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Mario Baroni Expression: a controversial and elusive concept. Can we find any definition of it? .
Mario Baroni Expression: a controversial and elusive concept. Can we find any definition of it?
P. Juslin, A. Friberg, E. Schoonderwaldt and J. Karlson, Feedback learning of musical expressivity, in A. Williamon ed., Musical excellence. Strategies and techniques to enhance performance, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York 2004, pp. 247-270
1. Factors that may influence expressivity in music performance (the performed piece, the instruments, the performers, the listeners, the social context) 2. A selection of factors that transcend a specific time and place (the so called GERMS model proposed by them in «Musicae Scientiae» 2002) 3. The results obtained by research on music emotions (for example the volume by Juslin and Slobodaeds.: Music and Emotion, Oxford University Press, 2001) 4. A novel approach based on feedback learning and published in the article.
How vs. why (motivation problem) Theory of structure vs. theory of meaning
S. Canazza, G. De Poli, A. Rodà, A. Vidolin, Expressiveness in music performance: Analysis, models, mapping, encoding, in J. Steyn (ed.), Structurimg music through Markup language: Designs and architectures, IGI Global, 2012, pp. 156-186.
G. De Poli, Methodology for expressiveness modelling and for music performance, «Journal of New Music Research», 33/3 2004, pp. 189-202. Camurri, A., De Poli, G., Friberg, A., Leman, M. &Volpe, G., The MEGA project: analysis and synthesis of multisensory expressive gesture in performing art applications, «Journal of New Music Research», 34/1, 2005, pp. 5-21.
J.A. Sloboda and P. Juslin, At the interface between the inner and outer world . Psychological perspectives, in P. Juslin and J. Sloboda, Handbook of music and emotion. Theory, research, applications, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2010, p. 80.
S. Canazza, G. De Poli, A, Rodà and A. Vidolin, An abstract control space for communication of sensory expressive intentions in music performance , «Journal of New Music Research», 32/3, 2003, pp. 281-294.
Limits in my definition of expressivity 1. instrumental vs. vocal music 2. composition vs. performance
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Phrasing, micro-structures, tensions J. Sundberg, A. Friberg, and R. Bresin, Attempts to reproduce a pianist’sexpressive timing with DirectorMusices performance rules, «Journal of New Music Research», 32/3, 2003, pp. 317-325 R. Parncutt, Accents and expression in piano performance, in Perspektiven und MethodeneinerSystemischenMusikwissenshaft (FestschriftFricke), Peter Lang, Frankfurt amMain, 2003, pp. 163-185
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N.Cook, Performance analysis and Chopin Mazurkas «Musicae Scientiae» 11/2 (2007): Between Science and Art: approaches to recoded music
M. Imberrty, La musica e l’inconscio, in Enciclopediadellamusica, Einaudi, Torino (vol. II), 2002, pp. 335-360 H. Egermann and S. McAdams, Empathy and emotional contagion as a link between recongnized and felt emotions, «Music Perception» 31/2, 2013, pp. 139-156