • Best Service's customers to achieve satisfaction • Won market opportunities • Developing independence and identity • Opens new jobs, creating the best human resources • To build a better life in order to realize prosperity With the vision and mission we have, we are ready to meet future challenges with enthusiasm • Vision, Mission, Values Visi, Misi,Nilai • Mengembangkan Produk bernuansa Teknologi hingga memiliki Nilai mafaat, NilaiEfektivitas, Nilai Efesien, serta Nilai Tambah yang Tinggi • Efisien dan Efektif dalam segala bentuk pola kerja hingga memiliki nilai kompetitif • Pelayanan Terbaik pada para pelanggan hingga tercapai Kepuasan. • Memenangkan peluang pasar. • Membangun kemandirian dan jati diri. • Membuka lapangan kerja baru, menciptakan SDM terbaik • Membina kehidupan lebih baik dalam rangka mewujudkan kesejahteraan • Dengan Visi dan Misi yang kami miliki, kami siap menyongsong hari depan yang penuh tantangan dengan penuh semangat.
ORGANIZATION CHART Board of Commissary Director Deputy Director General Manager Project Manager Tower Sales Mgr Finance and Acc.Mgr Tower Site Manager SITAC Sales Finance Staff Infrastruct. Site Manager CME Sales Accounting Staff
For this project, PT. PT. AdmaxJasaBersama , were doing all sorts of jobs for the construction of tower, which is the takeover of land which was known by the name of Site Acquisition (SITAC). In this work, all types of licenses, whether licenses from residents, local officials (RT / RW), up to establish licensing for the building (IMB) to the relevant department, professionally done by minimizing all forms of expenditure For this project, PT. PT. AdmaxJasaBersama , were doing all kinds of jobs for the construction of tower. Starting from clearing land, excavation, back filling and built a tower as well as mechanical and electrical installation. In this work, we always work professionally and always adhere to the timeliness and the quality of work by not ignoring SAFETY PROCEDURES and HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT. Site Acquisition (SITAC) • Site Acquisition (SITAC) PT. PT. AdmaxJasaBersama , mengerjakansemuapekerjaan yang berhubungandenganpersiapanpembangunan Tower, yang salahsatunyadikenaldengannama Site Acquisition (SITAC). Untukhalini, semuajenisperijinan, mulaidariijinwarga, pejabat local (RT / RW), sampaidenganijinuntukmendirikanbangunan (IMB) kedepartementerkait, dikerjakansecaraprofesionalmeminimalkansegalabentukpengeluaran. • Untukproyekini, PT. PT. AdmaxJasaBersama , mengerjakansemuapekerjaanuntukpembangunan tower. • Mulaidaripembersihanlahan, penggalian, pengurugandanereksi tower termasukdidalamnyainstalasimekanikaldanelektrikal. • Dalamhalini, kamiselalubekerjasecaraprofesionaldanselalumengutamakanketepatanwaktudankualitaspekerjaandengantidakmenghiraukanPROSEDUR KESELAMATAN dan KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA.
Excavations Civil, Mechanical & Electrical (CME) Concrete Frame (Pembesian) (Penggalian) Tower Erection (Ereksi Tower) Electrical Works (PekerjaanElektrikal)
PT. ADMAX JASA BERSAMA Jl.Senin Raya No.135 JAKARTA PUSAT 10410 • Telp. : 021-32083176 • Fax. : 021-32083176 • Email : admax8@gmail.com