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- Workshop 4 -

- Workshop 4 -. Design and Implementation of an Online Interview Tool Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Albrecht Fortenbacher and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sieck. Live voting. Please fill in the questionnaires!. Dividing the tasks…. “The Event Management” Team “The IT” Team “The Questionnaire” Team.

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- Workshop 4 -

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Presentation Transcript

  1. - Workshop 4 - Design and Implementation of an Online Interview Tool Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Albrecht Fortenbacher and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sieck

  2. Live voting Please fill in the questionnaires!

  3. Dividing the tasks… • “The Event Management” Team • “The IT” Team • “The Questionnaire” Team

  4. The Event Management Team Design and produce an adv. campaign Organize the lottery

  5. Ausra Maria Eleni Mary Rudolf

  6. The IT Team Online tool Database and network Design the results

  7. Bene Roman Eileen Enrico Alex Beny

  8. The Questionnaire Team Design the questions Analyze the results

  9. Clemens Marta Andrea Meike Simon Thanks to Ausra for photographing

  10. Goals of the workshop • Use the Internet in a marketing study • Work in a multicultural team • Develop language skills • Real company simulation

  11. Goals of the survey • Satisfaction feedback about the IP • What to improve next year? • Apply new technologies to a Marketing study

  12. The Event Management Team

  13. Communication techniques • Logo • How we prepared the annoucement/ Advertisement? - Time - Place - Motivation(lottery) • Designed the Announcement/ Advertisement - Created a combination of 3 suggestion of advertisement

  14. The campaign • Chose a way of advertising - printed 100 flyers - put the advertisement to the projector during break of presentation - visited every workshops and gave a advertisement to participiants of IP program More than 80% participation! • Lottery - 3 prizes

  15. The IT Team

  16. Installation of our own server • establishing an independent infrastructure • everything we needed was: • a Laptop • Wireless LAN Accesspoint • XAMPP for Apple

  17. Basic Decision • a basic decision had to be made • write our own program or • use existing software • OpenSurveypilot • Web based OpenSource Software

  18. Working with exisiting software • advantages • convenient • faster implementation • wide range of possibilities

  19. Working with exisiting software • disadvantages • difficult to install • almost no documentation • database with really bad layout (88 tables and still rising)

  20. Introducing OpenSurveypilot

  21. Evaluation • Overview of possible survey elements • dropdown menu • free text fields • question matrix • check boxes • radio buttons

  22. HTML statistics • plain HTML not really beautiful • not convincing • hard to understand • static view • Decision to make graphical statistics

  23. Different graphical analysis

  24. Using data from the database DB data.php index.php read include

  25. Advantages of using Flash • charts and graphs from dynamic data • animated charts • vector graphics • simple and flexible customization of charts • compatibility warranted • ubiquity of Flash Player in Europe: 98.7 %

  26. Pie Charts

  27. Single Bars

  28. Multi Bars

  29. The Questionnaire Team

  30. Find goals • Dividing IPs into target groups • Formulate questions • Communicate with the ITs and the Eventies • Deciding which results will be published What did we do actually?

  31. Different points of view • Not all ideas could be implemented Challenges (not to say problems)

  32. Let´s have a look at the results!

  33. The workshop conclusions • Meeting of 2 study-branches • Internet made survey process more effective • Communication campaign very helpful in such a short time

  34. Thank you for your attention!!!Next step: The live voting results!

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