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Understanding … according to Bloom, is the ability to marshall skills and facts appropriately and wisely through effective application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Understanding is … the result of facts acquiring meaning for the learner.
Understanding … according to Bloom, is the ability to marshall skills and facts appropriately and wisely through effective application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Understanding is … the result of facts acquiring meaning for the learner Understanding is … a mental construct.. An abstraction made by the human mind to make sense of many distinct pieces of knowledge. To grasp the meaning of a thing or situation is to see it in its relations to other things; causes, consequences, relationships. What is Understanding?
The stated goal of the standards is to specify key knowledge and skills in a format that makes it clear what teachers and assessments need to focus on. • Another goal is to raise the achievement bar to a level comparable to those of the best education systems in the world. What is the goal of Standards? Coverage vs. Uncoverage
Standards are not curriculum …Content is key
Teaching does not cause learning Only successful attempts by the learner cause learning Coverage vs. Uncoverage Teachers can’t give understanding; understanding is a “constructivist” exercise. What is the goal of teaching?
Uncoverage is not a certain type of teaching or philosophy of education but the way to make an idea accessible and real, regardless of method. Teaching is ‘uncovering’ Coverage vs. Uncoverage
Uncover students’ potential misunderstandings • Uncover questions, issues, assumptions under the surface • Uncover core ideas at the heart of understanding a subject Coverage vs. Uncoverage
The challenge of working with textbooks is to better understand what they conceal, not just what they reveal. In the final analysis… Good Teaching Trumps Good Tools Focus on the instruction and learning and not the digital tools Coverage vs. Uncoverage
Misunderstandings The textbook is a syllabus or course of study. The text is a resource that supports desired results in Stage 1. Coverage vs. Uncoverage
Misunderstandings With standards we can design good curriculum. The Overload problem The Goldilocks Problem Some standards lend to individual interpretation Coverage vs. Uncoverage
The teacher’s crucial role: Designing the right Experiences (stage 3) Understanding By Design is about the backwards design of instruction Stage 1 - Desired results Stage 2 – What will count as evidence of Stage 3 – Planning the instruction A major mistake in teaching for understanding is not the overreliance on a single approach but the failure to ponder the timing in using the approach. Coverage vs. Uncoverage
What are the entry points for your design process? Misconception: Everyone must go to college. College is the only path to a good job. Understanding: Getting a good job requires hard work, a desire to learn, careful planning, preparation, and effective communication skills. Electronic Career Portfolio Coverage vs. Uncoverage MrsGavitt’s Reality show