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Sharks. By Catherine Liu. Types of Sharks. Great White Leopard Bull Whale Blue Mako Tiger Hammerhead Basking Lemon Nurse. Where Sharks Live. Great Whites live in tropical and temperate seas. Other sharks live in Oceans Seas Lakes Rivers. What Sharks Eat. Seals Sea Lions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sharks By Catherine Liu

  2. Types of Sharks Great White Leopard Bull Whale Blue Mako Tiger Hammerhead Basking Lemon Nurse

  3. Where Sharks Live Great Whites live in tropical and temperate seas. Other sharks live in Oceans Seas Lakes Rivers

  4. What Sharks Eat Seals Sea Lions Fish Sharks Squid Marine Mammals Shellfish Crab Clams Plankton

  5. Predators and Enemies of Sharks The sharks only predators are larger sharks and humans. The sharks only enemies are dolphins.

  6. How Sharks Reproduce Unlike most fish, shark eggs are fertilized inside the female’s body. A male shark has two organs called claspers. 1.The claspers release sperm into the female. It fertilizes the eggs there. 2.The eggs hatch inside the female.The pups are born alive.

  7. Fun Facts • The parents of baby sharks don’t care for them. Sometimes the mother even eats their young. • Sharks lack an organ. That organ is called a swim bladder. A swim bladder is a gas-filled organ that helps fish remain at a certain depth without sinking. Instead of having a swim bladder, sharks have large oil-filled livers. Even though sharks have large oil-filled livers, they have to swim constantly or they will sink.

  8. Reference I got my information from Infohio and Enchanted Learning

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