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Nuclear Changes

Nuclear Changes. Section 1: What is Radioactivity?. Vocabulary. Radioactivity Nuclear radiation Alpha particle Beta particle Gamma Ray Neutron emission Half-life. Nuclear Radiation. To discuss radiation, we need to define radioactivity

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Nuclear Changes

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  1. Nuclear Changes Section 1: What is Radioactivity?

  2. Vocabulary • Radioactivity • Nuclear radiation • Alpha particle • Beta particle • Gamma Ray • Neutron emission • Half-life

  3. Nuclear Radiation • To discuss radiation, we need to define radioactivity • Radioactivity is a PROCESS by which an unstable nucleus emits one or more particles or energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation • This means two things can happen because of radioactivity • The nucleus of an atom gives off some particle • Energy (electromagnetic energy) is given off by the atom

  4. Changes in Nucleus • Radioactive materials have unstable nuclei • These nuclei undergo changes by emitting particles or radiation • After the changes in the nucleus, the element CAN transform into a new element entirely • But doesn’t always • This process of changing the nucleus is called nuclear decay • The released energy and matter from nuclear decay is called nuclear radiation • CAN cause damage to living tissue

  5. Types of Nuclear Radiation • There are four types of nuclear radiation • Alpha particles • Beta particles • Gamma rays • Neutron emission • After a radioactive atom decays, the nuclear radiation leaves the nucleus of the atom • This nuclear radiation then interacts with nearby matter • The result of this interaction depends on the nuclear radiation itself

  6. Alpha Particles, • Alpha particles are positively charged and more massive than any other type of nuclear radiation • Made of 2 protons and 2 neutrons from the unstable nucleus • Is effectively the nucleus of a helium atom • Alpha particle don’t travel far through other materials • Will barely pass through a sheet of paper • This is because it’s so massive • Because they have a positive charge, they remove electrons (ionize) matter as they pass through • As they ionize material they lose energy and slow down even more

  7. Beta Particles, • Beta particles are fast moving electrons • Travels farther through matter than alpha particles • Still comes from the nucleus • How this works • A neutron (neutral) decays to form a proton and an electron • The electron is then ejected from the nucleus • The proton stays in the nucleus (making this atom a new element) • Will penetrate paper, but can be stopped by 3mm of aluminum foil or 10 mm of wood. • Like alpha particles, will also ionize matter they pass through • And as they ionize matter, they lose energy and slow down

  8. Gamma Rays  • Discovered by Marie Curie in 1898 • Gamma rays are high energy electromagnetic radiation emitted by a nucleus during radioactive decay. • Much more penetrating than beta particles • Not made of matter like alpha and beta particles • Does not possess a electrical charge • Because of no electrical charge, does not easily ionize matter it passes through • Damages materials due to high energy, not due to ionization • Because they don’t ionize matter, not easily stopped • Can penetrate up to 60 cm of aluminum or 7 cm of lead

  9. Neutron Emission • Neutron emission is the release of high-energy neutrons by some neutron-rich nuclei during radioactive decay • Scientists actually discovered the neutron by neutron emission • Because neutrons have no charge, they do not ionize matter like alpha and beta particles • Since they don’t ionize, they don’t waste their energy ionizing • So neutrons will travel farther through matter than either alpha or beta particles • A block of lead about 15 cm thick is required to stop most fast moving neutrons during radioactive decay.

  10. Nuclear Decay • When an unstable nucleus emits and alpha or beta particle, the number of protons and neutrons changes. • Example: radium-226 changes into radon-222 by emitting an alpha particle

  11. Alpha Decay • A nucleus will give up two protons and two neutrons during alpha decay • We can write the nuclear decay process like a chemical equation • The nucleus before the decay is like a reactant • Placed on the left side of the equation • The nucleus after the decay is like a product • Placed on the right side of the equation • The particle emitted also treated like a product

  12. Example Equation • Radium-226  Radon-222 • Hint on reading these • Number on top is the mass number • Number of protons + neutrons • Number on bottom is the atomic number • Number of protons • Has mass been conserved here? • Yes

  13. Summary of Alpha Decay • During alpha decay • The mass number (top #) goes down by 4 • The atomic number (bottom #) goes down by 2 • Will always have the alpha particle as part of the products.

  14. Beta Decay • During beta decay, a nucleus GAINS a proton and loses a neutron • This means that in total, the mass number (top #) stays the same • Atomic number (bottom #) increases by one

  15. Gamma Ray Decay • When a nucleus undergoes nuclear decay by gamma rays, there is no change to the atomic number • Only the energy of the nucleus changes

  16. Nuclear Decay Practice-Determine: A, Z, X and type of decay

  17. Radioactive Decay Rates • It is impossible to predict the moment when any particular nucleus will decay • But it is possible to predict the time it takes for half of the nuclei in a given sample to decay • The time it takes for half of a sample of radioactive nuclei to decay is called the sample’s half-life.

  18. Half-Life • Half-life is just a certain amount of time • Each substance has a unique half-life • After the first half life of a sample has passed, half of the sample will remain unchanged • After the second half life of a sample has passed, half of the half decays • leaving only a ¼ of the original sample unchanged • After 3rd half-life has passed, half of the ¼ remains (or 1/8) and so on and so forth

  19. Half-Life is a Measure of How Quickly a Substance Decays • Different radioactive isotopes have different half-lives • Half-lives can be as small as nanoseconds to billions of years (like Uranium-238) • The length of the half-life depends on the stability of the nucleus • The more stable the nucleus is, the longer the half-life

  20. Use of Half-Life • If you know how much of a particular radioactive isotope has present at the start, we can predict how old the object is • Geologists know the half-life of long-lasting isotopes, like potassium-40 • They use the half-lives of these isotopes to calculate the age of rocks • Potassium-40 decays into argon-40 • So the more argon-40 there is compared to the potassium-40, the older the rock is

  21. Archaeologists us the half-life of carbon-14 to date more recent materials • Remains of animal or fibers from recent clothing • Can only be used to date once-living things • The ratio of carbon-14 (radioactive) to carbon-12 (stable) decreases with time • So the more carbon-14 to carbon-12 there is, the newer the once-living organism is

  22. Nuclear Changes Section 2 – Nuclear Fission and Fusion

  23. Vocabulary • Strong nuclear force • Fission • Nuclear chain reaction • Critical mass • Fusion

  24. Nuclear Forces • Protons and neutrons are tightly packed into the tiny nucleus of an atom • Certain nuclei are unstable, and undergo decay • Elements can have stable and unstable isotopes • Carbon-12 is stable while carbon-14 is not • The stability of an nucleus depends on the nuclear forces holding the nucleus together. • These forces act between the protons and the neutrons

  25. Nuclei are held together by a special force • We know that like charges repel • Took scientists a while to determine how so many positively charged protons fit into an atomic nucleus without flying apart • Answer is the strong nuclear force • The strong nuclear force is the interaction that binds protons and neutrons together in a nucleus • This attraction is MUCH stronger than the repulsion between the protons • But force only occurs over very short distances (about the width of 3 protons)

  26. Neutrons contribute to nuclear stability • Due to the strong nuclear force, neutrons and protons in a nucleus attract other protons and neutrons • Because neutrons have no charge, they don’t repel anything • Whereas the protons, having charge, repel other protons • In a stable nuclei, the attractive forces are stronger than the repulsive forces

  27. Too many neutrons or protons • While neutrons help hold a nucleus together, too many neutrons makes a nucleus unstable • Nuclei with more than 83 protons are always unstable, no matter how many neutrons they have • These nuclei will always decay • Will always release large amounts of energy and nuclear radiation

  28. Nuclear Fission • The process of the production of lighter nuclei from heavier nuclei is called fission • During fission, a nucleus splits into two or more smaller nuclei, releasing neutrons and energy • Note that this fission reaction was started by firing 1 neutron at the Uranium-235 nucleus • Also note we produced more neutrons, energy, and 2 different, lighter nuclei

  29. Energy is released during nuclear fission • Each dividing nucleus releases about 3.2x10-11 J of energy • Compare this with TNT, which releases only 4.8x10-18J per molecule • During fission reactions, a small amount of mass is lost after the reaction • That mass was converted into energy • E = mc2

  30. Neutrons released by fission can start a chain reaction • A nucleus that splits when it is struck by a neutron forms smaller nuclei • Smaller nuclei need fewer neutrons, so excess neutrons are emitted • Excess neutrons can collide with another large nucleus • Triggering another nuclear reaction • Which releases more neutrons, and so on and so on

  31. Generally each nucleus split will generate about 3 neutrons • So each nucleus that fissions will cause 3 other nuclei to fission • This generates a nuclear chain reaction • A series of fission processes in which the neutrons emitted by a dividing nucleus cause the division of other nuclei. • The more nuclei released, the bigger the chain reaction will be

  32. Nuclear Fission of Uranium-235

  33. Figure 18

  34. Figure 18

  35. Figure 18

  36. Figure 19

  37. Figure 19

  38. Figure 19

  39. Figure 19

  40. Figure 19

  41. Figure 19

  42. Figure 19

  43. Figure 19

  44. Figure 19

  45. Animation

  46. Critical Mass • There has to be enough of the fissionable material in order for a chain reaction to occur • The minimum mass of a fissionable isotope in which a nuclear chain reaction can occur is called the isotope’s critical mass • This is how they make nuclear bombs

  47. Nuclear Fusion • Just like energy is obtained when nuclei break apart, energy can be obtained when very light nuclei are combined to form a heavier nuclei • This type of nuclear process is called fusion • Its how stars make energy • Requires LARGE amounts of energy

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