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Enhancing Environmental Inspections in Italy: Insights from IMPEL Project Review

Discover key outcomes and opportunities for development from the IMPEL Review Initiatives in Italy, focusing on environmental inspections in IED installations. Learn about the national peer review and recommendations outlined in the final report. Explore how IMPEL can support the homogenization of inspection activities in Italy.

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Enhancing Environmental Inspections in Italy: Insights from IMPEL Project Review

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  1. Italian IRI Scheme A national peer review IMPEL project meeting: Results of the IMPEL Review Initiatives (IRI) 07/08 June 2017 Location – Brussels Giuseppe Sgorbati - Arpa Lombardia Fabio Carella - Arpa Lombardia

  2. Background Changed Some relevantoutcomes (opportunities for development) of the IRI thattookplace in Como, Italybetween 21-24 may 2012 at ARPA Lombardia: Anyviolation of an IPPC permithas to be sentimmediately to the prosecutor. In some Europeanmemberstatesthereis a more flexible system to deal with violation of IPPC permitswhichissverystrict on criminalbreaches and lessstrict on minor breaches. Time limitedpermits (mostly 5 years) differ from other Europeancountrieswhichtend to be permits for life. Considerusing IMPEL risk assessment for setting inspectionpriorities. ARPA are aware of the factthathaving the same team leader going to the same companies all the time carries to risk of too strong involvment and potentially «issueblindness». Itcould be considered to givehigherpriority to getting other regionsat the samelevel of expertise on IPPC inspections. Itcould be considered to compare permits for companies with plantsalso in other regions in order to obtain a levelplayingfield. Modified Done Improved Work in progress Work in progress

  3. The Project Overview of the situation and best practices in environmentalinspections in Italy Timespan: 2015-2016 Comparisonamong the Italian Environment Agencies in programming, organizing and performing environmentalinspections in IED installations

  4. The Project • 8 agencies • 11 experts • 6 plenarymeetings

  5. The Project Producing a draft handbook for peer review in the italianenvironment system Collecting information on IED inspectionsamongitalianagencies Carrying out the first national peer review on IED inspections at a regional EPA Producing the final report and disseminating the results at national and international level

  6. The Questionnaire 16 Sections 150 Questions

  7. The Questionnaire 19 Agencies out of 21 have answered the questionnaire the national Agency ISPRA has answered the questionnaire the regional Agencies answering the qustionnaire sum up some 7.800 municipalities the regional Agencies answering the qustionnaire cover more than 6.000 IPPC installations of regional level

  8. The Handbook officially approved by the national council of the italian EPAs on March 15th 2016 developed on the pattern of the IMPEL IRI SCHEME field tested during the first national peer review in october 2016 …unfortunately not translated in english till now…..

  9. The final report • all the questionnarie feed back transposedintodiagrams • comments and conclusions to eachsection • summaryconclusion and mainfindings • SWOT analysis on the italian IED inspection system • finalreccomendations • approved by the nationalcouncil of the italianEPAson May 15th 2017 • to be publishedsoon

  10. The first italian peer review on IED inspection • held in Arpa Campania from 4th to 6thOctober 2016 • 7 experts in the project team from 5 agencies • more than 30 experts from Arpa Campania • 4 topics: • legislative and regulatory framework • role of Arpa Campania in the permitting procedure • organizational framework • technical framework • 1 case study: Acerra WTE plant • 11 presentations by EPAsexpertsboth from project team and Arpa Campania • conclusions and mainfindings for eachtopic • final report approved by the participants and by the national council of the italian EPAs • to be published soon

  11. What next(proposed follow up at national and IMPEL level) WHY NEXT

  12. HOW MAY IMPEL HELP IN THE HOMOGENEIZATION OF INSPECTION ACTIVITY? SUPPORTNG IN FINE TUNING A NATIONAL PEER REVIEW MODEL, TAKING STOCK OF ITS LARGE EXPERIENCE IN IRI Weenvisaged an IMPEL support in thisactivity for the first time in spring 2015, butwedecided to carry out in advance the nationalsurvey on IED inspections in order to gain the necessarykwowledge on the situation in ourNation and make a first experience of the actualproblems one could face during a peer review. Nowwehave the availability of the basic information to dialogueaboutsomethingexisting, although in a preliminarform, and not just about a hypothesis.

  13. “Establishment of the National Network System for environment protection (SNPA) and discipline of Superior Institute for Protection and Environmental Research (ISPRA)” Legge 28 giugno 2018 n. 132, pubblicata sulla G.U. in data 18 luglio 2016 A new environmentalprotection system aimedatdeliveringhomgeneousenvironmentalprotectionall over Italy

  14. Central topic in the reform of “SNPA”: “Essential Levels of Services for Environmental Protection (LEPTA)” as the minimum amount of environmental services that the National Sytemhas to evenlydeliver in eachItalianRegion, as a relevant part of the constitutionally guaranteed right of citizens to a healthy environment Great accent on: homogeneization of the technical processes for the delivery of the technical services

  15. To achieve LEPTA, SNPA defines binding common technical rules for the accomplishment of environmental inspections, in each italian region: • How many inspections must be carried out • (for each inspection task, taking into account regional particularities) • How inspection must be carried out • (for each inspection task)

  16. After the defininition of the rulesabout «howinspections are to be carried out» the SNPA isenvisaging an instrument, a sort of «compass»,indicating: ifall the parts of our system are going in the samedirection, ifthey are homogenouslyacting, which are the «fatal» differencies, which are the minor problems how to work out on the emergingproblems

  17. This «compass» could be an «Italian National Peer ReviewInitiative» based on IRI experience and rewiewed by IMPEL, setting a strong basis for the SNPA crucialhomogeneization task

  18. The first field in which to apply the «Italian National Peer ReviewInitiative» should be IED Inspections butwe do imagine extending NPRI to other inspectionareas.

  19. Whatwewant to discussis a • «draftroadmap» • for an IMPEL’s support to improve and validate INPRI • E.G.: • Define the area of interest for IMPEL support • Reviewour «IED INPRI Handbook», identifying point of strenghts and weakenesses • Defineinfrastructuralstandards for INPRI, e.g.: • Officiers’ qualification, instructions, … • Document and registrations • Ensure the preservation of the quality of INPRI over time • …. • Propose improvements to existinghandbook to achievethis «standard»: • Whatitisneeded, in addition of whatalreadydefined • Whatis to be modified • …..

  20. Why do wethinkthat IMPEL should take into account ourhypotesis and help SNPA in developing a suitableproject: • To giveItaly (II industrialized country in EU, afterBrexit) a substantial support, atnationallevel, to homogenizeourInspection System, now for IED and tomorrow for furtherInspectiontasks, in view of nationalenvironmentalcomplianceassurance • To take advantage of the work alreadydone in Italy and of the outcomes of the survey, in order to assesshow to trasfer the experience in other countries • To look forward for a new way to spread IRI in Europe.

  21. Next steps (tentative agenda) Assessment of the presentproposal by the IMPEL IRI team Feed back to SNPA representatives in IMPEL Presentation of the finalproposal to the national council of SNPA Approval by SNPA Approval by IMPEL …………………………………..work

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