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Zion Heights JHS. CHOICES FOR NINE. THE TRANSITION FROM GRADE 8 TO 9. Guidance Program & Services Department Success for all Learners 2012-13. Presentation Overview. Part A : Choices for Nine Optional Attendance and Timelines Part B : Messages for Success

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Zion Heights JHS CHOICES FOR NINE THE TRANSITION FROM GRADE 8 TO 9 Guidance Program & Services Department Success for all Learners 2012-13

  2. Presentation Overview Part A: Choices for Nine Optional Attendance and Timelines Part B: Messages for Success Part C: Ontario Secondary School Program

  3. TDSB Website www.tdsb.on.ca/program > Guidance Program & Service > Educational Planning

  4. Educational Planning

  5. Part A Choices for Nine • OptionalAttendance and Timelines

  6. Choices: Planning Guides Choices for Nine (October) Choices: Secondary Schools Course Selection & Planning Guide (January/February)

  7. Home School Website: http://www.tdsb.on.ca Click on “Find your School” and enter your home address

  8. Find Your School

  9. Information Nightsat Secondary Schools Information evening dates are listed in the Choices for Nine brochure and on the TDSB Website: www.tdsb.on.ca/parents/infonight

  10. Information Nights at Specialized Schools • Specialized programs are designed for students with a strong passion and skill in a specific area • If you want to investigate specialize schools or programs, contact the specific school for admission requirements • Special requirements may include auditions, tests, interviews, etc. • Check DEADLINE DATES for applications

  11. Where are these specialized schools/programs? • Check Choices for Nine legend • www.tdsb.on.ca/programs select Guidance Programs and Services then Educational Planning then Choices for Secondary School

  12. Choices for 9 - Optional Attendance • Students are encouraged to attend their home school • Must use an “Optional Attendance Application Form” when applying to a school other than home school (forms available at Grade 8 school) • Students may apply to: • two regular schools • two specialized schools or programs • Some schools are closed to Optional Attendance

  13. Important Dates • January - List of “Closed” and “Limited” schools made available & Optional Attendance applications available • February 1, 2013 - Optional Attendance applications due to secondary schools – delivered by student/parent/guardian • February 14, 2013 - Secondary schools will inform Optional Attendance applicants • March 1, 2013 - All Course Selection sheets are due to secondary schools – delivered by current school counsellor * Some schools may be doing “On-Line Course Selection” Only ONE course selection sheet may be submitted for ONE secondary school

  14. Part B Messages for Success

  15. Key Message for Success “16 by 16” 16 credits by 16 years of age

  16. The Importance of Credit Accumulation TDSB Grade 10 Cohort Study: 2000-2004 Dropout rate of Grade 10's based on credit accumulation 60% 40% 32% 40% 21% Dropout rate 14% 20% 5% 0% 12 13 14 15 16 Number of Credits Earned by 16 years of age

  17. Where do students go after secondary school?

  18. Part C Ontario Secondary Schools

  19. Credit System Once a course is completed successfully a credit is granted (50% or higher) Students are expected to take 8 courses a year To graduate from high school a student must earn 30 credits

  20. ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL DIPLOMA (O.S.S.D.) • Total of 30 credits • 18 compulsory subjects • 12 options or electives * To pass a course one must achieve a level of at least 50% • 40 hrs. Community Involvement • Begins in July after Grade 8 • Ontario Literacy Requirement • Written Test in Grade 10 (OSSLT)

  21. Compulsory Credits Students Must Earn The Following 15 Compulsory Credits: • 4 English - one credit per grade • 1 French as a Second Language • 3 Mathematics - at least one in grade 11 or 12 • 2 Science • 1 Canadian History • 1 Canadian Geography • 1 Arts (Visual Arts, Music, Integrated Arts, Media, Drama or Dance) • 1 Health and Physical Education • 0.5 Civics • 0.5 Career Studies

  22. Compulsory Credits Con’t Plus ONE CREDIT from each of the following 3 Groups: Group 1 • An additional English credit or French as a second language*, or third language, or Social Science and Humanities credit, or Canadian and World Studies credit, or Guidance and Career Education credit, or Cooperative Education credit* *A maximum of 2 credits in Cooperative Education and 2 credits in French can count as compulsory credits.

  23. Compulsory Credits Con’t Group 2 • One credit in Health and Physical Education, or the Arts, or Business Studies, or French as a second language or Cooperative Education * Group 3 • One credit in Gr. 11 or 12 Science, or a credit in Technological Education, or Computer Studies, or French as a second language or Cooperative Education * * A maximum of 2 credits in Cooperative Education and 2 credits in French can count as compulsory credits.

  24. Open Academic Applied Locally Developed Compulsory Credit Course Typesin Grade 9 and 10: Making the right choices = choosing success!

  25. What is an Open Course? • Learning expectations are the same for all students • Designed to prepare students for further study and to enrich general education in a subject • Can be compulsory or elective credits Grade 9 Open Courses Include: • Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Drama, Integrated Arts) • Introduction to Business • Food & Nutrition • Guidance (Learning Strategies) • Exploring Technologies • Physical Education

  26. Academic & Applied Courses Academic Courses Cover the core content and have an emphasis on the theoretical aspects of the content Applied Courses Cover the core content and have an emphasis on practical applications

  27. Locally Developed Compulsory Credits • For students with significant gaps in knowledge and skills in a specific subject • Ideal for students who need support with the curriculum content in grade 9 • Students who require two or more Locally Developed Compulsory Credit Courses or who require significant modification to their program will be assisted in investigating programs/schools that provide a full array of supports and services to meet their unique needs

  28. Work HabitsSample

  29. English Language Learners(ESL/ELD) • • Prepare students for success in English and other • courses • • ESL/ELD credits count as compulsory English • credits (to a maximum of 3 credits) • Students will be placed in • Level A, B, C, D or E • Can move to Academic/Applied/LDCC • courses when appropriate

  30. Changing Course Type After Grade 9: Gr. 10 Academic Gr. 9 Academic Gr. 10 Applied Gr. 9 Applied Gr. 10 LDCC Gr. 9 LDCC (except Mathematics)

  31. Changing Course Type After Grade 9 for Mathematics: Gr. 10 Academic Gr. 9 Academic T Gr. 10Applied Gr. 9 Applied Gr. 10LDCC Gr. 9 LDCC Gr. 9 Applied to Gr. 10 Academic Mathematics ( T = Transfer Course worth 0.5 credit )

  32. Grades 9 and 10 Applied Academic Locally Developed Open Grades 11 and 12 College Workplace University College/University Open Making Your Choices

  33. Zion’s Grade 9 Course Selection Sheets* • Distributed in class the week of February 4th • Due in homeroom by February 20th * most Zion students will complete course selection on-line using www.MyBluePrint.ca/tdsb

  34. myBlueprint.ca for students and parents Online educational & career planning tool www.myBlueprint.ca/tdsb

  35. Accessing myBlueprint.ca Join a Webinar Select Your School www.myBlueprint.ca/tdsb

  36. Search for Course Descriptionswww.tdsb.on.ca/choices

  37. Any questions???

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