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Combining Subject Headings

Combining Subject Headings. Bcolean Logix. Boolean operators: AND OR AND NOT or NOT. Source: http://www.kerryr. net/pioneers/boole.htm. Boolean Operators: AND (2 concepts). poverty AND unemployment. Boolean Operators: AND (3 concepts). poverty AND unemployment AND libraries .

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Combining Subject Headings

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Combining Subject Headings

  2. BcoleanLogix Boolean operators: • AND • OR • AND NOT or NOT Source: http://www.kerryr.net/pioneers/boole.htm

  3. Boolean Operators: AND (2 concepts) poverty AND unemployment

  4. Boolean Operators: AND(3 concepts) poverty AND unemployment AND libraries

  5. Boolean Operators: ANDSmaller Search Sets poverty AND unemployment AND oxygen

  6. Boolean Operators: ANDSmaller Search Sets poverty AND unemployment AND Valparaiso, Indiana

  7. Topic: Neurological functioning of high-functioning autistic children

  8. Boolean Operators: OROne Concept college

  9. Boolean Operators: ORTwo Terms college OR university college OR motorcycles

  10. Boolean Operators: ORThree Terms college OR university OR campus

  11. Neurological functioning of high-functioning autisticchildren

  12. OR versus AND colleges ORlibraries colleges ANDlibraries

  13. Boolean Operators: NOT Saturn NOT automobile

  14. When Not to Use the Boolean NOT boys math anxiety girls

  15. Boolean NOT:math anxiety NOT boys boys boys math anxiety girls

  16. Boolean AND:math anxiety AND (girls or females) boys boys math anxiety girls

  17. Order of Boolean Operations OR ? NOT AND ?

  18. Order of Math Operations • 6 X 8 + 2 = 50 ???? or 6 X 8 + 2 = 60 ???? (6 X 8) + 2 = 50 6 X (8 + 2) = 60 • NOT operations are performed first • AND operations are evaluated next • OR are completed last. • Math anxiety AND girls NOT boys • Math anxiety AND (girls NOT boys)

  19. Order of Math Operations • 6 X 8 + 2 = 50 ???? or 6 X 8 + 2 = 60 ???? (6 X 8) + 2 = 50 6 X (8 + 2) = 60 • NOT operations are performed first • AND operations are evaluated next • OR are completed last. • Math anxiety AND girls NOT boys • Math anxiety AND (girls NOT boys)

  20. Order of Math Operations • 6 X 8 + 2 = 50 ???? or 6 X 8 + 2 = 60 ???? (6 X 8) + 2 = 50 6 X (8 + 2) = 60 • NOT operations are performed first • AND operations are evaluated next • OR are completed last. • Math anxiety AND girls NOT boys • Math anxiety AND (girls NOT boys)

  21. Order of Math Operations • 6 X 8 + 2 = 50 ???? or 6 X 8 + 2 = 60 ???? (6 X 8) + 2 = 50 6 X (8 + 2) = 60 • NOT operations are performed first • AND operations are evaluated next • OR are completed last. • Math anxiety AND girls NOT boys • Math anxiety AND (girls NOT boys)

  22. Order of Boolean Operations • 6 X 8 + 2 = 50 ???? or 6 X 8 + 2 = 60 ???? (6 X 8) + 2 = 50 6 X (8 + 2) = 60 • NOT operations are performed first • AND operations are evaluated next • OR are completed last. • Math anxiety AND girls NOT boys • Math anxiety AND (girls NOT boys) Order of Math Operations

  23. The Power of Parentheses • (math anxiety NOT boys) OR girls • math anxiety NOT (boys OR girls) • (girls NOT math anxiety) OR boys • (boys NOT math anxiety) OR girls • (boys NOT girls) OR math anxiety • (girls NOT boys) OR math anxiety • math anxiety AND (girls OR women OR females ) NOT (boys OR men OR males) • math anxiety AND ((boys OR men OR males) NOT (girls OR women OR females)

  24. The Power of Parentheses • (math anxiety NOT boys) OR girls • math anxiety NOT (boys OR girls) • (girls NOT math anxiety) OR boys • (boys NOT math anxiety) OR girls • (boys NOT girls) OR math anxiety • (girls NOT boys) OR math anxiety • math anxiety AND (girls OR women OR females ) NOT (boys OR men OR males) • math anxiety AND ((boys OR men OR males) NOT (girls OR women OR females)

  25. The Power of Parentheses • (math anxiety NOT boys) OR girls • math anxiety NOT (boys OR girls) • (girls NOT math anxiety) OR boys • (boys NOT math anxiety) OR girls • (boys NOT girls) OR math anxiety • (girls NOT boys) OR math anxiety • math anxiety AND (girls OR women OR females ) NOT (boys OR men OR males) • math anxiety AND ((boys OR men OR males) NOT (girls OR women OR females)

  26. The Power of Parentheses • (math anxiety NOT boys) OR girls • math anxiety NOT (boys OR girls) • (girls NOT math anxiety) OR boys • (boys NOT math anxiety) OR girls • (boys NOT girls) OR math anxiety • (girls NOT boys) OR math anxiety • math anxiety AND (girls OR women OR females ) NOT (boys OR men OR males) • math anxiety AND ((boys OR men OR males) NOT (girls OR women OR females))

  27. The Power of Parentheses

  28. Keywords and Controlled Vocabulary

  29. Keywords • Clothing: • Dress • Raiment • Garb • Attire • Garment • Apparel • Clothes • Outfit

  30. Stop Words • Small words not indexed in commercial databases or Web searching: • List of stop words vary from database to database • Sample words: a, about, all, although, am, are, as, at, back, be, both, but, can, could, do, each, eight, eighty, every, even, five, fifty, from, four, forty, had, has, have, he, her, here, if, in, is, many, me, more, next, nine, ninety, no, none, nor, of, on, one, our, out, see, seem, self, seven, seventy, she, six, sixty, some, the, their, them, to, we, well, was, you

  31. Hyphens and Apostrophes • Pretrial • Pre-trial • Pre trialAsperger’s Syndrome Asperger s Syndrome Aspergers Syndrome

  32. Combining Subject Heads

  33. Search Results

  34. Boolean Operators

  35. Boolean Operators: AND, OR, NOT AND OR NOT

  36. Boolean OR 80 college OR university 40 50

  37. Boolean AND college AND university AND children

  38. Boolean OR 115 college OR university OR campus 40 50 45

  39. Using the Boolean OR to Look for Synonyms or Alternative Terms

  40. Using OR in ProQuest’s Advanced Search

  41. Boolean AND college AND university AND children

  42. The Boolean AND in ProQuest

  43. Boolean NOT 115 turkey NOT food 210 200

  44. Boolean OR Searching Using ProQuest

  45. Boolean OR high-functioning autism OR HFA

  46. Boolean AND autism AND children

  47. Boolean NOT 115 Saturn NOT planet 210 200

  48. Combining Boolean Operators for Focused Results

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