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Open Data Forum for the GCC

Open Data Forum for the GCC. Open Data in Flanders CITADEL..On the Move Open TransportNet Geert Mareels Coördinatiecel Vlaams e-government (CORVE /EiB) Twitter : @Mareelge Tel: + 32 2 553 0035 - E-mail: geert.mareels@bz.vlaanderen.be

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Open Data Forum for the GCC

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  1. Open Data Forum for the GCC Open Data in Flanders CITADEL..On the Move Open TransportNet Geert Mareels Coördinatiecel Vlaams e-government(CORVE /EiB) Twitter : @Mareelge Tel: + 32 2 553 0035 - E-mail: geert.mareels@bz.vlaanderen.be Boudewijngebouw 4B, Boudewijnlaan 30 bus 46, B-1000 Brussel, België Web: www.corve.be

  2. Our strategy • E-government is more than digitizing Bureaucracy • Don’t ask what the government knows • Reduce administrative burden • Award rights automatically • Open Data helps innovation • And we work for the municipalities too!

  3. The MAGDA - platform

  4. Reuse and enrich National State registry National Enterprise registry Social security FEDERAL LEVEL FLEMISH LEVEL VKBO VKBP VKBGeo “enriched” data on enterprises “enriched” data on persons Magda platform Flemish government entities

  5. MAGDA GEO programme MAGDA GEO platform • Enterprizesandindustrial sites • Schools • Monuments • Institutesfordisabledpeople • Use of terrainby farmers Municipalitiescanusethose fortheirterritory


  7. www.opendataforum.info/ www.vlaanderen.be/opendata

  8. Vlaamse InnovationProjectsbased on Open Data

  9. European projects

  10. Enabling Smart City Services through Open Data, Mobile Applications and Common Data Formats

  11. Citadel Vision “To become the European-wide Open Innovation ecosystem that unleashes the power of open access DATA and mobile TECHNOLOGY to help citizens and SMEs to develop interactive mobile solutions for Smart Cities that can be used on any device, anytime, anywhere.”

  12. CitadelObjectives Citadel makes it easy to • open and convert data • use and visualise data • create apps that work anytime, anywhere and across borders

  13. http://demos.citadelonthemove.eu/

  14. Citadel on the Move Apps....

  15. New Tools helping to open data • New App templates • Dataset converter • Application Generator Tool • Whitepaper • guidance for opening and using data

  16. @Me on the Move Across 3 Continents AMERICA AFRICA EUROPE By William (age 9) and Alex (age 8)

  17. Open Vlaanderen App..Enterprises, events, parking

  18. Results of the project : • Cities (andvillages) don’t have toinvest in building theirown mobile apps, justpublishtheir data following the “Citadel standards” • Developpers canbuild apps withpotentiallyevery EU citizen as a customer • Citizensdon’t have to download the same apps foreachcitytheyvisit. • Facebook Group: Citadel on the Move • Website : http://www.citadelonthemove.eu/ • All Cities can join as associate members .

  19. Open Transport Network Combine Open data from the public sector with data from contractors and citizens to have up to date information about road, cable networks, bridges, buildings;.. Will improve mobility and security.

  20. challenge Open Transport Net (OTN) • Stimulate innovation, business activities and improved public services by improving access to Open GI Data - especially for SMES Data: disharmonized, scattered across different domains, difficult to access, and, in the case of VGI, not validated. Technology: Spatial and non-spatial data needs to be combined/ linked in order to extract value and increase accuracy. Innovation: Businesses and other stakeholders need easier APIs and GUI for accessing and analyzing data and new services to more easily derive accurate insights and apply knowledge in a real world context.

  21. If GPS had existed in 1835, would we have built all those roadsigns?

  22. Questions ? / Remarks?

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