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BROKERING PARTNERSHIPS WITH EMPLOYERS IN A REGION The North West Higher Level Skills Pathfinder Peter Davies Specialist Advisor Creative & Digital Industries 17 th April 2007. Outline. Context Northwest Region NWUA Creative & Digital Industries HLSP Background NW Model Brokerage
BROKERING PARTNERSHIPS WITH EMPLOYERS IN A REGIONThe North West Higher Level Skills PathfinderPeter Davies Specialist AdvisorCreative & Digital Industries17th April 2007
Outline • Context • Northwest Region • NWUA • Creative & Digital Industries • HLSP Background • NW Model • Brokerage • Development of Provision • HLSP Development Funding • Next Steps
Context • Context - Northwest Region The North West is a region of contrasts covering the five areas of Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Cheshire, Cumbria and Lancashire. With a population of 6.7 million the North West is larger than several EU countries. Four-fifths of the region is rural, but most people live in the urban areas; 60 per cent of people in the two core conurbations of Greater Manchester and Merseyside. The region generates 11 per cent of the UK's Gross Domestic Product, despite a decline in traditional manufacturing and engineering industries. New industries are growing - the region has the biggest film and television production industry outside London. Areas such as Cheshire, southern Greater Manchester, Liverpool and Manchester city centres continue to grow, but many communities have yet to see the fruits of this urban renaissance. This is reflected in the continued presence of North West neighbourhoods high in the Indices of Deprivation.
Context • Context - Northwest Region They are areas with acute needs. The Northwest has significant concentrations of unemployment. £3 billion of the GVA gap is caused by fewer people working than the England average. Despite recent improvements, there are still major concentrations of deprivation and poor conditions restricting economic growth, closely associated with health inequalities and high crime. The Northwest employment rate is 73%, 2% behind the England average. The Northwest would need 80,000 more people in work to bridge the gap. 90% of the gap is in six districts: Liverpool, Manchester, Knowsley, Halton, Salford and Barrow. Regional Economic Strategy (RES) – Northwest Development Agency Vision - A dynamic, sustainable international economy which competes on the basis of knowledge, advanced technology and an excellent quality of life for all.
Context • Context - Northwest Region Skills component of the RES to be delivered by the Regional Skills Partnership expressed via the North West Statement of Skills Priorities 2007-2010. The RSP outlines the need to focus on five key objectives: 1 Tackle the lack of basic skills and qualifications to improve employability and reduce unemployment. 2 Meet the skills needs of sectors and growth opportunities - essential to support expansion. 3 Invest in workforce development - the development of intermediate and higher level skills in the current workforce is a key driver of productivity and economic growth. Increase the number of people in the workforce with graduate qualifications by 120,000 in order to meet the England average. 4 Develop leadership, management and enterprise skills - crucial to company survival, innovation and productivity improvement. 5 Develop the educational infrastructure and skills of the future workforce - ensuring young people are developing the skills they need for employment and progression to Higher Education.
Context • Context - Northwest Region “Level 4 and 5 skills are required for growth in the knowledge economy. However, the region has fewer people with level 4 skills than the England average. Although the training of new graduates and their retention is high, the proportion of the existing workforce with the higher level skills required for the knowledge economy is inadequate” Regional Economic Strategy 2006-09
Context • Context – NWUA The Higher Education Institutions of the North West: • Have nearly 235,000 students on certificated programmes. • Have more than 53,000 students graduating annually in the North West. • Generate a total annual turnover of around £1.6 billion. • Employ more than 33,000 staff. • Win over £220 million from research grants and contracts. • North West universities achieved scores of 4 or more (signifying nationally and internationally recognised research) in 62 of the 68 Research Assessment Exercise 2001. • North West universities achieved scores of 5* (the highest award) in one third of all subjects in the 2001 RAE.
Context • Context – NWUA NWUA is the representative body of the sixteen higher education institutions in the North West of England and within this role NWUA has the following objectives: • To provide a means whereby member institutions may co-ordinate their regional activities • Identify opportunities for collaborative action so as to maximise their contribution to the social, economic and cultural life of the North West of England • Develop partnerships with business, industry and public bodies accordingly. • Facilitate and effect such joint activities or collaborations within the Region with Members and/or non-members, as agreed by the member institutions.
Context • Context – NWUA Members The University of Bolton University of Central Lancashire University of Chester Cumbria Institute of the Arts Edge Hill University Lancaster University The University of Liverpool Liverpool Hope University Liverpool John Moores University The University of Manchester Manchester Metropolitan University The Open University in the North West University of Salford St Martin's College Royal Northern College of Music Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts
Context • Context – Creative & Digital Industries The Creative and Digital sector in the North West is a key and growing driver of the regional economy. The North West Development Agency has identified Creative and Digital Industries as a priority sector in the region. In the North West it is estimated that approximately 140,000 people are employed in the sector in 26,000 companies and it creates some £6billion, 4.5% of regional wealth. The sector footprint is vast and varied but broadly includes: audio visual industries, apparel, footwear and textiles advertising, crafts, cultural heritage, design, music and the arts information technology in relation to creative and digital industries
Context • Context – Creative & Digital Industries CDI in the NW now identified as second largest cluster in Europe. Much of the gravitational pull is around Media City development / BBC move to Salford Quays / 5 departments operational by 2011. 1 billion + GVA growth year on year predicted! There is now a sense that we are moving from consultation and strategy development in relation to skills to practical innovation and delivery. Lots of optimism, real sense of the scale of the opportunity, desire to really join up effectively particularly with the range of public sector support.
HLSP Background HEFCE Pathfinder Objectives • Embed HE in employer workforce development and skills strategies regionally, sectorally and nationally • Embed workforce development and skills in HE providers’ strategies • Promote greater co-funding of HE provision by employers
HLSP Background The Leitch Review (2006) Current practice: • supply-side in education dominates what skills are delivered • demand-side is not interpreted as ‘what employers need’ • over 22,000 qualifications, many little valued • complexity and bureaucracy are a major deterrent • regional-based structure misses sector needs Leitch view: • a system that gives employers the strongest voice is essential • the world of skills to be simplified, fewer employer-facing bodies • develop relevant, up-to-date skills qualifications • sector-based organisation based on Sector Skills Councils
North West Model • Two main aspects to the NW model • Brokerage Business Link IDB Brokers Train to Gain Skills Brokers HLSP supports brokerage via: 4 Specialist HE Advisors Online searchable database of current HE provision Training of brokers to increase knowledge of HE • Development of Provision Reactive – in response to demand identified through the brokerage Proactive – through partnerships with SSCs, cluster organisations Co-ordinated with Foundation Degree Forward and regional Lifelong Learning Networks
North West Model • Working with Sector Skills Councils
North West Model • Brokerage Through the LSC Train to Gain Skills Brokers Skills brokers: • are independent • will be trained and accredited against the National Brokerage Competency Framework • help employers identify training needs and appropriate training providers at all skills levels • can be sector specific • understand remit of SSC’s and will be conversant with the sector priorities of individual SSCs
North West Model • Brokerage Through the regional IDB (Information / Diagnosis / Brokerage) ‘Business Link’ service Launched 1st April 2007 Refers higher level activity via the Specialist Advisors Provides consistent regional service with Regional Economic Strategy sector focus Highly responsive involving sector specific and generic brokers Significant investment in knowledge platform (including information on HE provision gathered via HLSP)
North West Model • Development of Provision • Reactive : when needs are identified by brokers they will work with the specialist advisors to link to HEIs / FECs interested in meeting this need • Proactive : 4 sectors identified for initial focus • Advanced Engineering and Materials • Creative and Digital Industries • Business and Professional Services • Construction
North West Model • Development of Provision • Four sector panels convened involving SSCs, NWDA, SSPAs and LSC • Panels will produce guidance and issue call for proposals, then assess proposals and agree funding • Panels will also consider funding development which emerge from the brokerage activity • Funding available includes development money and ASNs
HLSP Development Funding • Applications for development funding will be assessed by each Sector Panel • Proposals will be assessed against SSC criteria to ensure development funding is driven by employer demand • Additional Student Numbers applications sent to Steering Group for approval • Feedback to providers from Specialist Advisors, opportunity to re-apply if unsuccessful • Led by relevant Sector Skills Councils Creative & Cultural Skills / Skillset / Skillfast – UK / eSkills UK Also includes LSC & NWDA • Supported by the Pathfinder Project Manager and Specialist Advisor
HLSP Development Funding • Gateway Criteria for all applications • Demand led / Meets a recognised skills gap Refer to SSC Prospectus, RES, Regional Statement of Learning and Skills Priorities, additional sector research if appropriate Employer linkages/engagement Funding can only be allocated to proposals that demonstrate this • No displacement Does not currently exist in region Can include development of existing provision to be delivered in a new format (e.g. online) to meet employer demand
HLSP Development Funding • Gateway Criteria for all application • Learning Outcomes All Level 4 and above provision but must have accreditation What are the progression opportunities? • Management and QA Detail mechanisms for the management, monitoring and review of new provision Include diversity and equal opportunities considerations
HLSP Development Funding • Application Process Project / Programme Description • Include project objectives, and a full description of how proposal will offer new/adapted provision • Detail any partner institutions • Refer to additional guidance from FDF for the development of Foundation Degrees Timescales / Project Milestones Target audience & identification / Evidence of employer involvement / Anticipated numbers of learners • Funding will only be granted to proposals that show detailed evidence in the development and delivery of new provision • Fully detail all employer contributions, e.g. financial, in kind etc. Include letters of support where possible
HLSP Development Funding • Application Process Development Funding Required • Enter a full summary of all costs • Include details of funding from any other sources Additional Student Numbers • Enter as FTEs • Include number and year required Mainstreaming & Sustaining Activity • Areas to consider include plans to maintain and expand employer linkages and strategies to promote demand-led curriculum development • HEFCE strategy on employer engagement Staff Development • Detail staff development needs within institution • This will inform other HLSP activity in conjunction with HE Academy
Next Steps • First call for proposals launched on Friday 16th March, deadline for first round is 30th April • Specialist Advisors will be visiting HEIs and FECs to discuss and support development within each of their sectors • HE Providers work in partnership with employers to submit proposal, proposals approved and funded • Continue development of database of HE provision and integration with the Business Link Knowledge Platform • Specialist Advisors to job shadow T2G brokers • Roll out training and development for T2G and Business Link skills brokers
Further Information For further information on the HLS Pathfinder please contact: Dr Celia Brigg Assistant Director (Skills) cbrigg@nwua.ac.uk 0161 2348891 Fiona McGregor Specialist Advisor (Construction) fmcgregor@nwua.ac.uk 07769 883460 Peter Davies Specialist Advisor (Digital & Creative Industries) pdavies@nwua.ac.uk 07769 882 487 Eddie Keating Specialist Advisor (Business & Professional Services) ekeating@nwua.ac.uk 07769 883 460 Karen Lang Senior Officer klang@nwua.ac.uk 0161 2340438 Virginia Mitchell Administration Assistant vmitchell@nwua.ac.uk 0161 2340431