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Social Dialogue in Estonia

Social Dialogue in Estonia. Elis Randma Secretary of F oreign Affairs Estonian E ducational P ersonnel Union. Overview. EEPU : 17 member organisations 20-member Council , 7-member Executive Board , President Reemo Voltri represent teachers from ECE, GE, VET and hobby education .

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Social Dialogue in Estonia

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  1. SocialDialogue in Estonia Elis Randma Secretary of ForeignAffairs Estonian EducationalPersonnel Union

  2. Overview • EEPU: • 17 memberorganisations • 20-member Council, 7-member ExecutiveBoard, President Reemo Voltri • representteachersfrom ECE, GE, VET and hobbyeducation. • mainareas – salaries, workingconditions, legislation, image of theprofession UNIVERSITAS - HERS Teachers and supportpersonnel + retiredteachers ca 200. • All in all around23% of all educationalpersonnel. Estonian Educational Personnel Union (EEPU)

  3. Employers’ representatives and SD partners • Association of Estonian Cities and Rural Municipalities (AECRM), chairman Taavi Aas • representsthemajority of local municipalities; • the owners and employers of municipaledcationalinstitutions(899). • TheMinistry of Education and Science (MES), minister Mailis Reps. • the representative of the state-owned publicedcationalinstitutions(68). Private educational institutions (114)– employers are the owners of the schools. Estonian Educational Personnel Union (EEPU)

  4. SD in Estonia • European level • through ETUCE a member of the ESSDC • no members in EFEE • National level • tripartite CA in 2001, ever since no agreement, just co-operation • legislative obligation - annual minimum wage negotiations – GE 1150€, ECE 85% GE teachers’ salaries – 978€ • no mandate for the representatives of local municipalities • VET teachers’ minimum salaries aren’t fixed but the yearly education allocations from the national budget is based on the same fixed minimum • Heade Kavatsuste Kokkulepe (The Good Will Agreement) – not a CA! • annual Teacher of the Year Gala „Estonia learns and thanks“ • opinions and suggestions for drafting new laws and changing old regulations • member in different working groups Estonian Educational Personnel Union (EEPU)

  5. SD in Estonia • Locallevel • 79 municipalities/17 regionalmemberorganisations • since 2004 – annualtripartite negotiations and collective agreement in the City of Tartu • School level • approx. 2000 educationalinstitutions • TU in littleover 400 • in 2016 – only 16 CA-s Estonian Educational Personnel Union (EEPU)

  6. Main challenges and goals in SD • National agreements • Working conditions in GE • ECE • VET • Narrow spectrum of TU work. Focuse more on: • The image of the profession • Teacher students - quality and compliant education • Young teachers • CPD • Health and safety • Training the union reps • Weaklocal TU organisations • Lowmembership/highaverageage • Lowattractivness of tradeunionism • Mostchairmenwork on socialbasis • EEPU’sstructuretomatchwiththenationaladministrativereform • Until 2018 weakemployers’ organisatsions • Need tochangethelegislationtogivemorerights and obligationstonegotiate • Uncooperativelocalmunicipalities Estonian Educational Personnel Union (EEPU)

  7. Inclusive education 0,1% new immigrant students in GE schools(2013). 15-20 pupilswithrefugeebackground, ca 400 newimmigrants. Moststudy in Estonian. Themainpurpose: tointegrateasmuch and asquicklyaspossible. Main challenges: • Teachers in ECE and GE havelittleexperience • Teacherprimarytrainingdoesn’tcontainsystematicpreparation • Verymobilegroup • Need formorecooperationbetweendifferentlevels and groups The MES, 2004 „New immigrant children in Estonian Education. Educational policy principles and educational management“. LocalMunicipalitiesgetfinancialsupportfromthestate: • educationallowance 1527-2805 €/year (2016) • supplementaryallowanceforlanguagetraining 400 €/perstudent, min. 1000 €/year/perschool Estonian Educational Personnel Union (EEPU)

  8. Inclusiveeducation - InnoveFoundation • - An education competence center • Teaching counseling supported by the website "A Child With Another Home Language„. • The MES provides information about the general educational arrangement in Estonia. • Rajaleidja Centers provide teaching councelling service to teachers. • Language Immersion Center provides trainings, councelling and methodological and teaching material-related consultations. • Integration Information Councelling Centres in Tallinn and Narva for the parents. • Adjustment Programme developed by the Ministry of the Interior for the parents and other adults and also children. • Pupil older than primary school lever can participate in the work-based learning. Estonian Educational Personnel Union (EEPU)

  9. Elis Randma Secretary of ForeignAffairs Estonian EducationalPersonnel Union Elis.randma@ehl.org.ee +372 6419 803 http://ehl.org.ee • Thankyou! Estonian Educational Personnel Union (EEPU)

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