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e¯e ⁺-> Z, γ , Z’* -> μ¯μ. 3 TeV , comparison e¯:80,e ⁺30, with e¯:90,e ⁺:none and e¯:80,e⁺:none Model dependent couplings determination, at 1.4 TeV Systematic error assumptions at 3 TeV and 1.4 TeV : μ± reconstruction efficiency an ID : Δσ / σ = 1%
e¯e⁺-> Z, γ, Z’* ->μ¯μ • 3 TeV, comparison • e¯:80,e⁺30, with e¯:90,e⁺:none and e¯:80,e⁺:none • Model dependent couplings determination, at 1.4 TeV • Systematic error assumptions at 3 TeV and 1.4 TeV: • μ± reconstruction efficiency an ID : Δσ/σ = 1% • μ± charge confusion : ΔAFB/AFB=1% • Luminosity : Δσ/σ = 0.5 % • Polarization : Δσ/σ = 1% WG6, J-J.Blaising, LAPP/IN2P3
e¯e⁺-> Z, γ, Z’* ->μ¯μ, 3 TeV Contour .. .. was ALR(BSM)90%-ARL(SM)80% Instead ALR(BSM)90%-ARL(SM)90% Sensitivity from ALX: Χ²=(ALX(SM)-ALX(BSM) )²/(ΔALX(BSM)²) Contour plots H2(mZ’, gY, √ Χ²) Upper Left plot : e¯80:e⁺0 , L 2x500 Upper Right plot: e¯80:e⁺30, L 2x500 Lower Right plot : e¯90:e⁺0 ,L 2x500 e⁺:30% polarization ↗ sensitivity e¯:90% is not ~ to 30% e+ polarization WG6, J-J.Blaising, LAPP/IN2P3
e¯e⁺-> Z, γ, Z’* ->μ¯μ, 1.4 TeVmZ’, gY Sensitivity gBL=0.05 L=200 fb¯¹ L=500 fb¯¹ With 500 fb¯¹ sensitivity up to ~ 7 TeV WG6, J-J.Blaising, LAPP/IN2P3
gBL, gY contour mZ’=5 TeV, √s=1.4 TeV, L=200 fb¯¹ • At 1.4 TeV cross sections are about 4.5 times larger • Good sensitivity with σ already with 200 fb¯¹ For each observable compute χ² in each bin Compute χ² = Σχ²i χ² > 9. in all bins, except region of very low gBL, gY values WG6, J-J.Blaising, LAPP/IN2P3
gBL, gY contour mZ’=5 TeV, √s=1.4 TeV, L=500 fb¯¹ WG6, J-J.Blaising, LAPP/IN2P3
gBL, gY determination mZ’=5 TeV√s=1.4 TeV, L=200 fb¯¹ Assume that LHC discovers a Z’ of Mass mZ’=5 TeV At CLIC compare Data with model (SSM) For each observable, compute : Χ²₁=(σ(SSM)- σ(D) )² /(Δσ(D)²) Χ²₂=(AFB(SSM)-AFB(D) )²/(ΔAFB²) Χ²₃=(ALX(SSM)-ALX(D) )²/(ΔALX²) χ²= Χ²₁ + Χ²₂+ Χ²₃ Errors from Data point χ² contour-> minimum found gBL=0.45 and gY=0.45 3 σ contour Δg/g ~ 5% for L=2x200 fb¯¹ ↘ to 1.5% for 2x500 gb-1 Couplings may be smaller WG6, J-J.Blaising, LAPP/IN2P3
gBL, gY determination mZ’=5 TeV√s=1.4 TeV, L=200 fb¯¹ e¯:80%,e⁺:none gBL-0.15, gY=0.15 gBL-0.25, gY=0.25 3 σ contour and 1 σ errors gBL-0.25, gY=0.25 e¯:80%,e⁺:none e¯:80%,e⁺:30% Small contour reduction WG6, J-J.Blaising, LAPP/IN2P3
gBL, gY determination mZ’=5 TeV√s=1.4 TeV, L=200, 500 fb¯¹ e¯:80%,e⁺:none gBL-0.15, gY=0.15 L=200 fb¯¹ Δg/g~20% L=500 fb¯¹ Δg/g 15% e¯:80%,e⁺:none gBL-0.25, gY=0.25 L=200 fb¯¹ Δg/g~ 10% L=500 fb¯¹ Δg/g~ 5% Errors ↘ when gGL or gY ↗ WG6, J-J.Blaising, LAPP/IN2P3
Summary • At 1.4 TeV, with 0.5 ab-1, the cross section measurement gives a • sensitivity to a Z’ up to 7 Tev • For mZ’=5 TeV and 2x.0.5ab¯¹ gBL and gY can be determined with • an accuracy between 1.5 and15% depending on the value of the • couplings WG6, J-J.Blaising, LAPP/IN2P3