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Europe 2020 and European Semester Policy Update March 2017

Stay informed on the latest policy developments in Europe, including key cycles, growth surveys, country reports, and EAPN actions. Explore the impact on social objectives, poverty, social investment, and more.

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Europe 2020 and European Semester Policy Update March 2017

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  1. 4 Europe 2020 and European Semester Policy Update March 2017 Sian Jones Policy Coordinator European Anti Poverty Network Eapn.eu

  2. Outline • Reminder of the Cycle • Key New Developments • EAPN Action • Semester Alliance

  3. The European Semester Cycle • Annual Growth Survey (AGS) 2017 – November 2016 • Country Reports / Winter Package – February 2017 • National Reform Programmes (NRP) and Stability or Convergence Programmes (SCP) – Mid April 2017 • Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs) – May 2017 • Revision of MS budgets from Euro area (Mid Oct) • Bilateral meetings – COM and MS on implementation – all year • Annual Growth Survey (AGS) 2018 – November 2017 • EAPN Action • What’s coming up

  4. EAPN Key Messages to AGS • Propose a transformative social and economic agenda putting social objectives on a par with economic • Demonstrate a clear social dimension: social rights, social investment and social standards, with an antipoverty strategy • Democracy now! – Establish clear mechanisms to ensure effective NGO participation and impact.

  5. AGS 2017 – any progress? • Annual Growth Survey and Draft Joint Employment Report 2017 adopted on 17 November 2017 • Main message: strengthen competitiveness, innovation and productivity with Europe’s economic recovery • 3 Priorities: 1) boosting investment 2) pursuing structural reforms 3) ensuring responsible fiscal policies – similar to 2015/6 but more on investment. • New priority to ‘growth with social fairness’ to deliver ‘inclusive growth’ and ‘achieving an economic recovery that benefits all, notably the weaker parts’ • But overall impact? • .

  6. Some steps forward? • EC decided not to suspend EU funds v ES and PT • Softened approach on austerity • Reaffirmed inclusive growth, mentioned Europe 2020 and targets and need to progress on poverty • Focus on social policy as a productive factor and call for progress on social standards • Support to increase housing including social housing • Recognition that tax has key role to reduce inequality • Explicit ref to quality jobs, reducing precariousness • Adequacy and coverage of income support • .

  7. Or back? • Stability and Growth overarching economic framework • European Pillar of Social Rights not mentioned • Lack of rights-based strategy to fight poverty • Continued focus on ‘modernising social protection, increasing targeting • Increasing incentives to work ‘balancing concerns for in-work poverty with competiveness’ • Continued priority to ensuring financial sustainability • No mention of civil society, although strengthened support to social partners. See full EAPN response to Annual Growth Survey and Joint Employment Reporthere.

  8. EAPN and Semester Alliance Action • Dec 2016: EAPN response to AGS and Statement • Priotise Inclusive Growth by rebalancing economic/social objectives • Increase social investment in quality jobs, public services and social protection • Mainstream implementation of European Pillar of Social Rights • Develop EU poverty strategy to deliver on 2020 target • Make Civil Society equal partners • EAPN EP event 12 January: Can the semester help build a better Social Europe? • February 2017: Semester Alliance report/meeting Latvia • March 2017 SA AGS letter: Time for honesty, unity and solidarity

  9. Country Reports – some progress? • 27 Country Reportsadopted on 22 February 2018, (excluding Greece). Also includes: Country Reports Communication Positive steps • Recognizes high unemployment, poverty and inequality as key concerns including ‘unequal burden sharing’. • Redistributive role of tax and social transfers in addressing inequality and impact on poverty. • Social investment key for a successful/lasting recovery • Pay levels should ensure decent standards of living • 3 pillars of Active Inclusion mentioned (but labour market focus) • Communication from Commission • Fiscal

  10. Country Reports – some concerns • Primary focus still on growth, rather than balancing social objectives and Europe 2020 goals/targets • Says recovery supported by structural reforms and fiscal restraint – so more of the same? • Proposal to tackle income inequalities mainly by increasing productivity rather than redistribution. • Flexibility on labour market encouraged • Modernising social protection, with little focus on adequacy and as tool for activation • More ownership by stakeholders – but focus on local authorities and social partners – not CSOs… • Communication from Commission • Fiscal

  11. Discussion and Next Steps • What recent developments on the Semester at national level? • Exchanging on the Country Reports – • 1) General Assessment – what’s positive / what’s negative / what’s missing? • 2) What 3 Recommendations? • 3) Overall key messages from group • Finalising Fiche by 7th April • Your action at national level See also: Toolkit on Stakeholder Engagement in Europe 2020 and the European Semester 2017

  12. Thank you for your attention! For more information, please contact Sian Jones EAPN Policy Coordinator sian.jones@eapn.eu

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