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WMO RIC Ljubljana activities 2009 – 2010 Prepared by Drago Groselj, Head of Calibration Laboratory Presented by Klemen Bergant, Director of Meteorol. Office Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia. DRR/SEE Project 1/2.
WMO RIC Ljubljana activities 2009 – 2010 Prepared by Drago Groselj, Head of Calibration Laboratory Presented by Klemen Bergant, Director of Meteorol. Office Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia
DRR/SEE Project1/2 • The WMO project on “Regional cooperation in South Eastern Europe for meteorological, hydrological and climate data management and exchange in support of disaster risk reduction” (DRR/SEE Project) includes activities on enhancing the capacity of the NMHSs of the Western Balkans for standardized calibration and maintenance of observational instruments. • The main objective of the activity is to ensure sustainable quality of the meteorological and hydrological data produced and exchanged in the region. • DRR/SEE Project is financed by the Directorate General Enlargement of the European Commission.
DRR/SEE Project 2/2 The action was targeted to the following beneficiary countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99), and Turkey. The proposed capacity building activity was divided in two components: • An assessment mission to each target country (Nov 2009 to May 2010) and • Training Workshop on Calibration at the WMO Regional Instrument Centre, Slovenia (May 2010).
Current State of Traceability • Traceability of reference standards at NHMSs having calibration laboratories was recognized (Croatia, Serbia and Turkey). Traceability is usually linked to NMIs. Traceability is disseminated to the field measuring instruments. • One inter-comparison of basic meteorological quantities has been performed recently in the region (RIC Ljubljana - 2007). • Several NHMSs (without CL capacity) reported their instrumentation had not been calibrated for a decade. • Initial traceability to the manufacturers of instruments is used.
Training Workshop on Calibration, May 2010 • The Training workshop on calibration was hosted by Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana from 10th to 14th of May 2010. Training workshop was proposed for two persons from each NMHS - calibration laboratory manager and technician. • First two days were dedicated to quality assurance issues (managers) and last three days of workshop were dedicated to practical work in laboratory (technical personnel).
Summary of discussions and suggestions • Set-up a calibration kit with a set of basic meteorological quantities (temperature, relative humidity, air pressure) for on-site testing/calibration of field measuring instruments. RIC Ljubljana would assure traceability of travelling instruments. • Calibration of some filed measuring instruments at Regional Instrument Centre to be used for the testing/calibration of the instruments in the network. • RIC interlaboratory comparisons and cooperation between organizations within the Sub-region. • Assistance in improvement of calibration procedures (accreditation, equipment...).