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ACTION PLAN 2006-07. ACTION PLAN 2006-07. Directorate of Cashewnut and Cocoa Development Kochi. Presentation By Shri. Venkatesh N. Hubballi Director I/C. SL-1. MANDATE OF DCCD. Nodal agency for Cashew and Cocoa Development in India Function as Feedback Agency
ACTION PLAN 2006-07 Directorate of Cashewnut and Cocoa Development Kochi Presentation By Shri. Venkatesh N. Hubballi Director I/C
SL-1 MANDATE OF DCCD • Nodal agency for Cashew and Cocoa Development in India • Function as Feedback Agency • Monitization / Modulation of Programmes • Crop Database • Advisory Organization • Replanting – Public sector • Technology dissemination
SL-4 DCCD & SWP- Execution & Monitization - MMA – CASHEW 2002-05
SL-4 Programmes Area expansion (SH sector) (’000ha) Replanting (SH+ corpn) (’000ha) Plant Prot. (Area coverage) (’000ha) Plant Prot. Camp. ( Nos.) Farmers Training (’000 No. of farmers) Demonstration (Nos.) Nursery (Nos.) Processing ( No. of units) Production of cashew grafts (000 nos.) Financial off take Coverage% of 2002-05target 39.6 93 14.5 83 6.5 104 221 74 30.8 128 1435 70 45 83 362 80 91 108 26 Crores 79% DCCD & SWP- Execution & Monitization - MMA – CASHEW 2002-05
SL-5 DCCD & SWP- Execution & Monitization - MMA – COCOA 2002-05
SL-5 Programmes Area Expn. (’000 ha) Fmrs’ trg. (’000 no. of fmrs) Demonstration (Plots) Regional Nursery (Nos.) Financial off take (Lakhs) Coverage% of (2002-05) target 10.5 146 7.8 77 284 70 8 80 317.35 59 DCCD & SWP- Execution & Monitization - MMA – COCOA 2002-05
SL-6 DCCD & Direct Funded Components - NHM
SL-6 • ProgrammesCoverage% of Target2005-06 • Replanting senile areas 2492 (FP) 76 • - Corporations (ha) 2241 (M) 91 • 2. Front line Technology Demon. • Corporations (No. of plots) 14 10 • Financial (Rs. Lakhs) 131.003 52 • (Including publicity ) • FP- Fresh planting , M - Maintenance DCCD & Direct Funded Components - NHM
SL-6(i) (CASHEW) - Replanting under State Corpns. (2005-06) Corporation TargetAchievement Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin. FP M (Rs. Lakhs) FP M (Rs. Lakhs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Kerala- KFDC 200 - 9.000 - - - 2. Kerala - PCK 250 92 13.734 250 86 13.810 3. Karnataka - KCDC 800 802 57.654 800 802 57.654 4. Goa - GFDC 200 200 14.400 200 - - 5. Tamil Nadu – TNFPC 1000 1064 73.728 1000 1064 45.000 6. Andhra – APFDC 250 - 11.250 35 - - 7. Orissa - OSCDC 400 300 26.100 207 289 9.315 8. Orissa - OFDC 200 - 9.000 - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 3300 2458 214.866 2492 2241 125.779 FP- Fresh planting, M- Maintenance DCCD & Direct Funded Components
SL-7 • COCOA 2005-06 • Programme Coverage % of tgt 2005-06 • Front line Technology • Demonstrations (No. of plots)517 • Pest & Disease Management - - • Financial off take 8.976 38 • (Rs. Lakhs - Including pest • and Disease Management) DCCD & Direct Funded Components - NHM
SL-8 2005-06 Programmes Area expn. (SH sector- 000 ha) Replanting (SH sector- 000 ha) Water harvest (ha) Pest management (ha) H.R.D. (No. of farmers) Demonstration (Nos.) Nursery (Nos.) Post harvest management (no. of units) Production of cashew grafts (Lakh nos) Publicity (seminar/ workshop) (nos.) Contingent expenditure Total Financial outlay (Crores) Physical tgt. Allocation (Crores) 23.03 18.186 9.83 14.030 300 0.060 1700 0.170 400 0.673 100 0.224 74 2.280 72 3.378 1.481 0.200 20 0.100 - 0.453 - 39.754 * Reports from implementing states awaited. DCCD & SHM-Monitization- NHM CASHEW
SL-9 2005-06 Programmes Area Expn. (’000 ha) Publicity Total Financial outlay (Crores) Physical tgt. Allocation (Crores) 4.96 2.401 - 0.055 - 2.456 * Reports from implementing states awaited DCCD & SHM-Monitization- NHM COCOA
SL-10 ACTION PLAN (2006-07) Cashew & Cocoa
SL-10 ACTION PLAN (2006-07) Cashew & Cocoa • DCCD Programs :- • Replanting senile Cashew areas under State Corporations • Technology intervention • Demonstrations- Front line technology demonstration • Survey & surveillance of Pest & Diseases • Cashew apple utilisation • Infr. upgradation & dissemination • Production forecast • Publicity - Seminars, Workshops, Campaign & Field Days. • These activities are on a National Perspective
SL-11 • ProgrammesOutlays ( Rs. Lakhs) • CashewCocoa • Replanting- Corporation area 370.472 - • Technology Intervention • a. Front line tech. demon. 11.470 1.120 • b. Pilot demonstration on utilisation • of cashew apple 4.57 - • c. Survey, surveillance & Trg. - 5.600 • 3.Infrm. (upgradation/dissemination) • a.Production forecast 2.000 - • b.Publicity 9.50 6.000 • Monitisation cost at DCCD 8.000 - • 5. Mission management 2.268 - • Total 408.28 12.720 • Grand Total 421.000 Programmes & Outlays (2006-07)Cashew & Cocoa
SL-13 • PROGRAMMESOBJECTIVES • Replanting of Cashew To remove senile areas and replace with clones of HYV PROGRAMMES & OBJECTIVES
SL-13 PROGRAMMES OBJECTIVES 2. Tech. intervention: i. Front line Demonstration of latest tech. demonstration Scientific production technology with scientific ii. Survey and surveillance Identify pest and disease of pests & diseases which cause economical damage to the crop and to train the growers. iii. Popularisation on To popularise the usage cashew apple of utilisation of cashew apple - Syrup, Ketchup PROGRAMMES & OBJECTIVES
SL-13 • PROGRAMMES OBJECTIVES • 3. Information upgradation : • Crop estimation on To estimate production cashew by field enumeration & analysis • b. Tech. dissemination Seminars, workshops, Campaigns field days & literature PROGRAMMES & OBJECTIVES
SL-14(i) Programmes & Executional Details - 2006-07
SL-14(i) 1.Replanting senile Cashew area under State Corporations CorporationsTarget (ha) OutlayPendingTotalAssistance Fresh Maint. Rs. Lakhs payment of 2005-06 KL - PCK 700 336 39.798 - 39.798 Rs. 9000/ KNA - KCDC 1500 2000 114.282 - 91.782 ha for 3 GOA - GFDC 450 - 20.250 1.600 21.850 yrs. @ TN - TNFPC 1200 2064 100.152 28.728 119.880 Rs. 4500+ AP - APFDC 250 35 12.195 1.575 13.770 Rs. 2700+ ORI - OSCDC 400 507 28.989 0.403 29.392 Rs. 1800 OFDC 500 - 22.500 - 22.500 Total 5000 4942 338.166 32.306 338.972 Programmes & Executional Details - 2006-07
SL-14(ii) Programmes & Executional Details - 2006-07 2. Front line demonstrations on cashew – Funds through DCCD a. Corporation areas Corporations Physical (Nos.) Financial 1 ha plot Rs. Lakhs Conventional Organic KL- PCK 2 2 0.674 AP-APFDC 7 7 2.254 ORI- OSCDC 3 3 1.011 TOTAL 12 12 3.939 Technology support by Res. Institutions of state concerned. Assistance / ha: Rs. 15,000 + Rs. 9,000 + Rs. 6,000 for 3 yrs. For conventional practices with irrigation & SC in combination or in isolation . For organic practices Rs. 20,000+ Rs. 12,000 + Rs. 8,000 for 3 yrs.
SL-14(iii) Programmes & Executional Details - 2006-07 2. Front line demonstrations on cashew – Funds through DCCD b. State Agri. University/Res. Institute. State/Res. Insti. Physical (Nos.) Financial 1 ha plot lakhs Conventional Organic Kerala- KAU 2 3 1.021 KNA- UAS 13 11 4.193 GOA- ICAR 1 1 0.297 MHA- KKVP 2 3 1.021 TN-TNAU 2 3 1.021 ORI- OUAT 5 1 1.025 CHAT. IGAU 1 1 0.297 TOTAL 26 23 8.875 Assistance / ha: Rs. 15,000 + Rs. 9,000 + Rs. 6,000 for 3 yrs. For conventional practices with irrigation & SC in combination or in isolation. For organic practices Rs. 20,000+ Rs. 12,000 + Rs. 8,000 for 3 yrs.
SL-14(iv) Programmes & Executional Details - 2006-07 • Utilisation of cashew apple ( Res. Institute) – Funds through DCCD • Research Institute Phy target Fin. Rs. Lakhs Assistance • Demon. Trainees • KL- KAU 05 50 0.685 Non recurring • KNA- NRCC 05 50 0.685 expr. for equipment • KNA-UAS (Ullal) 03 30 0.595 Rs. 46,000/-, • GOA-ICAR 03 30 0.595 Recurring Rs. 3,000/- • MHA- KKVP 05 50 0.685 and Rs. 150/- per • TN- TNAU 05 50 0.685 trainee • ORI – OUAT 04 40 0.640 • TOTAL 30 300 4.570
SL-14(v) Programmes & Executional Details - 2006-07 4. Front line demonstrations on Cocoa (Res. Insti. ) – Funds through DCCD Res. Institute Physical (Nos.) Financial 1 ha plot lakhs Conventional Organic KL- KAU 2 3 0.420 KNA- CPCRI- Vittal 1 1 0.350 TN- TNAU 1 1 0.350 TOTAL 4 5 1.120 Assistance / ha: Rs. 15,000 + Rs. 9,000 + Rs. 6,000 for 3 yrs. For conventional methods and Rs. 20,000 + 12,000 +8,000 for organic practices
SL-14(vi) Programmes & Executional Details - 2006-07 Funds through DCCD 5. Pest and disease management of cocoa - Survey, Surveillance & Training States Agency involved Financial (Rs. Lakhs) KERALA KAU 2.200 KARNATAKA TAMIL NADU CPCRI 3.400 ANDHRA PRADESH TOTAL 5.600 Financial support: Contingency for equipment, organisation and training in the form of recurring & non recurring contingencies to institutions & participants.
SL-14(vii) Programmes & Executional Details - 2006-07 • 6. Information upgradation • Production forecast in cashew • Activity: Scientific enumeration of production • in every season through sample surveys • Financial outlay Cont. provision for enumerative work • for DCCD- Rs. 2 Lakhs • Information dissemination (cashew & cocoa) • 1. Print & Electronic Media coverage of information of cultivation, pricing & market trends • 2. Publicity through seminars, workshops etc. • Financial outlay: Rs. 15.50 Lakhs as cont. provision (DCCD) • 7. Monitisation – DCCD- Rs. 6.00 Lakhs • 8. Mission management – 2.268
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