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AllYou Need To KnowAboutBreastImplantRemoval Surgery • The primary goal of a Breast explant with capsulectomy is to remove breast implants from a Breast lift surgery in Chicagoor a Breast augmentation in Chicago. Dr. Dhaval Patel is a top Plastic Surgeon in Chicago who runs the popular clinic CI Plastic Surgery. Dr. Dhaval Patel is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who was named the best plasticsurgeoninChicagobymultiplepatients.PlasticSurgeonsinOakBrookmayalso remove silicone material from implant leaks and the breast capsule, which is scar tissue that formsafterthebreastreconstructivesurgery, during theseprocedures. • Breast explant in Chicago is a cosmetic procedure that reverses breast augmentation orbreastliftsurgeryinChicago.Inthisprocedure,thetop plasticsurgeonsinChicago reviseorremovethe breastimplants. • Manywomenwhohavepreviouslyhadbreastreconstructivesurgeryinoakbrook • willrequireanotherBreastexplantin oakbrook. This procedureinvolves: • eitherremovingtheexistingimplantsand replacingthemwithnew breast implants • Repositioningtheexistingbreastimplants • Orremoving the breastimplants withoutreplacingthem. • If you have had any problems with your breast implants, such as infection or capsular contracture, our top plastic surgeons in Oak Brook may advise you to have them removed. • Breast implants areanotherreasonforperformingBreastexplantsurgeryinChicago. • Acalciumbuildup. • Infectionand/orbleeding ofanykind. • The formationofdeadtissuesaroundthebreastimplantisknownasnecrosis. • SomeoftheotherreasonswomenchoosetohavebreastexplantsurgeryinChicago • areasfollows: • Complications of the implant: Breast implant complications include rupture, deflation,andfolding(incase thebreastimplant is filledwithsaline). • Personal preference: Some women may believe that their breast implants are the wrong shape and size. Because of weight gain, weight loss, or pregnancies, the implants mayhaveshifted intothe incorrect position overtime.
3.Othercomplicationsincludecapsularcontracture,tensionbandasymmetry, displacement,infection,and siliconeleakage. While recoveryfrombreastimplantsurgeryvariesfrompersontoperson,most Cosmetic Surgeons in Chicago agree that recovery is usually smoother than the initial breast implant surgery. However, if you had a breast lift surgery in Chicago after your breast reconstruction surgery in Chicago, your breasts will feel tight and heavy for a fewweeks. Most women are able to return to work within five daysand report only minor discomfort following the Breast explant surgery in Chicago. If you had your breast implants removed due to capsular contracture, you will be in more pain and your breastimplant recoverytime willbe longer. Breast explant surgery in Oak Brook usually heals very well and is almost always undetectable. It is critical to note that they heal in stages, with the entire process takingapproximatelythree tofourmonths. Meta Title:AllYou Need To KnowAbout BreastImplantRemovalSurgery MetaDescription:Dr.DhavalPatelisadoubleboard-certifiedplasticsurgeonwhowas namedthebestplasticsurgeoninChicagobymultiplepatients.Breastexplantsurgery inOakBrookusuallyheals verywellandisalmostalwaysundetectable.