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International Workshop in Indonesia “ How to Develop Education about Standardization for Developing Countries” Semaran

International Workshop in Indonesia “ How to Develop Education about Standardization for Developing Countries” Semarang, 20-21 October 2009. Hosted by. Indonesian Standardization Society, Central Java Regional Office. National Standardization Agency BSN. Diponegoro University, Semarang.

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International Workshop in Indonesia “ How to Develop Education about Standardization for Developing Countries” Semaran

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  1. International Workshop in Indonesia “How to Develop Education about Standardization for Developing Countries” Semarang, 20-21 October 2009 Hosted by Indonesian Standardization Society, Central Java Regional Office. National Standardization Agency BSN Diponegoro University, Semarang

  2. Standardization is getting more complex and plays very important role in global market The need for ‘standardization experts’ is increasing all over the world Public awareness of standard and standardization is still very limited, especially for academicians and industries Backgrounds

  3. To raise awareness and understanding of academicians and industries about Standardization and the importance of SE To motivate academician to implement Standard Education as part of the curricula in Higher Education Objectives

  4. Keynote Speakers 1. Chairman of BSN, DR. Bambang Setiadi, MS. “In the future,universities as educational institutions play an important roleto produce ‘standardization experts’ who will entering the global business” 2. Mr. Toshi Kurokawa, Japan The Former ICES President “ The mission of ICES is to promote education about standardizationand improve its quality and attractiveness for all stakeholders”

  5. Update information about Standard Education at international level Stakeholders perspectives on Standardization and the need for Standard Education Dissemination of information about the importance of SE in Developing Countries Expert Perspectives on Higher Education Curriculum and Textbook Development on Standardization Subjects of The Workshop

  6. Session 1 :Stakeholders perspective on the need for education and human resource development in standardization Speakers : • Industry : Mr. Kong Young Kyu, Korea General Manager PT New Armada/KIA • Regulator :Prof. Dr. dr. Fasli Jalal,Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education • Society : Mr. Tribudi Suryo Widodo,Indonesia Standardization Society (MASTAN) • Academician : Ms. Sriatie Djaprie University of Indonesia • Standardization Body : Dr. Ing Amir Partowiyatmo, Principle Secretary of BSN

  7. Session 2 :How to sell education on Standardization to Universities and Industries in developing countries context ? Speakers : • International :Mr. Toshi Kurakawa – Japan,Former ICES President • National : Ms. Dewi Odjar Ratna Komala, Deputy Chairman of BSN • Certification Body :Mr. Arifin Lambaga President Director PT. Mutu Agung Lestari Closing Session : Case Study & Simulation on Standard Development

  8. Participants Attended by 60 people, representatives of participating universities and industries from all over Indonesia

  9. International Perspectives : Global standards and standardization is a trend to the future; Education is the key for Academia-Industry cooperation Learn, Think, Act, and Check National Perspectives : Standardization has an important share for national economic growth and shall be supported by educated human resources interms of quantity and quality Knowledge on standardization that should be covered in the curriculum of Higher Education : a. Understanding on the philosophy of standard b. Standard interpretation c. Market Characteristic knowledge d. Standards on product knowledge and management system Conclusions

  10. Standards education program shall have a solid structure in the department (faculty, engineering department, study program etc.) Efforts should be made to strengthen and facilitate a core of lecturers at each university The core group of lecturers shall be given adequate support such as : Recommendations • Standards information, standards collection in particular SNI standards • Reference literature, standards education books, models • Opportunities provided to obtain advanced degrees, research work in standardization discipline, attending seminars, exchange of lecturers. • Rewards and Information on job opportunities and carrier development • in the field of standardization shall be given to students

  11. Strategic Approach for Standards Education in Developing Countries : 1. Understanding the WTO/TBT Agreement shall be included in awareness program on standards education; 2. Learning and Catching Up on standardization as quality enforcement must be implement in potential universities 3. Government has to motivate students/engineers/ management to participate in standard education 4. Education materials shall be available on internet 5. Enhancing standard education network at national and international level for promoting participation of experts in standardization activities; 6. Evaluation must be conducted continually, to identify the progress for improvement.

  12. Thank you Dewi Odjar Ratna Komala Deputy Chairman for Information and Promotion of Standardization National Standardization Agency, Indonesia odjar@bs.go.id

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