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Newhall School District PLC. Agenda for Seminar I. Welcome & Introductions Goals for seminar I/Visit Our Weebly & Edmodo Site Collaboration Essential Standards Morning Break Unwrapping Process . Team work time Lunch Pacing Guides Begin work on Pacing Guide/Calendar
Agenda for Seminar I Welcome & Introductions Goals for seminar I/Visit Our Weebly & Edmodo Site Collaboration Essential Standards Morning Break Unwrapping Process
Team work time Lunch Pacing Guides Begin work on Pacing Guide/Calendar Revisit the Day/Overview for January seminar
Visit our Weebly www.newhallschooldistrictplc.weebly.com
Collaborate on Edmodo Sign up as a student
Join Our Group Join our overall group Group Code: nyke3g
Join Your Grade Level Group • Kindergarten: 9b7lly • First Grade: hxf7sw • Second Grade: ltb4k0 • Third Grade: 8w1w36
Show Me You are Here • Make sure you are on Edmodo as a student. • Double check that you have joined our NSD PLC and your grade level groups. • Make a comment on the NSD PLC group • Then, look for the poll on your grade level page & complete. • Add any additional comments as a “note”.
Collaboration • What is collaboration? • What makes collaboration effective? • What is my team’s biggest challenge in establishing a collaborative culture? My school’s biggest challenge? Reflect on these three questions and respond individually on Edmodo (within your grade level group).
Collaboration • Now review the document at the top of the collaboration page of the Weebly, “A Big Picture Look at Professional Learning Communities” with your team. Add a Team Reflection on your Edmodo grade level group page.
Collaboration • Work through the Critical Issues for Team Consideration activity as a team. • You can locate this (assignment) on Edmodo under your grade level’s group.
Cultural Shifts • Let’s review this article on the Weebly • It’s under Seminar I-Collaboration • Scroll down to Cultural Shifts in a PLC pdf • Read assigned section with group. • Present section with examples to larger group.
Collaboration “Collaboration is a systematic process in which we work together, interdependently, to analyze and impact professional practice in order to improve our individual and collective results.” —adapted from Learning by Doing
Video and Article Reflection • Do we need to establish norms? (optional survey on Weebly) • As a team, have we been able to overcome or address the Five Dysfunctions of a Team? (outlined on Weebly) • Are we convinced collaboration will lead to student improvement within our grade level? Our school? For all student populations? Reflect on these three questions and respond as a team on Edmodo (within your grade level group).
Essential Standards Traditional Methods of Teaching • All standards must be taught. • We must get through everything. • Teach only from adopted publisher materials and progress in order. • Teach to the tests.
Essential Standards Teaching to Essential Standards • Prioritize your current standards • (“nice to knows” vs. “needs to know”) • Still need to cover all standards • Narrow the focus • Based on student needs & assessment results • Use a variety of materials to target essentials
I Have to Get Through the Book My Cherished Unit Apples & Pumpkins It’s What We’ve Always Done They Really Seem Interested in… Our Assessment Results Indicate…. Thematic Units Topical Units of Study Based on Student Needs Skill-based Units
Rationale • The term “Power Standards” was coined by Dr. Douglas Reeves of the Leadership and Learning Center. • Power Standards are those standards or indicators that are critical for student success.
The consensus among educators is that in-depth instruction of “essential” concepts and skills is more effective than superficially “covering” every concept in the textbook. • Robert Marzano calculated 3,500 benchmarks spread across 14 different content areas, “you would have to change schooling from K – 12 to K – 22!”
How Do We Prioritize? • Endurance – prepare students with knowledge and skills needed for future (think 21st Century Learning-life & career) • Leverage-aid students in other disciplines (ex. ability to draw accurate inferences in language arts aids students in science • Readiness-prepare students for next grade or level of instruction (Math recall facts essential for incoming 4th grade students)
“What do your students need for success-in school this year, next year, and so on (leverage; readiness for next levels of learning), in life (endurance), and on your state tests?” – Larry Ainsworth
Must Also Consider • What are district expectations/benchmarks? • Needs of target students (EL, Title I, Special Ed., Hispanic) • Align within grade spans (i.e. K-2) until vertical flow K-6 is established
Sample Essential Standards Newhall Kindergarten Newhall First Grade Old Orchard Second Grade Additional Sample Essential Standards Documents on Edmodo Please send samples if you would like to share with other sites.
Unwrapping the Standards • Identify the key concepts and skills students need to master • what students need to know and be able to do • Concepts = important nouns/noun phrases embedded in the standards • Skills = verbs (include the concept students must apply through skill)
Link unwrapped standards to level of Bloom’s Taxonomy • Identify appropriate assessment method • Possible next steps: Big Ideas & Essential Questions The Basic Process
Let’s Practice Unwrapping • Underline the key concepts (identify the nouns/noun phrases) • Circle the verbs (identify the skills) • Make a graphic organizer to chart unwrapped standards • Add correlation to Bloom’s & method of assessment • Compare to grade level standards both above and below Unwrapping template saved on Weebly
Work with your team to practice unwrapping a few of your ELA and/or math standards. You may also access the CA Common Core Standards on the Weebly and practice with those. • Resources/Unwrapping Templates on Edmodo (NSD PLC group page under Unwrapping the Standards folder) • Weebly under Seminar I-Unwrapping the Standards-link to California Content Standards and CA Common Core State Standards (cde website has both)
Team Work Time • Collaboration: Team norms or review the 5 Dysfunction and discuss (survey & review video on Weeblyif needed) • Essential standard selection or revision-complete ELA and math • Continue with Unwrapping current CA standards or practice with Common Core
Pacing Guides vs. Curriculum Map & Frameworks • Curriculum Framework:State mandated guidelines for the development of a K-12 standards-based curriculum • Curriculum Map:A district’s K-12 curriculum framework which specifies the learning expectations to be met by students at each grade level • Pacing Guide:Calendar based description of what teachers teach in a particular grade or course; the order in which it is taught, and the amount of time dedicated to teaching this content -Tennessee Department of Education
Pacing Guides • Outlines the order in which standards are taught • Defines amount of time dedicated to teaching standards (i.e. cycles, units, themes; average 4 to 6 weeks) • Ensures teaching of all standards but focuses primarily on teaching of Essential Standards • Alignedwith district assessments and teacher created assessments
Collaboration/teacher reflection time built into calendar/pacing (or have a separate one for this in addition to agenda) • Factors in school holidays, breaks and/or pupil free days • Ensures data is analyzed in a timely manner • Provides a framework to monitor student progress • Living document-work in progress
Pacing Guide Structures Collaboration • Used as the basis for team meetings/collaboration • Team leader may use to develop agenda • Outlines topics of discussion for data analysis, team planning, modeling and student work analysis • “It just keeps everyone on the same page.”
Sample Pacing Guides • McGrath Kindergarten-ELA • McGrath Second Grade-ELA • McGrath Second Grade-math • More Samples on Edmodo
Team Work Time • View the sample pacing guides on Edmodo-NSD PLC group within the Pacing Guide folder (other grade levels as well) • Decide on calendar or table version (or both?) • Start with ELA (to include writing) and then move onto math-complete for entire year • Use information from 2011-2012 STAR Data Analysis to shape pacing guide
Don’t forget to add in pupil free or non-instructional days-these will influence when you assess, RTI blocks, etc. • Collaboration, collaboration, collaboration • Option to add in resources, instructional strategies, technology focus
January Seminar • Dates are outlined on the Weebly • Bring completed ELA essential standards and pacing guides. • If you have completed math, bring those documents as well. • Any other resources related to data analysis, SMART Goals, assessments, and/or reteach/enrichment block