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THE NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS IN FIELD OF INFORMATION AND DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT IN TURKEY. ALTAY, Ahmet YILMAZ, İbrahim Alpay. INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTS. Although there are different definitions of the civil society concept , the concept has been put forward to
INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTS Althoughtherearedifferentdefinitions of thecivil societyconcept, theconcept has been put forwardto havethreecommondimensions. • Thefirst of them is the “publicspace” whichdepends on thepluralism of theinstitutions, organizations and thethoughts.
Thesecond is the “privacy” whichtellstheautonomousindividual moral choice. • As thethirddimension, there is a legal systemwhichincludes a number of basicrightsthatarerequiredtoprotect and todevelopthesocialspace.
Inthisconnection, actualisation of therightssystem in a legal and institutionalorder and attainingbalanceto thissystemhave a centralimportancefortheformation of civilsociety. Thus, therightssystemmakesthecivil society an autonomousspace in relationwiththestate.
Whilethestate is a precondition, therightssystem creates a socialspace in orderfortheindividualto realizehimself/herself and restrictsthescope of the action of thestate in unisonwithcontinuingthe presence of thissocialspace. Thestate is responsiblefor protecting and watchingtheserights
One of themostimportantfeauters of a profession is the members’ comingtogethertocombinetheirefforts and tohelpthemselves in ordertosolvetheproblems. Inany profession, theeffortsforprovidingtheinternal cohesion and theintegration of themembers of the professionareseen. As wellgainingstatus in front of the communityorlegitimizationbycontinuousefforts areconsidered as a determiningpurpose.
Briefly, theindividualswhohave a particularformation of expertisetrytocreate a market fortheseexpertise fields and tocontrolthesefields (Tanık, 1984: 1581). The professionalassociationshaveimportanttasks of developing a profession, makingthesocietyacceptthis profession and providingparticipation in provision of top-leveldecisions.
Non-governmentalorganizationsareidentifiedto be legal and democraticmechanismswhichtheindividuals generatebycomingtogether and bybuilding an organizedstructure. Theindividualscreatethese organizations in ordertoreachsolidarity in an individual-centeredsociety (Yerasimos, 2001: 13).
Information and Document Management is a discipline which examines, researches and develops the methods and the processes that provide transmission of the information to all segments of the society in free, uninterrupted, true, fast and neutral manners.
This discipline depends on teaching theories, methods and techniques that enable the flow of registered information through all social fields and that enable delivering the information services within this process of flow by modern standards in libraries and information centers.
In this context, Information and Document Management discipline aims to make the society adopt the profession of librarianship as a form of contemporary systems; to find solutions to the problems of the profession; to introduce the profession to the all segments of the society and to make the society accept the profession.
Therefore any types of associations and non- governmental organizations which will move the profession to a real professionalization and a specialization have a great importance in relation with the future of the profession of librarianship.
The ideal purposes and the targets of an association which is to operate in the field of Information and Document Management are considered to be aligned as below (Tonta, 1985: 31): • To bring all the individuals who work in the field of Information and Document Management or who have an interest in the field together. • To raise the status of the profession. • To promote the profession by bookstalls, conferences and meetings.
To arrange seminars and conferences in the field of Information and Document Management. • To work to develop the professional dignity and the working conditions in the field of Information and Document Management. • To try to make laws of librarianship. • To create and to publish a professional literature. • To study and to investigate for the development of the discipline of Information and Document Management
To improve vocational training by establishing suitable training institutions. • To improve the bibliographic researches and to publish them. • To study on the latest innovations in the field of Information and Document Management. • To make the members build a close relationship with themselves, top management, the important experts in other fields and the members of the other national and international associations.
To work for the standardization of the applications in the field of Information and Document Management. • To work for the standardization of the equipment in the Information and Document Centers. • To find solutions to the professional problems.
In western countries, the associations in the field of Information and Document Management are socially effective and also they make decisions that affect the profession and the members of the profession directly. These associations which reflect Western Civilization’s understanding of the civil society aim to handle the profession in a professional manner, to improve the specialization of the profession and to develop the profession.
The best example of these associations is the American Library Association (ALA) which was founded in 1876. ALA is the most powerful library association all over the world and it controls all the activities in the field of Information and Document Management; makes decisions about the professional issues and applies these decisions.
THE NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS THAT OPERATE IN THE FIELD OF INFORMATION AND DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT IN TURKEY Thefirsteffortstoestablishassociations in thefield of librarianship in Turkeystartedwhentheunderstanding of modern librarybegantodevelop in thecountry. The firstattempttoestablish a librarianshipassociation in Turkeywastheestablishment of theNationalLibrary in 1948. Adnan Ötüken, thefounder of theNational Library, had an important role in thesefirstefforts. As a result of theseefforts, theTurkishLibrarians’ Association (TLA) wasestablished.
In 1953, thelibrarianswholived in İstanbul, established TheIstanbulLibrariansAssociation. Thisassociation continueditsworkuntil 1960. But in 1961 Turkish Librarians’ Association (TLA) gotorganized as a branch, and as a resultTheIstanbulLibrariansAssociation dissolveditself, aftercontinuingtoworkfor a shortwhile. On 21 Januray 1967 TurkeyLibrariesLibrarians, Officers and Employees’ Unionwasestablished. Theaims of thisunion weretopreservethelibrarians in terms of cultural and economicaspects and todeveloptheprofession of librarianship.
Thisunioncontinueditsworkuntil 1971 byefforts of a limitednumber of members and thereafterstoppedits activities. TheAlumniAssociation of theUniversity Department of Librarianshipwhichwasestablished on 28 April 1970 madeseveralstudies on thesubject of librarianship. Thisassociationdissolveditselfafter 12 September 1980 (Tonta, 1985: 33).
THE TURKISH LIBRARIANS’ ASSOCIATION TheTurkishLibrarians’ Association ( TLA) which is the oldest and themostfundamentalnon-governmental organization in thefield of librarianship in Turkeywas foundedundertheleadership of Adnan Ötüken on 19 November 1949 in Ankara.
Thepurposes of thisassociationhavebeentogatherthe librarians in Turkeyundertheumbrella of a professional organization, and tocreate an environmentwherethese librarians can maketheirvoicesheard, can discusstheir problems and can findsolutionstotheirproblems
Intheearlyyears of the TLA, theactivities of the associationwerelimitedto Ankara. Afterthe charter changes in 1961, the TLA gottheopportunitytoopen branches in theprovinces and districts of Turkey. Today, TLA has 21 branches and 1822 members.
Alsocontinuouslyworkinggroupswhichstudy on the variousfields of theprofessionoperateunderthe umbrella of TLA. Thecenter and thebranches of the TLA havebeenarrangingvariousprofessional organizationas and activities, such as conferences, panels, trainingseminars and workshops.
One of themostimportantservices of the TLA in the field of librarianshipprofession is thepublication of The Journal of TurkishLibrarianship. Thejournalstarted broadcasting in 1952 underthe name of “Bulletin of the TurkishLibrarians’ Association” in ordertomake scientific and professionalpublications in thefields of librarianship, information, science and archives.
Since 1987 thejournal has beenissuedquarterlyunder the name of “TurkishLibrarianship”. Takingplaceamong theoldest 30 journalswhichhavebeenpublishedunder theworldstandards in thefield of Information and DocumentManagement, TheTurkishLibrarianship resumesbroadcasting as a respectibleperiodical at the international platform.
TheTurkishLibrarians’ Association, whosemission is to increasethesociety’sawareness of thelibrarianship professionbycreating a participative and a sharing understanding and solidarity in thefield of information services, has beencloselyfollowingthedevelopments in theworld and has beensustainingitsstudiesunder a modern, rational and progressiveviewpoint and bythe help of itsfast-spreadingbranchesacrossthecountry and of itsincreasingnumber of members
THE ASSOCIATION of UNIVERSITY and RESEARCH LIBRARIANS TheAssociation of University and ResearchLibrarians (ÜNAK) wasestablished on 9 August 1991 in Ankara by theregulationpreparedby 14 foundingmembersfrom university and researchlibraries, documantation and informationcenters and privatelibraries.
Thepurposes of thisassociationare: • tofollowtheresearches, studies and developments in thefield of Information and DocumentManagement; • tohelpdevelopthequality of theservices in thefieldsothatheseservices’ qualitiesmeetcontemporarystandards; • toexamine and tofindsolutionstotheproblems of the field; • tocontributetotheprofessionaldevelopment of theindividualsworking in thisfield; • and tosupportthesocial and theculturalimprovement of Turkey.
TheAssociation of University and ResearchLibrarians has producedvariousservices and has implemented severalactivities since it wasfounded and theseservices and activitesare as below: • Toarrangeactivitiesfortraining and co-operation, such as conferences, seminars, panels, symposiums, in ordertosupporttheprofessionaldevelopment of thepersonnelworking in theinformationcenters,
Toedit and topublishoriginal and translatedbooks, journals and bulletinswhichhavebeenwritten on professionalsubjects and whichhaveespeciallydepended on contemporarydevelopments, • Toencourage and tosupporttheoriginalresearches on professionalsubjects, • Toprovide and tosupportprofessionalsolidarity, tocontributetothesolutions of theproblems and toadvise and toarbitratewhenrequired.
Toaccept and carryoutprojectsfortheinstitutionsthatrequirethishelp on professionalsubjects, • Tocooperatewithsimilarorganizations, • Tocreatesolutionstomeettherequirements in relationwiththeuse of information and communicationtechnologies in theprofessionalfield, • Toarrangesocialorganizations, • To buy, sell, orrentrealestate in ordertofinanceitspurposes.
Since it wasfounded, TheAssociation of University and ResearchLibraries has performedscientificactivities, has publishedreports and has madestudies; and thus has undertaken an importanttask of announcingthe improvements and theproblems in thefield of librarianship and informationscience in Turkeytolarge masses.
In April 2000, “InformationWorld”, a scientificpeer- reviewedjournal, startedbroadcasting as theofficial periodical of TheAssociation of University and Research Libraries. As well, theassociationpublishedthe UNAK Newsletter in June 1997 and created a list of discussion which is referredto ÜNAK-List in 2001. Bycreatingthis list, theassociationcontributedtoimprovethe effectiveness of theprofessionalcommunication. Today theassociation has overthan 700 members
TURKISH ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL LIBRARIES TurkishAssociation of SchoolLibrarieswasfounded in 2000. In 2000, theschoollibrariansparticipated in the INET-TR meeting and created a communications platform forschoollibrarians. Undertheumbrella of this platform, cooperation and sharingincreased and significantsuccesseswereachieved. Thus, this platform made a significantcontributiontoactualiseSchool LibrariesRegulationwhichwasbroadcasted in Official Gazette on 22 August 2001.
As a result of therequirementforactivatingthe informationaccumulation and thestudies thatdevelopedover time, theschoollibrariansheld a meeting and foundedtheIstanbulGroup of School Librarians in 2002. Thegroup has cometogethertwice a year since 2002 and themembershavesharedtheir experiences and knowledge, as well as lookingfor solutionstotheprofessionalproblems. Themost importantactivitiesperformedbythisgrouparethree nationalconferences, whichareexplainedbelow:
I. NationalConference of SchoolLibrarianswhichwasperformed on 5 July 2003 underthehospitality of Robert College. • II. NationalConference of SchoolLibrarians: FromInformationLiteracytoLifelongLearning, whichwasperformed on 27 June 2009 underthehospitality of Robert College. • III. NationalConference of SchoolLibrarians: AdvancedApplications in SchoolLibrarieswhichwasperformed on 3 July 2010 underthehospitality of Robert Private Bilkent PrimarySchool.
Afterthe III. NationalConference of SchoolLibrarians, theeffortstoestablish a schoollibrariansassociation started and as a resultTurkishAssociation of School Librarieswasfounded on 17 December 2010
Thebasicpurpose of TurkishAssociation of School Libraries is tocontributetodemocratization of the society and tosocially, culturally and economically development of thecountry, byensuringthe qualitatively and quantitativelydevelopment of workers and services in libraries, information and mediacenters.
Inthiscontext, TurkishAssociation of SchoolLibraries havebeenarrangingcollaborativeorganizations, such as conferences, seminars, panels, symposiums and workshopstoensuretheprofessionaldevelopment of librarians.
Themissions of TurkishAssociation of SchoolLibraries aretomakelibrariansnationallytakepart in lifelong learningactivities and toarrangevariousactivities in orderforstudentstolearnlearning and totake advantage of modern libraryservices. Inspite of being a youngassociation, TurkishAssociation of School Librariesgiveshopeforthefuture
BALKAN LIBRARIES UNION Balkan LibrariesUnionwasfounded on 29 July 2009 in Edirne bytheparticipation of 10 institutionsfrom 6 Balkan countries. Thepurposes of theunionare: • toincreasethecommunication and cooperationbetweenthestate, public, university, research and privatelibrarieswhichoperate in Balkans; • topreservetheculturalheritage in Balkans; • toprovidecommonaccesstoresources in ordertosharethecollections in libraries in Balkan countries; • and toincreasethequality of activities in relationwithInformation and DocumentManagement and archives.
Theactivities, which Balkan LibrariesUnionaimto perform in ordertorealiseitspurposesareexplained below: • Tocarryoutworkstodeterminethecommondesires, purposes and problems of libraries in Balkan countries. • Torealisecooperationswithothernational and internationalassociations, organizations and governmentagencies. • Toarrangeactivities as meetings, seminars, workshops and projects.
Topublishperiodicals. • Tocarryoutprofessionalworks not onlyforincreasingthecooperationbetweenthelibraries in Balkan countries, alsoforincreasingthecooperationwiththeotherEuropeanlibraries. • Toleadthecoordination and cooperationefforts in ordertoensurethemutualshare of experiences of knowledgeprofessionals, whowork in informationcenters in Balkan countries.
TheUnion has 49 memberinstitutionsfrom 9 countries. Withintheunionthereare 24 institutionsfromTurkey; 8 institutionsfromBulgaria; 1 institutionfromAlbania; 1 institutionfromBosnia and Herzegovina; 1 instution fromKosovo; 3 institutionsfromMacedonia; 1 institutionfrom Moldova; 7 institutionsfromRomania and 2 institutionsfromSerbia.
CONCLUSION The associations and non-governmental organizations that operate in the field of Information and Document Management in Turkey, have been stronger day by day and have performed important professional activities. The activities performed by these institutions give hope for the future. But, it is a fact that there are serious problems in field of Information and Document Management. The non- governmental organizations in the field of librarianship have been performing activities to control information services, to develop contemporary professional applications and standards, but these efforts are inadequate.
The common problems that the associations in the field of Information and Document Management in Turkey encounter are explained below: • The individuals work in the field of Information and Document Management in Turkey don’t claim the professional associations. • There are financial inabilities. • There are problems in relation with operation and control. • The associations have a lack of coordination and cooperation within and between themselves.
The last problem has a great importance in term of the future of non-governmental organizations that operate in the field of Information and Document Management in Turkey. In fact, the cooperation and coordination between these associations will make them stronger. A presence of a strong civil society platform is very important in terms of the librarianship profession and the society. A possible strong cooperation will make the associations come together under the umbrella of a federation and thus the effectiveness of these association will increase.