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Exchange programmes outgoing students 2019 – 2020

Information and guidelines for outgoing students participating in exchange programs at Campus Antwerp, Brussels, and Leuven. Includes pre-departure criteria, resit policies, course selection, and grant details.

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Exchange programmes outgoing students 2019 – 2020

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  1. Exchange programmesoutgoing students 2019 – 2020 Campus Antwerp Carolus | Brussels Campus KULAK Kortrijk | Leuven Campus

  2.  Good to know in advance Ready to go? During your stay abroad Back in Belgium Faculty of Economics and Business

  3. Good to know in advance Faculty of Economics and Business

  4. Who are you? Faculty of Economics and Business

  5. Who are we? Head of International Office FEB • Mrs. Ingeborg Vandenbulcke Vice-Dean Internationalisation • Prof. Dr. Peter Teirlinck International events • Mrs. Loes Diricks Programmeadvisors • Mrs. Rita Sepelie • Mrs. Katrien Wauters • Mrs. Vanessa Geers Faculty of Economics and Business

  6. Who are we? Faculty of Economics and Business International Office – Mobility Office Head of Mobility Office KU Leuven, FEB • Dr. Dirk G. Van Waelderen Student advisorsincomingstudentsFacultyEconomicsand Business • Mrs. Rebecca Rampelberg • Mrs. Kathleen Monsieur Student advisorsoutgoingstudentsFacultyEconomicsandBusiness • Mrs. Suzanne Steijleman • Mrs. Barbara Dergent

  7. Rightsandobligations Faculty of Economics and Business

  8. FEB International Office < > Central International Office FEB IO Central IO • Registration of your exchange in KU Loket • All grant administration • ADUM File (KU Loket) • - application study abroad period • (all students) • - language assessments • - confirmation of stay • - grant agreement • Only for exchange • within Europe! • Recognition exchange • in curriculum (ISP) • All exchange administration • FEB Exchange tool (Acceptance, programme proposal, ISP, Language Proficiency,…) outgoingmobility@kuleuven.be https://www.kuloket.be > ADUM internationaloffice.feb@kuleuven.be https://feb.kuleuven.be/erasmus Faculty of Economics and Business

  9. Ready to go? Faculty of Economics and Business

  10. Departure criteria? MPM Bachelors No more than 72 creditsremovedfrom Master degree OR No more than 13 creditsawayfromobtaining bachelor degree 78 credits must have been acquired AND Allfirst phasecredits are obtained (or tolerance) Masters Results: minimum 50% obtained as overall result master courses (NA = 0/20) AND Proceeding Bachelor/ Prep/Bridging program must have been completedin Juneat thelatest Check is done right afterexamperiod (January & June). Resitexamperioddoes notcount! Be aware of theapplicationconditions of the partner institution. (see FEB Exchange tool) Decidedto stop your exchange? Informyour student advisorimmediately! Faculty of Economics and Business

  11. Resits Resits in Aug – Sept? Semester abroad starts after our examination period-> take yourresitexams Semester abroad starts before/during our examination period-> exam chance willbe lost (unlesstolerancepossible) -> re-enrollforthe course next academicyear Distanceexams are notpossible Resitresults do notcountfordeparture criteria Faculty of Economics and Business

  12. Pre-departure Timeline (part 1) Blue arrow> doneby student Yellowarrow> doneby FEB IO Faculty of Economics and Business

  13. Pre-departureTimeline (part 2) Course selection Faculty of Economics and Business

  14. Course selection Who is your program advisor? HIR HIRB BENG BISENG KatrienWautersk.wauters@kuleuven.be Business Economics Economics EW TEW Master ERB Rita Sepelie rita.sepelie@kuleuven.be HW BA MPM Vanessa Geersvanessa.geers@kuleuven.be Faculty of Economics and Business

  15. Course selection Information sessions course selection Bach EW HOG 01.74 We 20/3/19 13:00 Bach TEW VHI 02.40 Thu 21/3/19 13:00 Bach HIR HOG 00.85 Tue 26/3/19 16:00 Bach HIRB HOG 00.74 Tue 26/3/19 13:00 LEUVEN CAMPUS Ma EW/Ecs CPR 02.29 Wed 20/3/19 11:00 Ma ERB CPR 02.29 Thu 28/3/19 11:00 MAFE CPR 01.25 Thu 21/3/19 11:00 Ma TEW/BE HOG 01.85 Tue 26/3/19 13:00 Faculty of Economics and Business

  16. Course selection Information sessions course selection Ma HIR CPR 02.64 Mon 25/3/19 13:00 Ma BEN HOG 00.85 Mon 25/3/19 11:00 Ba HW/BA Room 4112 Tue 19/3/19 12:30 Ma HW/BA/MPM Room 4112 Thu 21/3/19 12:30 BRUSSELS CAMPUS LEUVEN CAMPUS Ma HIRB HOG 00.74 Mon 25/3/19 14:00 Ba HIR Room 5101 Mon 1/4/19 12:30 Ma BISENG HOG 00.74 Mon 25/3/19 14:00 Ma HIR/BEN Room 5101 Thu 4/4/19 10:00 16 Faculty of Economics and Business Faculty of Economics and Business

  17. Course selection Information sessions course selection Ba TEW/HIR Room C601 Wed 3/4/19 13:00 Bachelors Room 107 Mon 18/3/19 12:30 ANTWERP CAMPUS Master HW/BA Room 107 Fri 22/3/19 12:30 KORTRIJK CAMPUS Faculty of Economics and Business

  18. Contract Document of 6 pages Download fromour exchange tool Signatures! Faculty of Economics and Business

  19. Pre-departure Timeline (part 3) Language proficiencyletter required? Askyour student advisor Onceyourprogramme is approvedyoucandownload yourautomaticallyfilled in LA fromthe home page of our tool! Faculty of Economics and Business

  20. Grants - Erasmus Belgicaand Erasmus+ Erasmus Belgica Automatic applicationafterregistration KU Loket (ADUM) Exchange within Belgium 100 € + 100€/monthforhousing ifrenting a room in another language community than your domicile Follow up by Central IO (Outgoing Mobility – Student Accounting & Mobility) Grants for students going abroad within Europe Erasmus+ https://www.kuleuven.be/english/admissions/outgoing/en outgoingmobility@kuleuven.be Faculty of Economics and Business

  21. Grants - Erasmus Belgica and Erasmus+ Group 1 Group 3 Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Leichtenstein, Norway, Sweden, (UK? -> Brexit) 435 EUR/month (cat1)335 EUR/month (cat2) Bulgaria, Croatia, CzechRepublic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia 335 EUR/month (cat1) 235 EUR/month (cat2) Group 2 Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands Portugal, Spain 385 EUR/month (cat1) 285 EUR/month (cat2) Grant amounts 2018-2019 Switzerland: alternative ‘Erasmus’ grant 1 semester = standard 4 months Faculty of Economics and Business

  22. Grants – outside Europe Selection via FEB MobilityOffice – follow up bycentral IO ASEM-DUO Grants outside Europe Optional: selectionprocess CSC Priority Country Program GenericGrants – deadline 15/03 Faculty of Economics and Business

  23. Tips & Tricks beforedeparture Housing Info from host universitywithinapplicationprocess Former exchange students = best source of information VISA, ID, Passport VISA required? Check expiry date of documents: validuntil end of 2020? Scan & save these docs! Onceyourprogramme is approvedyoucan download yourautomaticallyfilled in Learning Agreement fromthe home page of our tool! Make copies / scans of important documents Language proficiencyletter required? Askyour student advisor Take a couple of passportphotoswithyou Faculty of Economics and Business

  24. Health & Insurance Insurance 1. Inform your Health Insurance fund (CM, OZ,...) before departure! 2. Request European/ Worldwide Health Insurance card from Health Insurance Fund 3. Check whatyou are insuredforabroadandarrange extra insuranceif needed usedocumentfromyourmobility file (ADUM file) in KU Loket EXTRA important forstudentstravelingoutside EU! Health Visit doctor: vaccinations? Check-up dentist Information session on safety, health and paperwork, for students travelling outside Europe - online Intercultural preparation for students travelling to the South https://www.kuleuven.be/english/international/mobility/Informationsessions Faculty of Economics and Business

  25. Upper part of document is for your health insurance fund Lower part of document proves that you are a KUL student who is admitted to study abroad Faculty of Economics and Business

  26. To do during stay abroad Faculty of Economics and Business

  27. Communication FEB Exchange Tool - Messages KU Leuven email address FEB Advisor Stay in touch! EXiT News Letters Instagram IO_FEB #febxchange Facebook Outgoingmobility@FEBKULeuven Faculty of Economics and Business

  28. Duringyourstay Timeline Also register foryourexchanged courses in yourIER. Theywilldisappearonceforeign courses are addedtoyour ISP Faculty of Economics and Business

  29. Document of 3 pages Lists changes tooriginalselection Download from our exchange tool Signatures! Faculty of Economics and Business

  30. KU Leuven Deadlines ProgrammeProposal In FEB Exchange tool Learning Agreement Upload in FEB Exchange tool ISP Deadline KU Loket > ISP Destination within Europe: 23 September For all students: 9 October Destinationoutside Europe: 31 May Destination within Europe: 3 July Destinationoutside Europe: 7 July Faculty of Economics and Business

  31. FEB Exchange photo competition

  32. Be anambassador https://feb.kuleuven.be/eng/international/going-abroad/promoexchange Faculty of Economics and Business

  33. To do when back in Belgium Faculty of Economics and Business

  34. Back home Timeline Faculty of Economics and Business

  35. Faculty of Economics and Business

  36. Resitexams No credit? Second try of corresponding KU Leuven course duringthe3rd examination period OR Second try in host university(ifpossible) Exceptfor Extended Master students -> exam in Juneallowed In any case: informyour student advisor https://www.kuleuven.be/education/regulations/2018/?faculteit=50000208 (art. 56) Faculty of Economics and Business

  37. Special info for Extended Master Extended Masters Graduation in February 2020 afterhavingobtained 90 credits (60 regular diploma programme + 30 exchange) Allcredits must have been acquired in order toreceive diploma Proclamationafterhavingobtained 60 regularcredits + afterhavingobtainedextendedprogramme Faculty of Economics and Business

  38. Ambassador of your host university Contact person? Via email Inform new exchange students Go Global Fair Beginning of November Info receptionafterselection March Region events March / April Faculty of Economics and Business

  39. Information sessionsoutgoingstudents BRUSSELS Campus 18:00 Tue 12/3/19 Room Hermes 2215 LEUVEN Campus 18:00 Mon 11/3/19 HAL 01.46 ANTWERP Campus 18:00 Thu 14/3/19 Room 209 KORTRIJK Campus 18:00 Wed 13/3/19 Room A210 Faculty of Economics and Business

  40. Q&A Faculty of Economics and Business

  41. Enjoy! Faculty of Economics and Business

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