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eScience in Astronomy: VO & GRID

eScience in Astronomy: VO & GRID. eScience: making the most advanced tools of IT available to scientists supercomputers data mining semantic web && more defining the advanced challenges for IT development (astronomy) data streams of > 100 Gbit/s

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eScience in Astronomy: VO & GRID

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  1. eScience in Astronomy: VO & GRID eScience: • making the most advanced tools of IT available to scientists supercomputers data mining semantic web && more • defining the advanced challenges for IT development (astronomy) • data streams of > 100 Gbit/s • distributed data sets > 100 Petabytes • multi-layered, multi-dimensional

  2. eScience in Astronomy: VO & GRID Grid History: • development was driven by High Energy Physics - only few data sources - clearly structured data - well known methods of data handling: (Monte Carlo simulations with data slices) • Earth & climate science with a narrowed set of data followed suit

  3. eScience in Astronomy: VO & GRID Pre VO history: • Multiple archives • Multiple data sources • Insufficient data exchange protocols (except FITS) • Scientific methods not shaping up to data sizes

  4. eScience in Astronomy: VO & GRID VO history: • Multi wave length view • Standards for publishing data • Standards for exchanging data • New tools building on these standards • Concepts as VOSpace, SingleSignOn • Focus on Domain perspective • (AstroRG in OGF)

  5. eScience in Astronomy: VO & GRID AstroGrid-D: • Experience in running the community grid • Basic infrastructure components ready for real science cases • Heading for a sustainable way to run the grid for Astronomy in Germany • Smoothing the path to Grid usage for the community

  6. eScience in Astronomy: VO & GRID AstroGrid-D: Development focus for new proposal Virtual Data Center • Distributed data (storage locations) • Based on grid-infrastructure • Providing advanced methods • data-stream management • publish / subscribe facilities • Long Term Archiving • Efficient data processing

  7. eScience in Astronomy: VO & GRID Cooperation with GAVO (VDZ-Proposal) • Indexing and Metadata extraction service • Combining VOSpace and Grid Storage • VOQL support for VDZ • Tools collection combining IVOA registry and Grid registry

  8. eScience in Astronomy: VO & GRID Cooperation with GAVO • Publishing new archives (+ mining tools) • Simulation archives • Combined service offers (e.g.: LBTB data) • Running VO tools on Grid (T. Rauch’s Spectra service) • Supporting German consortia for LOFAR, LSST, PanSTARRS on data management and data minig issues

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