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How I Have Sought to Promote the Teaching and Learning of Classical Chinese Poetry in the English-Speaking World 我 如何在英語世界里努力推動中國古典詩歌教學. Zong -qi Cai 蔡宗齊 美國伊利諾伊大學香檳分校 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
How I Have Sought to Promote the Teaching and Learning of Classical Chinese Poetry in the English-Speaking World我如何在英語世界里努力推動中國古典詩歌教學 Zong-qi Cai蔡宗齊 美國伊利諾伊大學香檳分校 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
A Triology of College Textbooks for Teaching Classical Chinese Poetry三部曲:中國古典詩歌教學的三本大學教材 • How to Read Chinese Poetry: A Guided Anthology (Columbia University Press, 2008, hereafter Guided Anthology) 《如何閱讀中國詩歌:導讀選集》,紐約:哥倫比亞大學出 版社,2008年。
A Triology of College Textbooks for Teaching Classical Chinese Poetry三部曲:中國古典詩歌教學的三本大學教材 • How to Read Chinese Poetry Workbook (Columbia University Press, 2012, hereafter Workbook) 《如何閱讀中國詩歌:練習冊》,紐約:哥倫比亞大學出版 社,2012年。
A Triology of College Textbooks for Teaching Classical Chinese Poetry三部曲:中國古典詩歌教學的三本大學教材 • Stories of Chinese Poetic Culture: Earliest Times through the Tang (manuscript under preparation and to be submitted to the press by June 1, 2013) 《中國詩歌文化故事:先秦到唐》 預計交稿日期:2013年6月。
Main Goals of Guided Anthology: Breaking Down Four Barriers《如何閱讀中國詩歌:導讀選集》的主要目標: 破除四種障礙
Breaking down the barrier between research and teaching 破除研究和教學之間的障礙 • The first barrier lies between research and teaching. Fine scholarly monographs on Chinese poetry abound but they are usually too specialized for classroom use. Introducing some of the finest current scholarship under one cover, the anthology surveys all the major genres and eras of Chinese poetry from antiquity till the modern time. • Table of Content
Breaking down the barrier between original and English translation 破除中文文本和英譯文本之間的障礙 • The second barrier exists between English translations and Chinese originals. Most English-language anthologies of Chinese poetry offer English translations only. To recapture the poetic beauty lost in translation, the anthology presents Chinese texts alongside English translation, with detailed commentaries on the intricate interplay of word, image, and sound in Chinese. • Example 《行行重行行》p. 105
Breaking down the barrier between sense and sound破除文字和聲音之間的障礙 • The third barrier is between aesthetic and prosodic inquiries. Scant attention has been given to prosody in English-language studies of Chinese poetry. To correct this disassociation of sense from sound, the anthology explains in detail the prosodic conventions of all genres and subgenres examined and marks the tonal patterning in regulated verse and ci poetry. • pp. 169-172 • pp. 401-402
Breaking down the barrier between poetry and language teaching 破除詩歌教學和語言教學之間的障礙 • The fourth barrier lies between poetry and language learning. The studies of Chinese poetry in the West was for decades a pure intellectual and aesthetic exercise, divorced from language learning. Departing from this entrenched practice, the anthology provides tone-marked romanizations and a sound recording to facilitate an oral and aural engagement with the poetical texts in the original. • http://cup.columbia.edu/static/cai-sound-files
Breaking down the barrier between academic and non-academic publications on classical Chinese poetry 破除有關中國古典詩歌學術性和非學術性書籍之間的障礙
The Main Goals of The Workbook《如何閱讀中國詩歌:練習冊》的主要目標
The Main Goals of The Workbook《如何閱讀中國詩歌:練習冊》的主要目標 • The Workbook is as much a sister volume as a workbook of the Guided Anthology. What distinguishes the two books is the different ratio of attention given to poetry and language learning. While the Guided Anthology is a comprehensive literary anthology with a substantial language learning component, the Workbook is a language reader enriched with literary commentaries.
Language Teaching 語言教學 • 100 famous poems presented in Chinese, romanization, and English 百首名詩:中文,拼音,英文 • Modern Chinese prose translation of the 100 poems 百首詩歌的現代文翻譯 • Copious vocabulary notes on both classical and modern Chinese 古文和現代文詞彙注解 • Language exercise for each of the 20 units 二十個單元的語言練習作業 • Extensive glossary list 字詞表 • Sound recording for each poem 詩歌朗讀錄音 • Table of Content • pp. 1-3 • p. 22
Literary Comprehension 文學鑒賞 • Question and Commentary on each poem 問題和評論 • pp. 3-5 • Extensive references to Guided Anthology 《如何閱讀中國詩歌:導讀選集》參閲提示 • List of Literary Issues Discussed 文學論題列表 • pp. 195-198
The Main Goals of Stories of Chinese Poetic Culture《中國詩歌文化故事》的主要目標 • This book presents twenty chapters of stories, anecdotes, and historical accounts in a way that illuminates the unique, central roles of poetry in the making of Chinese culture at different historical periods. Macrocosmically, these roles are manifest in the indispensable use of poetry in all important aspects of the superstructure, ranging from state diplomacy to court politics, empire building, state ideology, institutionalized learning, and religion. Microcosmically, these roles are reflected in the ways poetry is used by individuals of all social strata as a primary means of creating self-identity, fostering friendship, gaining entrance into officialdom, and castigating injustice and oppression.
Chronological Table of Contents時序排列目錄(1) • Pre-Han times • Poetry and Diplomacy in Zuozhuan (Wai-yee Li) • The Authorship of the Chuci (Stephen Owen) • Han Dynasty • Empire Building in Text: SimaXiangru (Yu-yu Cheng and Gregory Patterson) • The Han Canonization of the Book of Poetry (Zong-qi Cai) • Han Ballads “A Peacock Flies to the Southeast” (OlgamrsLomová)
Chronological Table of Contents時序排列目錄(2) • The Six Dynasties • Heroes from Chaotic Times: the Three Caos (XindaLian) • The Worthies of the Bamboo Grove (NanxiuQian) • Poet as a Farmer-Recluse: Tao Qian (Alan Berkowitz) • The Buddhist Mind: ShenYue (Meow HuiGoh) • Beautiful Women and Historic-Poetic Imagination (Ping Wang) • Tang Dynasty • Knight-Errantry: Tang Frontier Poems (Tsung-Cheng Lin) • Tang Civil Service Examinations (ManlingLuo) • Women in the Tang: the Public/Private Divide (Maija Bell Samei) • Buddhist Enlightenment: Wang Wei and Han Shan (Chen Yinchi and Jing Chen) • The Greatest Wine-Sage: Li Bai (Paula Varsano) • Historical Witness and Moral Suasion: Du Fu (Jack Chen) • Literati Friendship: BaiJuyi and Yuan Zhen (Ao Wang) • A Master of Morbid Imagination: Li He (Robert Ashmore)
Thematic Table of Contents 主題分類目錄(1) • Poetry and State Poetry and Diplomacy in Zuozhuan Empire Building in Text: SimaXiangru • Poetry and Identity The Authorship of the Chuci Poet as a Farmer-Recluse: Tao Qian The Greatest Wine-Sage: Li Bai Poetry of the Uncanny: Li He • Poetry and Learning The Han Canonization of the Book of Poetry Tang Civil Service Examinations
Thematic Table of Contents 主題分類目錄(2) • Poetry and Heroes Heroes from Chaotic Times: the Three Caos Knight-Errantry: Tang Frontier Poems • Poetry and Literati Friendship The Worthies of the Bamboo Grove Literati Friendship: BaiJuyi and Yuan Zhen • Poetry and Suffering Han Ballads “A Peacock Flies to the Southeast” Historical Witness and Moral Suasion: Du Fu • Poetry and Women Beautiful Women and Historic-Poetic Imagination Women in the Tang: the Public/Private Divide • Poetry and Transcendence The Buddhist Mind: ShenYue Buddhist Enlightenment: Wang Wei and Han Shan
Forum on Chinese Poetic Culture中國詩歌文化論壇 http://poetry-test.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/homepage.html