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Poland ITE exchange

This exchange program between Liverpool Hope University and Nicholas Copernicus University aims to improve pedagogical skills by learning from each other's backgrounds. Opportunities include teaching abroad, cultural impact studies, and team teaching experiences.

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Poland ITE exchange

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  1. Poland ITE exchange

  2. Background The exchange involves the PGCE Secondary Geography students at Liverpool Hope University and the Geography Education students at Nicholas Copernicus University Torun. The aim is to learn from each others pedagogical and didactic background using the international dimension to allow active and reflective learning for both staff and students.

  3. Rationale • Opportunity to teach in another country • Opportunity to study the impact of culture on children’s education • Teaching pupils for whom English is a second language • Team teaching experience • Research opportunities • Teaching outside the students comfort zone • To developed shared approaches in classroom practice and pedagogy • To understand the European dimensions in geography teaching

  4. Why Poland ? Why Torun? • Established link with Hope through the HERODOT network • Many schools teach Geography in English • The N.W. and partnership schools have a strong and growing Polish immigrant population • Research links between the two universities already exist and can easily be further developed

  5. Structure of the exchange In Poland • ITT students spend 5 days in Torun • Each student teachers a geography lesson in English to a class of Polish students on a topic of their choice at GCSE level. • The student teacher is supported by his/her peers who work as teaching assistants during the lesson • ITT students complete presentations to the Polish ITT on aspects of the UK education structure and policy • ITT students develop a research topic based around their Polish experience for their final assignment.

  6. Structure of the exchange In the UK • Polish students spend 5 full days in Liverpool • 2 days spent in partnership schools - team teaching KS3 lessons on Poland • Observation of geography and English lessons in partnership schools • University based joint sessions with Hope’s ITT Geographers on thinking skills, learning to learn, AFL and sharing good practice. • Fieldtrip to Ainsdale sand dunes and the Trafford Centre

  7. Research opportunities and further development • The students final assignment is linked to an area of research linking the UK and Polish education system. Many look at gifted and talented as one of the schools we teach in in Torun is the Polish school for gifted and talented pupils. • Links are being developed to offer a module on the MA in education at Hope that links into the Polish experience and will offer the opportunity to return and develop the initial research into a masters dissertation. • Partnership schools are developing links through Hope with the Polish schools.

  8. Research opportunities and further development 4.Current research is being undertaken to determine to what extent fieldwork and exchanges enhance the ITT experience and build confidence in the trainees for developing their own fieldwork and trips 5. Joint research between Poland, UK, Romania and Turkey ITT geography lecturers is currently being explored. This might lead to an extension of the exchange to include other countries and subjects

  9. Students evaluations Students evaluations Student evaluations to date have been very positive with many of the students planning to return and complete their masters at Hope. Students found the chance to team teach and observe each other and their lecturers teach has enhanced their teaching experience and has given them more confidence in the classroom.

  10. HERODOT International Geography conference • Liverpool Hope University, Sept 4-7 2008 • Future Prospects in Geography • Date for abstracts – March 1st applications – May 19th • Free for HERODOT members, joining is free • See http://www.herodot.net • Conference publication • Dinner @ Liverpool FC • Field excursion in the European Capital of Culture • Contact Glenda wallg@hope.ac.uk or Karl Donert donertk@hope.ac.uk

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