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Vocabulary Unit 9 . Caustic: Adjective- Able to dissolve or eat away by chemical action. Sharp and biting. Acid is a highly caustic material.
Caustic:Adjective- Able to dissolve or eat away by chemical action. Sharp and biting.
Censor:Noun- An official who examines art for immoral, offensive, or dangerous, and is empowered to remove this material.Verb: To examine for and remove objectionable material.
Noun: Being a censor is a difficult job. It is not always easy to distinguish art from obscenity.Verb: Many parents think reality shows should be censored.
Censure:Noun- Open and strong criticism or disapproval.Verb- To severely criticize.
I am wary of anyone who is quick to censure and slow to forgive.
Chagrin: Noun- Irritation, embarrassment, or humiliation caused by disappointment or frustration.Verb- To cause such a feeling.
Much to my chagrin, I made a fool of myself in “Dancing with the teachers.”
Charlatan:Noun- Anyone who claims to have skills or knowledge that he or she doesn’t possess.
The man who came to fix my dishwasher was a complete charlatan. He had no idea what he was doing.
Chronic:Adjective- Continuing over a long period of time or recurring often.
Circumspect:Adjective- Cautious or prudent, especially in regard to the consequences of actions or statements, tactful.
Always be circumspect when dealing with people you don’t know well.
Circumvent:Verb- To get around or avoid, especially by trickery or deception.
We planned our route so as to circumvent the road construction.
Clandestine:Adjective- Concealed from view so as to hide one’s purpose.
The spy held a clandestine meeting with officials from Russia.