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The Interaction of Light and Matter

Reflection and Refraction of Light. 11-12. The Interaction of Light and Matter. Absorption, Transmission, and Reflection. Light Can do Three Things: 1) Absorb 2) Transmit or Refract 3) Reflect. Reflection and Refraction of Light. 2. The Interaction of Light and Matter.

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The Interaction of Light and Matter

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  1. Reflection and Refraction of Light 11-12 The Interaction of Light and Matter Absorption, Transmission, and Reflection • Light Can do Three Things: • 1) Absorb • 2) Transmit or Refract • 3) Reflect

  2. Reflection and Refraction of Light 2 The Interaction of Light and Matter Absorption, Transmission, and Reflection • The opaque material in this candleholder only absorbs and reflects light—no light passes through it.

  3. Reflection and Refraction of Light • Materials that allow some light to pass through them, are described as translucent. 2 Absorption, Transmission, and Reflection

  4. Reflection and Refraction of Light • Transparent materials, such as this candleholder transmit almost all the light striking them, so you can see objects clearly through them. 2 Absorption, Transmission, and Reflection

  5. Reflection and Refraction of Light 2 Reflection of Light Regular and Diffuse Reflection • A smooth, even surface such as a pane of glass produces a sharp image by reflecting parallel light waves in only one direction. • Reflection of light waves from a smooth surface is regular reflection. • To cause a regular reflection, the roughness of a surface must be less than the wavelengths it reflects. • Ex: LOOKING IN A MIRROR

  6. Reflection and Refraction of Light 2 Regular and Diffuse Reflection • Reflection of light from a rough surface is diffuse reflection. • Diffuse reflection is a type of scattering that occurs when light waves traveling in one direction are made to travel in many different directions. • Ex: white cloth

  7. Reflection and Refraction of Light 2 Refraction of Light • Refraction is caused by a change in the speed of a wave when it passes from one material to another.

  8. Reflection and Refraction of Light 2 Refraction of Light • Index of refraction is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in the material. • The index of refraction indicates how much the speed of light is reduced in the material compared to its speed in empty space. • The larger the index of refraction, the more light is slowed down in the material.

  9. Reflection and Refraction of Light 2 Refraction of Light • White light, such as sunlight, is made up of light waves with range of wavelengths. • Prisms refract the light twice—once when it enters the prism and again when it leaves the prism.

  10. Reflection and Refraction of Light 2 Refraction of Light • The longer wavelengths of light are slowed less and are bent the least. • As a result, the different colors are separated when they emerge from the prism.

  11. Reflection and Refraction of Light 2 Diffraction of Light (10-3) • Occurs when an object causes a wave to change direction and bend around it. • The amount of diffraction that occurs depends on the size of the object • If the object is smaller than the wavelength then the wave will bend around it

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