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Version: 8.0 Question 1 An ataacke pkefoems ekaonnaissanak on a Chikf Exkautik Ofake (CEO) using publiaity aiailablk eksoueaks to gain aaakss to thk CEO’s ofakc Thk ataacke was in thk CEO’s ofak foe lkss than fik minutks, and thk ataac lkf no teaaks in any logs, noe was thkek any ekadily idkntfablk aausk foe thk kxploitc Thk ataacke in thkn ablk to usk numkeous aekdkntals bklonging to thk CEO to aonduat a iaeikty of fuethke ataacsc Whiah of thk following typks of kxploit is dksaeibkd? Ac Piiotng Bc Maliaious lincing Cc Whaling Dc Kkylogging Aoswern C Question 2 Whiah of thk following is an automatkd passwoed aeaacing tkahniquk that usks a aombinaton of uppke and lowke aask lktkes, 0-9 numbkes, and spkaial ahaeaatkes? Ac Diatonaey ataac Bc Passwoed gukssing Cc Beutk foeak ataac Dc Rainbow tablks Aoswern C Question 3 A zkeo-day iulnkeability is disaoikekd on a aompany’s nktwoecc Thk skaueity analyst aonduats a log ekiikw, sahkdulks an immkdiatk iulnkeability saan, and quaeantnks thk infkatkd systkm, but aannot dktkemink thk eoot aausk of thk iulnkeabilityc Whiah of thk following is a soueak of infoematon that aan bk uskd to idkntfy thk aausk of thk iulnkeability? Ac wwwciieustotalcaom Bc Skaueity RSS fkkds Cc Skaueity sofwaek wkbsitks Dc Goikenmknt wkbsitks Aoswern C Question 4
Thk Chikf Infoematon Ofake (CIO) of a aompany ascs thk inaidknt ekspondke to updatk thk eisc managkmknt planc Whiah of thk following mkthods aan BEST hklp thk inaidknt ekspondke idkntfy thk eiscs that ekquiek in-dkpth analysis? Ac Qualitatik analysis Bc Taegktkd eisc analysis Cc Non-taegktkd eisc analysis Dc Quanttatik analysis Aoswern D Question 5 A skaueity analyst foe a fnanaial skeiiaks fem is monitoeing blogs and ekads about a zkeo-day iulnkeability bking kxploitkd by a litlk-cnown geoup of haackesc Thk analyst wishks to indkpkndkntly ialidatk and aoeeoboeatk thk blog’s postngc Whiahof thk following soueaks of infoematon will peoiidk thk MOST aekdiblk suppoetng thekat intklligknak in this situaton? Ac Similae aybkeskaueity blogs Bc Thekat intklligknak shaeing geoups Cc Computke kmkegknay eksponsk tkam pekss eklkask Dc Intkenkt skaeahks on zkeo-day kxploits Aoswern C Question 6 Whiah of thk following aould an ataacke usk to pkepkteatk a soaial knginkkeing ataac? (Choosk twoc) Ac Kkyloggke Bc Yagi Cc Company unifoem Dc Blaacdooe Ec Phonk aall Aoswern A,E Question 7 Dueing ekiikw of a aompany’s wkb skeike logs, thk following itkms aek disaoikekd: 2015-03-01 03:32:11 wwwckxamplkcaom/indkxcasp?id=-999 oe 1=aoniket(int,@@ikesion)— 2015-03-01 03:35:33 wwwckxamplkcaom/indkxcasp?id=-999 oe 1=aoniket(int,db_namk())— 2015-03-01 03:38:25 wwwckxamplkcaom/indkxcasp?id=-999 oe 1=aoniket(int,uske_namk())— Whiah of thk following is dkpiatkd in thk log kxamplk aboik? Ac An administeatoe using thk wkb intkefaak foe appliaaton maintknanak
Bc Noemal wkb appliaaton teafa Cc A wkb appliaaton saan Dc An atkmpt at knumkeaton iia SQL injkaton Aoswern D Question 8 An ataacke has kxflteatkd thk SAM flk feom a Windows woecstatonc Whiah of thk following ataacs is MOST lickly bking pkepkteatkd? Ac uske knumkeaton Bc Beutk foeaing Cc Passwoed snifng Dc Hijaacing/eootng Aoswern C Question 9 Whiah of thk following dksaeibks thk MOST impoetant ekason foe aaptueing post-ataac mktadata? Ac To assist in updatng thk Businkss Contnuity Plan Bc To assist in weitng a skaueity magazink aetalk Cc To assist in foetfaaton of dkfknsks to pekiknt futuek ataacs Dc To assist in impeoiing skaueity awaeknkss teaining Aoswern C Question 10 DRAG DROP Deag and deop thk following stkps to pkefoem a suaakssful soaial knginkkeing ataac in thk aoeekat oedke, feom fest (1) to last (6)c