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1QQ # 3: Answer one.

1QQ # 3: Answer one. A) Describe a situation that would lead to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. B) How does sympathetic stimulation affect the secretion from beta cells in the Islets of Langerhans? C) What is the effect of sympathetic stimulation on hepatocytes?

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1QQ # 3: Answer one.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1QQ # 3: Answer one. • A) Describe a situation that would lead to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. B) How does sympathetic stimulation affect the secretion from beta cells in the Islets of Langerhans? C) What is the effect of sympathetic stimulation on hepatocytes? • After an overnight fast, a patient arrives for an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test. The first blood sample (even before ingestion of the Tru-Glu cola shows a plasma glucose concentration of 150 mg/dl. A) Do you have the patient drink the Tru-Glu? Why or why not? B) What might you do next to determine what is “wrong” with your patient?

  2. T4 to T3 and Testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone What happens to hormones once released? Be able to give Examples. Ex: Renin Fast if free Slow if bound

  3. Factors that affect hormone secretion EPI, TRH, TSH, DA, incretins, etc. Na+, K+, Ca++, glucose, etc. NE, ACh, etc. Integrator! Recall example: beta cells of Islets of Langerhans Secretion is usually pulsative, may be diurnal.

  4. Fig. 11.08 Permissive effect Thyroid hormone stimulates production of beta-adrenergic receptors, which increases the target cell’s responsiveness to EPI.

  5. S 3 Classification of Endocrine disorders • Hypersecretion • Primary • Secondary • Hyposecretion • Primary • Secondary • Hyper-responsive target • Hypo-responsive target hypothalamus CRH ACTH Cortisol Anterior pituitary Adrenal Cortex

  6. S3 Fig. 11.12a Receives input from many regions of brain; many factors Affect its function Homeostatsis center.

  7. S4 Fig. 11.12b NeurohypophysisAdenohypophysis 6 Vasopressin (= Antidiuretic hormone)Oxytocin

  8. Tropic hormones control the function Trophic hormones promote survival and growth of targets Releasing Hormone Release-inhibiting Hormone S 6 A P P P P P Hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system P P P P P P A S S

  9. Tropic hormones control the function Trophic hormones promote survival and growth of targets Releasing Hormone Release Inhibiting Hormone S 7 Short-loop Neg. Feed. Long-loop negative feedback

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