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Methodology for the IWT LAB report Analysis based on the deep dive processes

Methodology for the IWT LAB report Analysis based on the deep dive processes. 07/03/2012 Enns LP - Plimsoll. Deep dive matrix 1.1 place of the next visit 1.2 date of the next visit 1.3 members of the visiting group (participants).

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Methodology for the IWT LAB report Analysis based on the deep dive processes

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  1. Methodology for the IWT LAB reportAnalysis based on the deep dive processes 07/03/2012 Enns LP - Plimsoll

  2. Deep dive matrix 1.1 place of the next visit 1.2 date of the next visit1.3 members of the visiting group (participants)

  3. 3. Methodology for deep dive process(manual for analysis process) Status quo Report to be prepared and distributed by e-mail latest one week before IWT Lab visit. (Ennshafen: already done) Galati and Giurgiu: 16th April 2012 Bratislava and Dunaújváros 30th May 2012 Novi Sad, Vukovar and Vidin : 3rd September 2012 Elaboration of Status Quo Reports tobe done by each Port individually. Report to be based on „Methodology of the IWT Lab Reports”. Suggested travel routings to be advised by ports latest together with Status Quo reports. List of available accommodations to be forwarded 1 month before visit of experts. All hosts kindly requested to assist in booking of accommodation.

  4. At IWT Lab following basic agenda suggested(Deep dive analysis): • Questions on Status quo report: • Location (general map of the port) • Proprietorial status • Management structure (regulatory framework) • Brief history • Total port area (incl. land, water, warehouses – open and covered - / silo and industrial sites/ - public / private / municipality) • Water depth (at anchorage/fairway/entrance/port/dock/etc • Length of the quay(s)/jetty(s)

  5. 2.Cargo handling processes of port from one gate to other. To be shown for all type of cargoes. • General data – throughput of the port (total cargo handled by type for the period of 2007-2011) • Container terminal data • Cargo handling service data (number of cranes/forklifts, lifting capacity, silo capacity, loading rate for main products handled; reefer capacity if any) data • 2.5.6.Rail service/network data if any • 2.5.7.RO-RO / RO-LA service dataif any

  6. Cont nr. 2. • Passenger service if any • Heavy cargo handling if any • Any service not described (tug, custom, pilot, bunkering, etc) • Running development/expansion

  7. Cont nr.2. • TG 5 information (logistics, hinterland connections, feeder, RIS, navigability) • Environmental status

  8. Visit of the port(s)

  9. Discussing of impressions and preparing SWOT analysis of theport together. Strengths: characteristics of the project that give it an advantage over others Weaknesses (or Limitations): are characteristics that place the project at a disadvantage relative to others Opportunities: external chances to improve performance (e.g. make greater profits) of the project Threats: external elements in the project that could cause trouble for the business or project

  10. 4. Table of Contents of IWT Lab Report(minimal version!) • Short version of Status Quo Report, including comments • Cargo handling process(es) • Swot analyses • Detailed findings of port visit for TG1, TG2, TG3, TG4, TG5.

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