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Workspace 365 aims to simplify your work life by providing a single platform where you can access all applications and information needed for your tasks. With features like live tiles, document management, and easy collaboration tools, everything is within reach with just one click on any device or browser. Learn how to personalize your workspace, add favorite sites and applications, and organize your workflow efficiently. Accessible on mobile devices for convenient work on the go. Have any questions? Get started today and optimize your productivity with Workspace 365!
How does my workspace work? Introduction Logging in toyourworkspace Usethetaskbar & home button Addyourfavorite sites & applications Editworkspaceandgroup order Live tilesforone instant overview Createdocuments Share documents E-mail: overview of your mail Available on mobile devices Do you have anyquestions?
Easiercollaboration The goal of Workspace 365 is tosimplifyyourworkby making IT lesscomplicated. In oneglanceyouseeallapplicationsand information yourorganisation made availableforyou. This way, everything is withinreachwithjustone click, on any device andfromany browser. Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Logging in toyourworkspace1/2 Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions? Go tohttps://demo.workspace365.net/demo Login toyour new workspacewiththe Office 365 login information or the information you have received per e-mail. Bookmark theworkspace in your browser or set it up as your homepage soyoucaneasilyreachit at alltimes.
How does thetaskbarwork? 2/2 Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions? 1. 2. 4. 3. 1. Whenyou open applicationsand want to go back tothehomescreen, click on the logo withthefour squares on theupperleft. 2. Through the ‘plus’ button youcanquicklyadddocuments, e-mails or Business App tiles. 3. Withthis button youcan view recentlyvisited pages withintheworkspace. 4. Byclicking on the profile icon or the profile photoyou’vechosen, youcan access your profile settings.
Addyourfavorite sites 1/2 Ifyourorganisationallowsit, youcanadd links to websites youoftenuse: 1. Click on “Addtiles”. 2. Select the app. Clicking on the apps on the top willdirectlysendyouto a next screen. Withtheapplications on thebottomyoucan select one or more andyou click on “Addtoworkspace”. Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Add shortcuts/applications2/2 Whenyouadd or edit a shortcutyoucaneasilyfill in the information. Choose a recognizable icon Select a color Type a clear name Copy the link fromthe website and paste this in the “Webpage” field Select thedestinationyou want the new page to open Click “Addtoworkspace” Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Edityourworkspace1/2 Afteradding a new tiletotheworkspaceyoucaneasilyedittheworkspace. Move an app tothedesiredgroupbyclickinganddragging it. It is notpossibletoplace personal apps in shared (recognizableby the group-icon) groups. It is notpossibletoplaceboth large and small tileswithinthesamegroup. Click on the name of a grouptoedit it. Move a groupbyclicking on thearrows below it. Editan app byselectingitandclicking on “Edittile” in thetask bar. Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Choosewhichgroupsyousee2/2 Do you want todecideforyourselfwhichgroups are visible on theworkspace? Click “Groups” in thetaskbarand select thegroupsyou want tobevisible. Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Important information in oneglance1/3 By opening theworkspaceyouwillinstantly have anoverview of yourworkday. In the live calendaryouinstantlyseeyourappointmentsfortheday. Youcan click on anappointmenttosee more details. Ifyou want to make a new appointment, you click on “CALENDAR” in thebottom right corner of thetile. Live e-mail letsyou view yourunreadmessages. Youcan view them in the mailbox byclicking on “EMAIL”. In thenewstileyoucanseethelatestmessagesfrominternal or external sources, addedbyyourorganisation. The “Recent documents” tilegivesfast access tothe files you’reworking in. Click a file or “DOCUMENTS” tonavigatetothe document file and document app. Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Follow professional newstostayupdated2/3 Youcaneasilyadd a newsfeedbyyourselfwithforinstanceprocurements, interestingmailings or professional news. Click on “Addtiles” Select the RSS app Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Add a newsfeed3/3 Choosean icon, colour and a name forthe app Givethe Tab a name soit’sclearwhichnewsit shows Addthe RSS-feed URL, this is usuallyrecognizable on a website bythe icon shown here on the right Select Feed type “Public” ifit’s a public website Addtheshortcuttothe site at the “Site url” field Click on the plus icon below toaddanother tab. This is possible up to a maximum 3 tabs. Attention: It is possiblethatthis action willnotbesuccessful. Notall types of RSS-feeds are supported. Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Alldocumentsneatly in oneplace1/7 On theleftyousee “My documents”. In thisyou’llfind, as youcantellbythe name, your personal (work) files. In thissectionyoucan save thedocumentsthat are convenientforwork, but do notnecessarilyneedtobe shared withyourcolleagues. Under the second darkergrey tab yousee shared folders, in thephoto on the right indicatedbythe name “Peter Inc Team Site”. These folders are meantforcollaborationwithothers. Bysaving files in these folders, everythingstaysneatlyandclear in onelocationandeverything is accessibleforthepeoplewho have therightsto access these particular files and folders. Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Show or hide folders 2/7 It’s possibletohide folders in the menu of the document app. Thiscancome in handywhenyouforinstance have access to a lot of folders fromotherdepartments, whichyou never need or useanyway. Tohide these folders, you click theeye-icon abovethe list of folders. Afterthat, youcan select in the menu which folders you want tobevisible en whichyoudon’t. Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Make shortcuts to folders 3/7 Frequentlyuseparticular folders? Make shortcuts toyourfavourite folders. Open the folder youusefrequently. Copy theshortcut/urlfromthe browser bar. Make a new shortcutand paste thecopied link in the “Webpage” field. Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Alldocuments, neatly in oneplace4/7 4. 6. 1. 2. 3. 5. 7. Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions? 1. Withthis button youcaneasilycreate a new folder or file (Word, Excel, PowerPoint or OneNote). 2. Byclicking “Upload” youcan select a document to upload tothe folder you’reactive in. 3. Youcan, ifyou have therightsto, synchronize “My documents” andthe shared folders toyour device, soyoucan keep working on your files whileyou’re offline. 4. Here you select whichapplicationyou want touse; this is possiblewith online (standard) or local Office apps. 5. Under “Manage” or by right-clicking on a file, youcan Delete, Rename, Move or Copy a file.
Whatif “Open in local apps” doesn’twork? 5/7 Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions? Whenthere is no Office installed on your device or yourversion of Office is outdated (we recommend Office 2016), it’snotpossibletousethe option to open your file in a local app. Ifone of these twoscenarios is the case, contact your IT service provider.
Share files through a link, not as attachment 6/7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions? 6. Click “Download” to save documentstoyour device. Only do thiswhennecessary, becausethisincreasesthe risk you’lllosethe file ifyour device breaks down andcolleaguescan’t view the file. 7. Through “Share” youcan invite colleaguesand make a link to share a document withothers. Usethis. This way youcan keep collaborating in thesame document andyouwon’t have multiple versions of thesame document. Ifyou want a document tobecheckedbysomeoneelseyoucanalso select the option to share a “View only” version, sotheother person can’teditthe document. Attention: It is important topay attention whenyou share a file as “View only” or as “Edit”.
Attachdocumentsdirectlyto e-mail 7/7 You have a document you have tosend per e-mail? Thenyouwon’t have to go toyour mailbox first and search your folders fromtheretofindthe right document. Sendthemdirectlyfromthe document app: Click on “Share” and “Attachto e-mail” or Right-click on the file Select “Attachto e-mail” Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Using the Outlook mailbox 1/2 Withintheworkspaceyoucaneasilyreachthe mailbox in the browser. For e-mail Exchange is used. Thismakessurethatthe e-mails are thesame in Outlook, Online and on your mobile device. Byclicking on ‘EMAIL’ on thebottom right of the live tileyou open the Online mailbox. Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Using the Workspace 365 mailbox 2/2 Fromthe Workspace 365 mailbox it’seasierto save or send files as an attachment because of thecombinationwith SharePoint. Open the e-mail with attachment Right-click (or hold a while on touch-devices) andchoose “Save as” Choosethelocationwhereyou want to save the file Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions?
Install Office on your mobile device andcreatetheworkspace as a tile Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions? Within mobile browsers youoften have thepossibilitytocreate a shortcutto a page on yourhomescreen. Bydoingthisyou’llquickly have access toyourworkspacefromany device. Set up the Workspace 365 environment as a tile on your mobile phone, tablet or desktop toquickly access everythingyouneedtowork.Install Office apps on your mobile device throughthe app stores.
Where do you go ifyou have questions? Index - Introduction – Logging in – Add apps– Editworkspace- Live tiles– Documents - Mailbox - Mobile devices– Questions? Ask a colleaguefor help. Findtheanswer on: https://support.workspace365.net/hc/en-us Contact your IT service provider.