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Explore the demand for money, nominal interest rates, inflation, and effects of money on the economy. Learn about costs of inflation, benefits of stable money value, and the real and money economy interaction.
2b Money, Interest, and Inflation CHAPTER CHECKLIST When you have completed your study of this chapter, you will be able to • 1Explain what determines the demand for money and how the demand for money and the supply of money determine the nominal interest rate. • 2Explain how in the long run, the quantity of money determines the price level and money growth brings inflation. • 3Identify the costs of inflation and the benefits of a stable value of money.
WHERE WE ARE AND WHERE WE’RE HEADING • The Real Economy • Real factors that are independent of the price level determine potential GDP and the natural unemployment rate. • Investment demand and saving supply determine the amount of investment, the real interest rate and, along with population growth, human capital growth, and technological change, determine the growth rate of real GDP.
WHERE WE ARE AND WHERE WE’RE HEADING • The Money Economy • Money—the means of payment—consists of currency and bank deposits. • Banks create money and the Fed influences the quantity of money through its open market operations, which determines the monetary base and the federal funds rate. • Here we explore the effects of money on the economy.
WHERE WE ARE AND WHERE WE’RE HEADING • Real and Money Interactions and Policy • The effects of money can be best understood in two steps: • The effects of the Fed’s actions on the short-term nominal interest rate • The long-run effects of the Fed’s actions on the price level and the inflation rate
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE • The Demand for Money • Quantity of money demanded is the amount of money that households and firms choose to hold. • Benefit of Holding Money • The benefit of holding money is the ability to make payments. • The more money you hold, the easier it is for you to make payments.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE • The marginal benefit of holding money decreases as the quantity of money held increases. • Opportunity Cost of Holding Money • The opportunity cost of holding money is the interest forgone on an alternative asset. • Opportunity Cost: Nominal Interest is a Real Cost • The opportunity cost of holding money is the nominal interest because it is the sum of the real interest rate on an alternative asset plus the expected inflation rate, which is the rate at which money loses buying power.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE • The Demand for Money Schedule and Curve • The demand for money is the relationship between the quantity of money demanded and the nominal interest rate, when all other influences on the amount of money that people want to hold remain the same. • Figure 12.1 on the next slide illustrate the demand for money.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE The lower the nominal interest rate—the opportunity cost of holding money—the greater is the quantity of money demanded.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE Other things remaining the same, 1. An increase in the nominal interest rate decreases the quantity of real money demanded. 2.A decrease in the nominal interest rate increases the quantity of money demanded.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE • Changes in the Demand for Money • A change in the nominal interest rate brings a change in the quantity of money demanded. • A change in any other influence on money holdings changes the demand for money. The three main influences are • The price level • Real GDP • Financial technology
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE • The Price Level • An x percent rise in the price level brings an x percent increase in the quantity of money that people plan to hold because the number of dollars we need to make payments is proportional to the price level. • Real GDP • The demand for money increases as real GDP increases because expenditures and incomes increase when real GDP increases.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE • Financial Technology • Daily interest on checking deposits, automatic transfers between checking and savings accounts, automatic teller machines, debit cards, and smart cards have increased the marginal benefit of money and increased the demand for money. • Credit cards have made it easier to buy goods and services on credit and have decreased the demand for money.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE • The Supply of Money • The supply of money is the relationship between the quantity of money supplied and the nominal interest rate. • The quantity of money supplied is determined by the actions of the banking system and the Fed. • On any given day, the quantity of money is fixed independent of the interest rate.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE • The Nominal Interest Rate • The nominal interest rate adjusts to make the quantity of money demanded equal the quantity of money supplied. • On a given day, the price level, real GDP, and state of financial technology is fixed, so the demand for money is given.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE • The nominal interest rate is the only influence on the quantity of money demanded that is free to fluctuate to achieve money market equilibrium. • Figure 12.2 on the next slide illustrates money market equilibrium and the adjustment toward equilibrium.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE 1. If the interest rate is 6 percent a year, the quantity of money held exceeds the quantity demanded. People buy bonds, the price of a bond rises, and the interest rate falls. As the nominal interest rate falls, the quantity of money demandedincreases.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE 2. If the interest rate is 4 percent a year, the quantity of money held is less than the quantity demanded. People sell bonds, the price of a bond falls, and the interest rate rises. A rise in the nominal interest rate decreases the quantity of money demanded.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE 3. If the interest rate is 5 percent a year, the quantity of money held equals the quantity demanded. The money market is in equilibrium.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE • The interest Rate and Bond Price Move in Opposite Directions • When the government issues a bond, it specifies the dollar amount of interest that it will pay each year. • The interest rate on the bond is the dollar amount received divided by the price of the bond. • If the price of the bond falls, the interest rate rises. • If the price of the bond rises, the interest rate falls.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE • Interest Rate Adjustment • When the interest rate is above its equilibrium level, the quantity of money supplied exceeds the quantity of money demanded. • People are holding too much money, so they try to get rid of money by buying other financial assets. • The demand for financial assets increases, the prices of these assets rise, and the interest rate falls.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE • Conversely, • When the interest rate is below its equilibrium level, the quantity of money demanded exceeds the quantity of money supplied. • People are holding too little money, so they try to get more money by selling other financial assets. • The demand for financial assets decreases, the prices of these assets fall, and the interest rate rises.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE • Changing the Interest Rate • To change the interest rate, the Fed changes the quantity of money. • If the Fed increases the quantity of money, the interest rate falls. • If the Fed decreases the quantity of money, the interest rate rises. • Figure 12.3 on the next slide illustrates these changes.
12.1 MONEY AND THE INTEREST RATE 1. If the Fed increases the quantity of money and the supply of money curve shifts to MS1, the interest rate falls to 4 percent a year. 2.If the Fed decreases the quantity of money and the supply of money curve shiftsto MS2, the interest rate rises to 6 percent a year.
12.2 MONEY, THE PRICE LEVEL, AND INFLATION • The lower the “price” of money, the greater is the quantity of money that people are willing to hold. • The “price “ of money is the value of money. • The Value of Money • The value of money is the quantity of goods and services that a unit of money will buy. • It is the inverse of the price level, P, which equals the GDP price index divided by 100. That is, • Value of money = 1/P.
12.2 MONEY, THE PRICE LEVEL, AND INFLATION • The Quantity Theory of Money • Quantity theory of moneyis the proposition that when real GDP equals potential GDP, an increase in the quantity of money brings an equal percentage increase in the price level (other things remaining the same).
12.2 MONEY, THE PRICE LEVEL, AND INFLATION • The Velocity of Circulation and Equation of Exchange • Velocity of circulationis the number of times in a year that the average dollar of money gets used to buy final goods and services. • Equation of exchange is an equation that states that the quantity of money multiplied by the velocity of circulation equals the price level multiplied by real GDP.
12.2 MONEY, THE PRICE LEVEL, AND INFLATION • Define: • The velocity of circulation = V • The quantity of money = M • The price level = P • Real GDP = Y • Then the equation of exchange is M V = PY
12.2 MONEY, THE PRICE LEVEL, AND INFLATION • The Quantity Theory Prediction • The equation of exchange, M V = PY, implies that P = MVY. • On the left is the price level and on the right are all the things that influence the price level. • These influences are the quantity of money, the velocity of circulation, and real GDP.
12.2 MONEY, THE PRICE LEVEL, AND INFLATION • To turn the equation into a theory of what determines the price level, we use two facts: • 1. In the long run, real GDP equals potential GDP, which is independent of the quantity of money. • 2. The velocity of circulation is relatively stable and does not change when the quantity of money changes. • So, in the long run, V and Y are constant and the price level P is proportional to the quantity of money M.
12.2 MONEY, THE PRICE LEVEL, AND INFLATION • Inflation and the Quantity Theory of Money • The equation of exchange tells us the relationship between the price level, the quantity of money, the velocity of circulation, and real GDP. • This equation implies a relationship between the rates of change of these variables, which is • Money growth + Velocity growth = Inflation rate + Real GDP growth • Figure 12.6 on the next slide illustrates the relationship.
12.2 MONEY, THE PRICE LEVEL, AND INFLATION • The velocity of circulation grows at 1 percent a year and real GDP grows at 3 percent a year. • If the quantity of money grows at 2 percent a year, • the inflation rate is zero.
12.2 MONEY, THE PRICE LEVEL, AND INFLATION • The velocity of circulation grows at 1 percent a year and real GDP grows at 3 percent a year. • If the quantity of money grows at • 4 percent a year, • the inflation rate is 2 percent a year.
12.2 MONEY, THE PRICE LEVEL, AND INFLATION • The velocity of circulation grows at 1 percent a year and real GDP grows at 3 percent a year. • If the quantity of money grows at • 10 percent a year, • the inflation rate is 8 percent a year.
12.2 MONEY, THE PRICE LEVEL, AND INFLATION • Changes in the Inflation Rate • Because, in the long run, both velocity growth and real GDP growth are independent of the growth rate of money: • A change in the money growth rate brings an equal change in the inflation rate.
12.2 MONEY, THE PRICE LEVEL, AND INFLATION • Hyperinflation • If the quantity of money grows rapidly, the inflation rate will be very high. • An inflation rate that exceeds 50 percent a month is called hyperinflation. • Highest inflation rate in recent times was in Zimbabwe, where inflation peaked at 231,150,888.87 percent a year in July 2008.
12.3 THE COST OF INFLATION • Inflation is costly for four reasons: • Tax costs • Shoe-leather costs • Confusion costs • Uncertainty costs
12.3 THE COST OF INFLATION • Tax Costs • Government gets revenue from inflation. • Inflation Is a Tax • You have $100 and you could buy 10CDs ($10 each) today or hold the $100 as money. • If the inflation rate is 5 percent a year, at the end of the year the 10 CDs will cost you $105. • If you held $100 as money for the year, you have paid a tax of $5 on your holding $100 of money.
12.3 THE COST OF INFLATION Inflation, Saving, and Investment The income tax on nominal interest income drives a wedge between the before-tax interest rate paid by borrowers and the after-tax interest rate received by lenders. The fall in the after-tax interest rate weakens the incentive to save and lend. The rise in the before-tax interest rate weakens the incentive to borrow and invest. Inflation increases the nominal interest rate, and because income taxes are paid on nominal interest income, the true income tax rate rises with inflation.
12.3 THE COST OF INFLATION • The higher the inflation rate, the higher is the true income tax rate on income from capital. • And the higher the tax rate, the higher is the interest rate paid by borrowers and the lower is the after-tax interest rate received by lenders. • With a fall in saving and investment, capital accumulation and real GDP growth slows.
12.3 THE COST OF INFLATION • Shoe-Leather Costs • So-called “shoe-leather” costs arise from an increase in the velocity of circulation of money and an increase in the amount of running around that people do to try to avoid incurring losses from the falling value of money.
12.3 THE COST OF INFLATION • When money loses value at a rapid anticipated rate, it does not function well as a store of value and people try to avoid holding it. • They spend their incomes as soon as they receive them, and firms pay out incomes—wages and dividends—as soon as they receive revenue from their sales. • The velocity of circulation increases.
12.3 THE COST OF INFLATION • Confusion Costs • Money is our measuring rod of value. • Borrowers and lenders, workers and employers, all make agreements in terms of money. • Inflation makes the value of money change, so it changes the units on our measuring rod.
12.3 THE COST OF INFLATION • Uncertainty Costs • A high inflation rate brings increased uncertainty about the long-term inflation rate. • Increased uncertainty also misallocates resources. • Instead of concentrating on the activities at which they have a comparative advantage, people find it more profitable to search for ways of avoiding the losses that inflation inflicts. • Gains and losses occur because of unpredictable changes in the value of money.
12.3 THE COST OF INFLATION • How Big Is the Cost of Inflation? • The cost of inflation depends on its rate and its predictability. • The higher the inflation rate, the greater is its cost. • And the more unpredictable the inflation rate, the greater is its cost.