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CptS 440 / 540 Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Representation. Knowledge Representation. Knowledge Representation. When we use search to solve a problem we must Capture the knowledge needed to formalize the problem Apply a search technique to solve problem
CptS 440 / 540Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Representation • When we use search to solve a problem we must • Capture the knowledge needed to formalize the problem • Apply a search technique to solve problem • Execute the problem solution
Role of KR • The first step is the role of “knowledge representation” in AI. • Formally, • The intended role of knowledge representation in artificial intelligence is to reduce problems of intelligent action to search problems. • A good description, developed within the conventions of a good KR, is an open door to problem solving • A bad description, using a bad representation, is a brick wall preventing problem solving
A Knowledge-Based Agent • We previously talked about applications of search but not about methods of formalizing the problem. • Now we look at extended capabilities to general logical reasoning. • Here is one knowledge representation: logical expressions. • A knowledge-based agent must be able to • Represent states, actions, etc. • Incorporate new percepts • Update internal representations of the world • Deduce hidden properties about the world • Deduce appropriate actions • We will • Describe properties of languages to use for logical reasoning • Describe techniques for deducing new information from current information • Apply search to deduce (or learn) specifically needed information
WW Agent Description • Performance measure • gold +1000, death -1000 • -1 per step, -10 for using arrow • Environment • Squares adjacent to wumpus are smelly • Squares adjacent to pit are breezy • Glitter iff gold is in same square • Shooting kills wumpus if agent facing it • Shooting uses up only arrow • Grabbing picks up gold if in same square • Releasing drops gold in same square • Actuators • Left turn, right turn, forward, grab, release, shoot • Sensors • Breeze, glitter, smell, bump, scream
WW Environment Properties • Observable? • Partial • Deterministic? • Yes • Episodic? • Sequential • Static? • Yes (for now), wumpus and pits do not move • Discrete? • Yes • Single agent? • Multi (wumpus, eventually other agents)
Sample Run • Now we look at • How to represent facts / beliefs • “There is a pit in (2,2) or (3,1)” • How to make inferences • “No breeze in (1,2), so pit in (3,1)”
Representation, Reasoning and Logic • Sentence: Individual piece of knowledge - English sentence forms one piece of knowledge in English language - Statement in C forms one piece of knowledge in C programming language • Syntax: Form used to represent sentences - Syntax of C indicates legal combinations of symbols - a = 2 + 3; is legal - a = + 2 3 is not legal - Syntax alone does not indicate meaning • Semantics: Mapping from sentences to facts in the world - They define the truth of a sentence in a “possible world”- Add the values of 2 and 3, store them in the memory location indicated by variable a • In the language of arithmetic: x + 2 >= y is a sentence x2 + y > is not a sentence x + 2 >= y is true in all worlds where the number x + 2 is no less than the number y x + 2 >= y is true in a world where x = 7, y = 1 x + 2 >= y is false in a world where x = 0, y = 6
Entailment • There can exist a relationship between items in the language • Sentences “entail” sentences (representation level) • Facts “follow” from facts (real world) • Entail / Follow mean the new item is true if the old items are true • A collection of sentences, or knowledge base (KB), entail a sentence • KB |= sentence • KB entails the sentence iff the sentence is true in all worlds where the KB is true Entails Sentences Sentence Semantics Semantics Representation World Follows Facts Fact
Entailment Examples • KB • The Giants won • The Reds won • Entails • Either the Giants won or the Reds won • KB • To get a perfect score your program must be turned in today • I always get perfect scores • Entails • I turned in my program today • KB • CookLectures -> TodayIsTuesday v TodayIsThursday • - TodayIsThursday • TodayIsSaturday -> SleepLate • Rainy -> GrassIsWet • CookLectures v TodayIsSaturday • - SleepLate • Which of these are correct entailments? • - Sleeplate • GrassIsWet • - SleepLate v GrassIsWet • TodayIsTuesday • True
Models • Logicians frequently use models, which are formally structured worlds with respect to which truth can be evaluated. These are our “possible worlds”. • M is a model of a sentence s if s is true in M. • M(s) is the set of all models of s. • KB entails s (KB |= s) if and only if M(KB) is a subset of M(s) • For example, KB = Giants won and Reds won, s = Giants won
Entailment in the Wumpus World • Situation after detecting nothing in [1,1], moving right, breeze in [2,1] • Consider possible models for the situation (the region around the visited squares) assuming only pits, no wumpi • 3 Boolean choices, so there are 8 possible models
Wumpus Models KB = wumpus world rules + observations
Wumpus Models KB = wumpus world rules + observations Possible conclusion: alpha1 = “[1,2] is safe” KB |= alpha1, proved by model checking
Wumpus Models KB = wumpus world rules + observations alpha2 = “[2,2] is safe”, KB |= alpha2
Inference • Use two different ways: • Generate new sentences that are entailed by KB • Determine whether or not sentence is entailed by KB • A sound inference procedure generates only entailed sentences • Modus ponens is sound • Abduction is not sound • Logic gone bad
Definitions • A complete inference procedure can generate all entailed sentences from the knowledge base. • The meaning of a sentence is a mapping onto the world (a model). • This mapping is an interpretation (interpretation of Lisp code). • A sentence is valid (necessarily true, tautology) iff true under all possible interpretations. • A V -A • A could be: • Stench at [1,1] • Today is Monday • 2+3=5 • These statements are not valid. • A ^ -A • A V B • The last statement is satisfiable, meaning there exists at least one interpretation that makes the statement true. The previous statement is unsatisfiable.
Logics • Logics are formal languages for representing information such that conclusions can be drawn • Logics are characterized by their “primitives” commitments • Ontological commitment: What exists? Facts? Objects? Time? Beliefs? • Epistemological commitment: What are the states of knowledge?
Examples • Propositional logic • Simple logic • Symbols represent entire facts • Boolean connectives (&, v, ->, <=>, ~) • Propositions (symbols, facts) are either TRUE or FALSE • First-order logic • Extend propositional logic to include variables, quantifiers, functions, objects
Propositional Logic • Proposition symbols P, Q, etc., are sentences • The true/false value of propositions and combinations of propositions can be calculated using a truth table • If P and S are sentences, then so are –P, P^Q, PvQ, P->Q, P<->Q • An interpretation I consists of an assignment of truth values to all proposition symbols I(S) • An interpretation is a logician's word for what is often called a “possible world” • Given 3 proposition symbols P, Q, and R, there are 8 interpretations • Given n proposition symbols, there are 2n interpretations • To determine the truth of a complex statement for I, we can • Substitute I's truth value for every symbol • Use truth tables to reduce the statement to a single truth value • End result is a single truth value, either True or False
Propositional Logic • For propositional logic, a row in the truth table is one interpretation • A logic is monotonic as long as entailed sentences are preserved as more knowledge is added
Rules of Inference for Propositional Logic • Modus ponens • And introduction • Or introduction • And elimination • Double-negation elimination • Unit resolution • Resolution • All men are mortal (Man -> Mortal) • Socrates is a man (Man) • ----------------------------------------------- • Socrates is mortal (Mortal) • Today is Tuesday or Thursday • Today is not Thursday • --------------------------------------- • Today is Tuesday • Today is Tuesday or Thursday • Today is not Thursday or tomorrow is Friday • ---------------------------------------------------------- • Today is Tuesday or tomorrow is Friday
Normal Forms • Other approaches to inference use syntactic operations on sentences, often expressed in standardized forms • Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) conjunction of disjunctions of literals (conjunction of clauses)For example, (A v –B) ^ (B v –C v –D) • Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) disjunction of conjunctions of literals (disjunction of terms)For example, (A ^ B) v (A ^ -C) v (A ^ -D) v (-B ^ -C) v (-B ^ -D) • Horn Form (restricted) conjunction of Horn clauses (clauses with <= 1 positive literal) For example, (A v –B) ^ (B v –C v –D)Often written as a set of implications: B -> A and (C ^ D) -> B
Proof methods • Model checking • Truth table enumeration (sound and complete for propositional logic) • Show that all interpretations in which the left hand side of the rule is true, the right hand side is also true • Application of inference rules • Sound generation of new sentences from old Proof = a sequence of inference rule applications Can use inference rules as operators in a standard search algorithm
Wumpus World KB • Vocabulary • Let Pi,j be true if there is a pit in [i,j] • Let Bi,j be true if there is a breeze in [i,j] • Sentences • -P1,1 • -B1,1 • B2,1 • “Pits cause breezes in adjacent squres” • B1,1 <-> P1,2 v P2,1 • B2,1 <-> P1,1 v P2,2 v P3,1
An Agent for the Wumpus World • Imagine we are at a stage in the game where we have had some experience • What is in our knowledge base? • What can we deduce about the world? • Example: Finding the wumpus • If we are in [1,1] and know • -S11 • S12 • S21 • -S11 -> -W11 & -W12 & -W21 • S12 -> W11 v W12 v W13 v W22 • S21 -> W11 v W21 v W31 v W22 • What can we conclude?
Limitations of Propositional Logic • Propositional logic cannot express general-purpose knowledge succinctly • We need 32 sentences to describe the relationship between wumpi and stenches • We would need another 32 sentences for pits and breezes • We would need at least 64 sentences to describe the effects of actions • How would we express the fact that there is only one wumpus? • Difficult to identify specific individuals (Mary, among 3) • Generalizations, patterns, regularities difficult to represent (all triangles have 3 sides)
First-Order Predicate Calculus • Propositional Logic uses only propositions (symbols representing facts), only possible values are True and False • First-Order Logic includes: • Objects: peoples, numbers, places, ideas (atoms) • Relations: relationships between objects (predicates, T/F value) • Example: father(fred, mary) • Properties: properties of atoms (predicates, T/F value) Example: red(ball) • Functions: father-of(mary), next(3), (any value in range) • Constant: function with no parameters, MARY
Example • Express “Socrates is a man” in • Propositional logic • MANSOCRATES - single proposition representing entire idea • First-Order Predicate Calculus • Man(SOCRATES) - predicate representing property of constant SOCRATES
FOPC Syntax • Constant symbols (Capitalized, Functions with no arguments) Interpretation must map to exactly one object in the world • Predicates (can take arguments, True/False) Interpretation maps to relationship or property T/F value • Function (can take arguments) Maps to exactly one object in the world
Definitions • TermAnything that identifies an object Function(args) Constant - function with 0 args • Atomic sentence Predicate with term arguments Enemies(WilyCoyote, RoadRunner) Married(FatherOf(Alex), MotherOf(Alex)) • Literalsatomic sentences and negated atomic sentences • Connectives (&), (v), (->), (<=>), (~) if connected by , conjunction (components are conjuncts) if connected by , disjunction (components are disjuncts) • QuantifiersUniversal Quantifier Existential Quantifier
Universal Quantifiers • How do we express “All unicorns speak English” in Propositional Logic? • We would need to specify a proposition for each unicorn • is used to express facts and relationships that we know to be true for all members of a group (objects in the world) • A variable is used in the place of an object x Unicorn(x) -> SpeakEnglish(x) The domain of x is the world The scope of x is the statement following (sometimes in []) • Same as specifying • Unicorn(Uni1) -> SpeakEnglish(Uni1) & • Unicorn(Uni2) -> SpeakEnglish(Uni2) & • Unicorn(Uni3) -> SpeakEnglish(Uni3) & • ... • Unicorn(Table1) -> Table(Table1) & • ... • One statement for each object in the world • We will leave variables lower case (sometimes ?x) Notice that x ranges over all objects, not just unicorns. • A term with no variables is a ground term
Existential Quantifier • This makes a statement about some object (not named) • x [Bunny(x) ^ EatsCarrots(x)] • This means there exists some object in the world (at least one) for which the statement is true. Same as disjunction over all objects in the world. • (Bunny(Bun1) & EatsCarrots(Bun1)) v • (Bunny(Bun2) & EatsCarrots(Bun2)) v • (Bunny(Bun3) & EatsCarrots(Bun3)) v • ... • (Bunny(Table1) & EatsCarrots(Table1)) v • ... • What about x Unicorn(x) -> SpeakEnglish(x)? • Means implication applies to at least one object in the universe
DeMorgan Rules • Example:
Other Properties • (X->Y) <-> -XvY • Can prove with truth table • Not true: • (X->Y) <-> (Y->X) • This is a type of inference that is not sound (abduction)
Examples • All men are mortal
Examples • All men are mortal • x [Man(x) -> Mortal(x)]