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This report discusses the mandatory municipal public utility service for urban waste water and run-off water discharge and treatment. It covers the collecting systems, urban waste water treatment plants (UWWTPs), and reporting obligations.
URBAN WASTE WATER AND RUN-OFF WATER DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT – MANDATORY MUNICIPAL PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICE IN THE FIELD OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (The environment protection act). • COLLECTING SYSTEMS AND UWWTP – PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE (Infrastructure of local significance). • REPORTING OBLIGATIONS (Decree on discharge and treatment of urban and run-off waste water): • Register of public service providers – MUNICIPALITIES; • Register of UWW collecting systems – PUBLIC SERVICE PROVIDERS (UWWTP register, modification in 2012); • Annual report on public service performance - PUBLIC SERVICE PROVIDERS (2004, renewal for 2013 Report); • Annual report on infrastructure in agglomerations – MUNICIPALITIES (1.st 9/2012 for 2011, 28 February for past year) mag. Iztok Rozman
REGISTER OF UWW COLLECTING SYSTEMS (Public service providers, installed end of 2012 (ID UWWTP ID UWW collecting system), data update). DEFINITION: Hydraulic independent, one final discharge (possible connection on another UWW collecting system), one manager (public service provider), UWWTP is a part of a system or independent system (if managed separately). REQUIRED DATA: ID, Type (e.g. mixed, separated), UWWTD data (including ID RSEA and treatment level), management data (public service provider), cadastral register of public infrastructure entry (yes/no, Surveying and mapping authority), ownership, agglomerations, settlements, discharges (outflows), other data (e.g. retention capacity, leakage prevention, pipeline length). mag. Iztok Rozman
PUBLIC SERVICE PROVIDERS REPORTING (31. 3. for past year, modifications for 2013 reporting): REQUIRED DATA: • Settlements (territory where public service is performed by appointed provider). • Buildings (data on actual and foreseen public service performance (e.g. collecting system, UWWTP 50 PE, cesspits), location in agglomeration). • Industrial waste water discharged in collecting system (buildings, quantity, predominant activity classification). • Agglomeration (ID, no. of residents, total UWW load (PE), industrial WW load discharged in collecting system, % of load discharged in collecting system, % of load discharged in collecting system without appropriate treatment, no. of residents connected on collecting system, % of load discharged in individual systems, % of load NOT discharged in collecting nor individual systems, UWWTP data (several UWWTP`s possible), % of load treated on defined UWWTP, no. of residents connected on defined UWWTP). mag. Iztok Rozman
Water balance (quantity) of collecting system. • Load balance (PE) of collecting system. • Data on quantity of waste (UWWTP sludge, other waste) and data of undertaking (dealer, establishment) which carries out waste treatment or waste collector (for UWW collecting system). • Data on precipitation water discharges in collecting system (acreage of surfaces). • Linking data – collecting systems – municipalities (% of UWW from particular municipality). mag. Iztok Rozman
Annual report on infrastructure in agglomerations – MUNICIPALITIES (1.st 9/2012 for 2011, 28.2 for the past year): • REQUIRED DATA FOR AGGLOMERATION (or part of agglomeration): agglomeration ID, % of agglomeration (acreage) in municipality, no. of residents, total UWW load, % of total load (collection system constructed), % of total load (connected on collecting system), no. Of residents (connected on collecting system), % of total load (UWWTP constructed), % of total load (connected on UWWTP), % of total load with appropriate individual systems, % of total load NOT discharged in collecting system nor individual systems, foreseen date for collecting system and/or UWWTP (if required or planned), expected costs for construction of collecting system and/or UWWTP (if required or planned). • REQUIRED DATA FOR COLLECTING SYSTEMS: collecting system ID, % of UWW load discharged in collecting system (municipality), treatment of load in UWWTP (YES/NO), collecting system with UWWTP (in case UWWTP is a part of another collecting system), level of treatment and other relevant data (descriptive). mag. Iztok Rozman
DEFICIENCIES, CHALLENGES: • Reporting deficiency and data quality improvement (automatic controls). • Data analysis and evaluation improvement (automation). • Data publication (public) and linking on EU information systems. • Integrated Information system of environmental protection (technical and other resources). mag. Iztok Rozman
Thank you for your attention! mag. Iztok Rozman