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All St ate A gencies R ecycle (All StAR) Recycling Coordinator Training

All St ate A gencies R ecycle (All StAR) Recycling Coordinator Training. January 17, 2012. The Law.

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All St ate A gencies R ecycle (All StAR) Recycling Coordinator Training

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  1. AllState Agencies Recycle (All StAR) Recycling Coordinator Training January 17, 2012

  2. The Law • § 9-1706. Recycling plan for State government    (a) In general. The Office of Recycling, in cooperation with the Department of General Services and other State agencies, shall develop a recycling plan that reduces by recycling the amount of the solid waste stream generated for disposal by the State government by at least 20 percent or to an amount that is determined practical and economically feasible, but in no case may the amount to be recycled be less than 10 percent.(b)  System for recycling aluminum, glass, paper and plastic. -- By July 1, 2010, the recycling plan under subsection (a) of this section shall include a system for recycling aluminum, glass, paper, and plastic generated for disposal by the State government, including the placement of collection bins in State-owned or State-operated office buildings in locations in the State where it is determined to be practical and economically feasible.(c) Implementation. By January 1, 2012, each State agency and unit of State government shall implement the recycling plan required under this section.

  3. The Agency Recycling Coordinator • The agency recycling coordinator should be responsible for tracking and reporting waste and recycling tonnages. • The agency recycling coordinator must be someone within the agency who has final authority for the collection of solid waste and recycling. • The agency recycling coordinator must have the authority to ensure that agency staff for each unit/office, complies with the law.

  4. The Recycling Contract • DGS has a State recycling contract in place that is available to all State agencies. Details are available at http://dgsweb.dgs.state.md.us/activeBPO/maintenance.html. The contracts are divided into 4 regions: A&D = Allegany, Caroline, Dorchester, Garrett, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Washington, Wicomico, and Worcester; B = Frederick, Montgomery, and Prince George’s; C = Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll, Harford, and Howard; E = Calvert, Cecil, Charles, St. Mary’s, Oriole Park, and M&T Bank Stadium. • Current leasing contracts allow State agencies to operate a recycling program.

  5. All StAR Annual Reporting Form • Page 2, Contractor/Hauler Information. It enables MDE to accurately track amount of waste generated. • Page 2, Office/Facility Occupants. Include ONLY those occupants whose recycling and waste amounts are included in the totals being reported on the form. • Page 3, MRA Materials. It is important that the Contractor/Market be completed. It prevents double-counting of materials reported to the Counties. • Page 5, Waste Disposed. Select only 1 to use. The use of Option 1 is preferred, than Option 2, and than finally Option 3. • Recycling rate formula on Page 7. • Conversion table on Page 8.

  6. Resources • List of recycling bin suppliers. (Handout) • Implementation and Audit Checklists. (Handout) • Examples of recycling bin signs. (Handout) • All things All StAR. State Agency Recycling section of MDE’s web page at www.mde.state.md.us/recycling. • State recycling contracts http://dgsweb.dgs.state.md.us/activeBPO/maintenance.html. • Christy Bujnovszky for assistance with all aspects of the All StAR program including recycling plans, the All StAR forms, or help in setting up a recycling program. 410-537-4190 or cbujnovszky@mde.state.md.us. • Leah Hinson for DGS contracts for leased buildings. 410-767-4632 or leah.hinson@dgs.state.md.us. • Margaret Fisher for DGS managed locations. 410-767-1615 or margaret.fisher@dgs.state.md.us. • Richard Keller, MES, for assistance (at a cost) in setting up a recycling program. 410-729-8531 or rkell@menv.com.

  7. 1800 Washington Boulevard | Baltimore, MD 21230-1718410-537-3314 | TTY Users: 1-800-735-2258www.mde.state.md.us Maryland Department of the Environment Waste Diversion and Utilization ProgramChristy Bujnovszky, All StAR Administratorcbujnovszky@mde.state.md.us, 410-537-4190David Mrgich, Chief, Waste Diversion Divisiondmrgich@mde.state.md.us, 410-537-4142Hilary Miller, Program Manager, Waste Diversionand Utilization Programhmiller@mde.state.md.us, 410-537-3431

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