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“Pride comes before a fall” Discuss

“Pride comes before a fall” Discuss. Ozymandias. LO: To interpret the meaning and imagery of Ozymandias Ozymandias. What do you think this poem is about?. How many characters are there? How does the traveller feel about Ozymandias ? What kind of character is Ozymandias ?

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“Pride comes before a fall” Discuss

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  1. “Pride comes before a fall” Discuss

  2. Ozymandias LO: To interpret the meaning and imagery of Ozymandias Ozymandias

  3. What do you think this poem is about? • How many characters are there? • How does the traveller feel about Ozymandias? • What kind of character is Ozymandias? • What is the poem about? • How does the poem make you feel?

  4. Copy and learn the following terms • Connotation: a poetic technique which paints a picture with words. The reader conjures up feelings and emotions as a result. • Imagery: the association which a reader gets from a word, picture or colour.

  5. Imagery. • What kind of man do you think that Ozymandias was? What did he look like? • Draw a picture of Ozymandias, labelling it using quotations from the text.

  6. How does Shelley show the statue to be insignificant? Consider: • The presentation of the statue • The words on the pedestal • The framework of the poem: how the speaker hears about the statue

  7. Look at the following lines, write down what ideas you get from the language and imagery. Think especially about what kind of character Ozymandias is. • “Half sunk, a shatter’d visage lies” (line 4) • “The lone and level sands stretch far away” (line 14) • “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings” (line 10)

  8. Look at the following symbols, where and how can you see them in the poem? • Political tyranny • No political leader, particularly an unjust one, can hope to have lasting power or real influence. • Decay of civilization and culture

  9. Choose one quotation from the text and write a PEE paragraph which focuses on the effect of imagery. For example: Ozymandias is a character that is no longer significant. The statue is described as ‘Half sunk’, showing that he was once put on a pedestal and was a man of great important, but his time has passed and he has been forgotten and left to waste in the sand.

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